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Maximising the return from PSI - Address Information Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst 2007 NORDIC ADDRESS MEETING TÓRSHAVN, FAROE ISLANDS 29.05.07 funded.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximising the return from PSI - Address Information Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst 2007 NORDIC ADDRESS MEETING TÓRSHAVN, FAROE ISLANDS 29.05.07 funded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximising the return from PSI - Address Information Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst 2007 NORDIC ADDRESS MEETING TÓRSHAVN, FAROE ISLANDS 29.05.07 funded by eContentPlus

2 Presentation Outline The PSI Directive - a status report The ePSIplus Thematic Network The Re-use of Address Information Towards a European Address forum Summary Visible Hidden Visible Hidden Visible Hidden Visible Presentation Framework Visible Hidden

3 EU Co-Decision Process Re-use PSI 5.06.02 31.12.03 19 Months Member States Transposition 18 Months EU27 = 39+ Months 1.07.05 21+ months Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Member State Public Sector compliance Step 4 Impact on Current PSI re-users Compliance Time to Reach Critical Mass European Parliament, Commission, Council Review July 2008 Establishing the PSI framework

4 As at 1st May 2007 Establishing the PSI framework

5 Establishing the PSI framework

6 Establishing the PSI framework The European Commission has referred five Member States: Austria Belgium Portugal Spain Luxembourg to the European Court of Justice. The European Commission is in review with several Member States over their transposition. Three Member States transposed via a deferred transposition: Malta (Now complete). Cyprus - 20.04.07 now over due, Romania - 40 days to go

7 ePSIplus: Impact of PSI Directive Directive 2003/98/EC Sensor: The Re-user Harmonisation achieved through: EU