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Double Dutch Ad-hoc Group of Experts EQF and Sport 26 September 2012 Poznan, Poland Jan Minkhorst, NOC*NSF /Academy for Sports Executives.

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Presentation on theme: "Double Dutch Ad-hoc Group of Experts EQF and Sport 26 September 2012 Poznan, Poland Jan Minkhorst, NOC*NSF /Academy for Sports Executives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Dutch Ad-hoc Group of Experts EQF and Sport 26 September 2012 Poznan, Poland Jan Minkhorst, NOC*NSF /Academy for Sports Executives

2 Netherlands Olympic Committee * Netherlands Sports Confederation 78 member federations 200 sports 30.000 clubs 1.200.000 volunteers 5.500.000 sportspeople 140 employees Academy for sports executives

3 Ambitions 1.Sports for all: Increase participation 65% 75% 2.Elite sport: Top 10 of the World

4 Financial structure NOC*NSF: funded by Lottery, Partners in Sports (sponsoring) en (governmental) subsidies Federations: funded by lottery (programs of NOC*NSF), sponsorships, fees of members (clubs)

5 System for the education and Continuous Professional Development of coaches

6 Levenslang sporten Sport for life Active start Basics of sport Learning to train Training to win Training to compete Performance Participation (Elite-) sportscareer Recreational sports Seniors- & Masters sport Schools & Sport Funsports Business sport Alternative Competitions Life Long Sport / Sport for life* * Based on LTAD Training to train Sporting with a disability

7 Ministries of Sports and Education NationalFederations Coachorganisations Higher education Vocational education coaches

8 Quality and quantity in Coaching Every sportsman a competent trainer/coach Every sporting event (game) a competent referee/official and Every club a competent board We need different coaches for the different target groups (For example: high performance versus recreation)

9 Organised on national level National (sport)competence framework on 5 levels for trainer/coach; and instructor Development of Competency based courses (including papers & Online) National Tutor training and training of Coach-educators Development of an register and licensing system for coaches Recognition of prior learning Supported by Electronic Learning Environment National examination & accreditation structure (Fine)Tuning/adjusting and increasing cooperation with formal education

10 Coach education diagram Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Higher Education (6) Vocational Education (34) Secundary Education (25) MasterT/C/I Top coach 5 SeniorT/C/I Federations (35) Trainer/coach/instru Federations (55) Assistent Trainer/Coach/Instr. Federations (35) Leader Federations (10) Universities (4) Educational Institutes Sports sector


12 Coach education diagram Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Higher Education (6) Vocational Education (34) Secundary Education (25) MasterT/C/I Top coach 5 SeniorT/C/I Federations (35) Trainer/coach/instru Federations (55) Assistent Trainer/Coach/Instr. Federations (35) Leader Federations (10) Universities (4) Educational Institutes Sports sector

13 Connection between formal and informal coach education Formal coach education is commissioned by the Ministry of Education The 1-5 level competence framework of NOC*NSF is a part of the competence framework of this framework (inclusion) Formalized by a statutory platform with representatives of employers, employees and educational institutes Official start: NCP October 1st. NOC*NSF will submit classification request in 2014 at the latest.

14 Thank you for your attention

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