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Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 1 Reporting LUCF to UN-FCCC: The Situation in Austria Workshop: Improving the Quality of Community GHG Inventories and Projections.

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Presentation on theme: "Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 1 Reporting LUCF to UN-FCCC: The Situation in Austria Workshop: Improving the Quality of Community GHG Inventories and Projections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 1 Reporting LUCF to UN-FCCC: The Situation in Austria Workshop: Improving the Quality of Community GHG Inventories and Projections for the LUCF Sector Ispra, September, 22 th -23 th, 2005 Alexandra Freudenschuß Peter Weiss

2 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 2 Overview Present quantification method of the C balance of the Austrian forest biomass Present approach of biomass expansion in Austria and comparison with different approaches A pragmatic uncertainty estimate Approach for estimating LUC from and to forest Ongoing and future activities

3 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 3 Institutional Responsibilities Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW): National Forest Inventory (NFI) National Forest Soil Inventory Umweltbundesamt: Austrian GHG Inventory Co-operation between Umweltbundesamt and BFW: for estimating CO2-balance of forests

4 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 4 Data sources Austrian NFI (BFW): measured data on forest area, increment and harvest, stocks since 1961 NFI: 4 x 4 km grid, 4 x 300 m 2 permanently marked sample plots at each grid point Further national statistics to derive relative indices for the calculation of annual data: Increment indices, annual Austrian records of wood felled, Austrian wood balance Literature data to derive conversion factors: wood densities, allometric relations and C- contents

5 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 5 Definition of Forest Land according to the Forest Act and NFI Area stocked by trees at least 1000 m 2 (NFI 500 m 2 ) average width of at least 10 m unstocked forest areas due to forest management practices Non-forest land: crown cover of less than 30% (except due to forest management practices) areas stocked by shrubs (except coppice stands and protective forests) rows of trees (except wind belts) short rotation plantations (rotation period < 30 years) Christmas tree cultures, forest nurseries, plantations for seeds of forest trees or fruits

6 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 6 Carbon Pools Reported: Biomass above ground and below ground Not estimated, so far: Litter/dead organic matter Soils Dead wood

7 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 7 Present quantification method of the C balance of the Austrian forest biomass Mean annual increment by NFI (m 3 stemwood o.b.) converted to Annual increment (m3 stemwood o.b.) converted to Annual increment (t stemwood o.b.) converted to Annual increment (t of total tree biomass) converted to Annual increment (t C of total tree) Mean annual drain by NFI (m 3 stemwood o.b.) converted to Annual drain (m 3 stemwood o.b.) converted to Annual drain (t stemwood o.b.) converted to Annual drain (t of total tree biomass) converted to Annual drain (t C of total tree) Net uptake/release [t C] = annual increment - annual drain [in t C]

8 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 8 Why do we use increment minus drain and not stock change method Results of NFI 2000/02 (BFW 2004): Stemwood volume stock: 988 +- 16 Mio. m 3 o.b. Mean annual stemwood increment: 27.3 +- 0.6 Mio. m 3 o.b. Mean annual stemwood drain: 19.5 +- 0.6 Mio. m 3 o.b. Uncertainty of volume stock has the same order of magnitude as the mean annual increment or drain Stock change method results in higher uncertainty of the figures for net uptake/release

9 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 9 Conversion of the mean for a NFI period to data for individual years Annual increment indices: based on 1,197 Austrian increment cores of Norway spruces across all age classes and site conditions (BFW and Institute for Forest Growth and Yield Research) Annual harvest indices: Austrian annual records of wood felled (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management)

10 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 10 Conversion of periodical means to annual values Mean annual incrementAnnual increment indices

11 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 11 Used data for the conversion factors m3 stemwood o.b. t d.m. stemwood: literature data on the densities of all Austrian tree species (= ratio of the dry mass over the water saturated volume of the stemwood) t d.m. stemwood t d.m. whole tree biomass (incl. below ground biomass): literature data from European ecosystem studies on dry mass relations of the stemwood to the other tree compartments for the main Austrian tree species (spruce, pine, beech, oak) and for individual age classes t d.m. whole tree biomass t C whole tree biomass: literature data on the C contents for individual tree compartments and species

12 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 12 Conversion and expansion factors for Austria The factors are calculated for each NFI period, separately for increment and drain and according to the individual age class and species composition:

13 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 13 Development of biomass functions on basis of Austrian data Discovering of several sets of single tree data from Austria: Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests (Neumann Markus) Institute of Botany (Univ. Innsbruck - Katharina Munk, Dagmar Rubatscher) Institute for Forest Growth and Yield Research (Univ. of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna - Otto Eckmüllner) Institute of Silviculture (Univ. of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna - Edi Hochbichler, Panagoitis Bellos, Erwin Lick) Request for additional national funding for the development of biomass functions on basis of these data (Umweltbundesamt as project co-ordinator) Results and functions will be published in a special issue of the Austrian Journal of Forest Science (end of 2005)

14 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 14 Uncertainty analysis the statistical uncertainty of the forest inventory the uncertainty related to the calculation of annual data the uncertainty related to the missing consistency of different statistics the uncertainty of each conversion and expansion factor (estimated by a pragmatic and conservative approach) Error propagation

15 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 15 Approach for LUC from and to forest (1) Data source: NFI 2000/2002 Evaluation of 2/3 of the forest boundary points where land use changes took place For the years before 1997 the same ratio of land use changes was assumed Annual increment on LUC to forest: 3m 3 /ha Average loss of stemwood o.b. on LUC from forests: 31.2±8.1 m 3 /ha (conif.), 6.5±1.9m 3 /ha (decid.)

16 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 16 Approach for LUC from and to forest (2)

17 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 17 Ongoing and future activities Development of biomass functions based on Austrian data finalised end 2005 recalculation of data series Provide data for LUC from and to cropland and grassland (Tier 1) Other categories (settlement, wetland, others) still under discussion

18 Ispra, 22./23.09.2005 | Folie 18

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