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January 18, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson secretly requested $2,500.00 from Congress to outfit an expedition that would “explore the Missouri River,

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Presentation on theme: "January 18, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson secretly requested $2,500.00 from Congress to outfit an expedition that would “explore the Missouri River,"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 18, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson secretly requested $2,500.00 from Congress to outfit an expedition that would “explore the Missouri River, and such principal streams of it, as, by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific Ocean…” and establish trade with the inhabitants of the land. Jefferson had fought with Congress for over a year to obtain the right to purchase the land west of the Missouri from the French. The new acquisition was bought for 12 million dollars. Less than 4 cents an acre. Plans for exploration began immediately. Leading the expedition would be Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark along with the Corps of Discovery. Lewis & Clark Journey into the Unknown West with the Corps of Discovery Expanding Jefferson’s America Thomas Jefferson Meriwether Lewis William Clark

2 January 18, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson secretly requested $2,500.00 from Congress to outfit an expedition that would “explore the Missouri River, and such principal streams of it, as, by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific Ocean…” and establish trade with the inhabitants of the land. Jefferson had fought with Congress for over a year to obtain the right to purchase the land west of the Missouri from the French. The new acquisition was bought for 12 million dollars. Less than 4 cents an acre. Plans for exploration began immediately. Leading the expedition would be Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark along with the Corps of Discovery. Lewis & Clark Journey into the Unknown West with the Corps of Discovery Expanding Jefferson’s America Thomas Jefferson Meriwether Lewis William Clark

3 This is the 1803 Map that was used by Lewis & Clark The Nicholas King Map of N. Western United States This is the Lewis and Clark map, with annotations in brown ink by Meriwether Lewis, tracing showing the Mississippi, the Missouri for a short distance above Kansas, Lakes Michigan, Superior, and Winnipeg, and the country onwards to the Pacific] Carried so far as the Mandan Village How much was known about the West? Missouri River Lake Superior & Lake Michigan Mississippi River Lake Winnipeg

4 The Corps of Discovery The Corps of Discovery that accompanied Lewis and Clark included 24 military privates, 4 sergeants, 7 non military including Sacagawea and her infant son Jean Baptiste ( “Pomp”), her husband and oldest member ; interpreter and trader Toussaint Charbonneau, Lewis’s slave; York, and his dog Seaman. No likenesses of any of the Corps exist, these are interpretations. Shoshone Woman like Sacagawea- Late 19th centaury Sculpture of York By Ed Hamilton New Foundland Like Seaman Toussaint Charbonneau

5 Preparations Your observations are to be taken with great pains and accuracy; to be entered distinctly and intelligibly for others as well as yourself; to comprehend all the elements necessary..Thomas Jefferson – Letter to Meriwether Lewis explaining their Mission Map of 1803 How would you Prepare for an Expedition of this Magnitude? Keep a journal. Write down your ideas, thoughts, and feelings as this presentation Continues. Make a list of the items that you think will be needed. Add to it as the presentation continues. What you know so far : You will use this map of 1803 as you prepare You will travel upstream on the Missouri River, cross rugged Indian country through the Bitter Root Mountains, then find a route to the Pacific. Jefferson portends that the mountain terrain will be like the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. You don’t know how long it will take. You must document and map this expedition with precision and in duplicate.


7 Lewis and Clark’s Trail Map published in 1810 Follow along with the Corps of Discovery as They begin at St. Louis and float up the Missouri, across the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean Start Here X Finish.....

8 The trip begins: In St. Louis on the of the Missouri River The sextant proved to be complicated and difficult for Lewis to use. The Corps used dead reckoning to calculate their position on the map What is dead reckoning? At the end of the expedition it was found that the map reading s were less than 50 miles off \ How could that be? L " All the preparations being completed, we left our encampment on Monday, May 14th, 1804. " Journal of Meriwether Lewis ‘Lewis’s compass & Magnet Sextant May 1804

9 Winter 1804 The Corps of Discovery Overwinter in North Dakota with The Mandan Indians Until April The weather to-day was colder than any we had yet experienced, the thermometer at sunrise being 45º below 0, … " Read journal entry for December 17, 1804 Read "Mandan Village” By Karl Bodmer This view of a Mandan village was executed in 1833, a generation after Lewis and Clark visited the upper Missouri River, but it captures a scene that closely matched the explorer’s description. Lewis and Clark had spent much of the winter writing a report about what they had seen so far. They dispatched it and about a dozen expedition members—plus 108 botanical specimens, 68 mineral specimens, and Clark’s map of the United States—aboard the keelboat, which was bound for St. Louis and, eventually, President Jefferson. Winter : December 1804 – April 1805 Lewis’s WoodpeckerReed

10 Reach the Great Falls of the Missouri The River, in modern day Montana This is a reproduction of one of the canoes built for the expedition. What does portage mean? How is this canoe equipped for portage? Lewis could hear the Great Falls from seven mile away! Now began the great portage around the falls to put their boats in the river upstream from the falls. No European had ever entered this country. June 16 – July 14, 1805

11 The Corps Cross the Continental Divide at Lemhi Pass,Idaho The role of the Native Americans cannot be under estimated. They provided the Corps with hand drawn maps that produced accurate representations of lands unknown to them like the one to the left. August 13 – August 31, 1805 Lemhi Pass "Lewis left us, with sergeant Gass, Charbonneau, and Drewyer, intending to go on in advance in search of the Shoshonees. " journal entry for August 01, 1805. The Continental Divide

12 Over the Bitter Root Mountains guided by “Old Toby” of the Nez Perce Indian Tribe "We now dried our clothes and other articles, and selected some articles such as the Indians admire, in order to purchase some provisions, as we have nothing left except a little dried fish, which operates as a complete purgative. journal entry for October 01, 1805 By inserting a wick into the mouth of these oil-rich fish, the dried fish could be used as candles. From Lewis’s Journal September 1 – October 6, 1805

13 Lewis & Clark reach this point of the Pacific Ocean, near Seaview, Washington November 15, 1805

14 And Back Again, September 23, 1806 r Lewis & Clark returned by the same route, often guided and helped by numerous Indian tribes. The Corps spilt up to explore the Marias River and the Yellow Stone River. They met up one month later at the exact meeting place, only 1 day behind one anotther with all the original members except 1!

15 Reflect Compare your list of supplies with the list that Meriwether Lewis made in the next slides. Why is this expedition important ? What made it difficult? How would you experience this expedition if you saw it through the eyes of : –A Native American –Sacagawea –A Corps member –Seaman

16 handkerchiefs powder Medicine and Medical Supplies: 50 dozen Dr. Rush’s patented "Rush’s pills“ lancets forceps syringes Tourniquets 1,300 doses of physic 1,100 hundred doses of emetic 3,500 doses of diaphoretic (sweat inducer) other drugs for blistering, salivation and increased kidney output Traveling Library: Barton’s Elements of Botany Antoine Simon Le Page du Pratz’s History of Louisiana Richard Kirwan’s Elements of Mineralogy A Practical Introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris a four-volume dictionary a two-volume edition of Linnaeus (the founder of the Latin classification of plants) tables for finding longitude and latitude map of the Great Bend of the Missouri River yards of bright-colored cloth 130 rolls of tobacco tomahawks that doubled as pipes 288 knives 8 brass kettles vermilion face paint 33 pounds of tiny beads of assorted colors Clothing: 45 flannel shirts coats Frocks shoes woolen pants blankets knapsacks Stockings Arms and Ammunition: 15 prototype Model 1803 muzzle-loading.54 caliber rifles knives 500 rifle flints 420 pounds of sheet lead for bullets 176 pounds of gunpowder packed in 52 lead canisters 1 long-barreled rifle that fired its bullet with compressed air, rather than by flint, spark and Partial Supply List for the Expedition

17 Congress approved A budget of $2,500.00 for supplies What would that be equivalent to today? What do you know so far….. Land in 1803 - $.04/ acre Today app. Land prices? Mathematical Instruments: surveyor’s compass hand compass quadrants Telescope thermometers 2 sextants set of plotting instruments chronometer (needed to calculate longitude) Camp Supplies: 150 yards of cloth to be oiled and sewn into tents and sheets pliers chisels 30 steels for striking to make fire handsaws hatchets whetstones iron corn mill two dozen tablespoons mosquito curtains 10 1/2 pounds of fishing hooks and fishing lines 12 pounds of soap

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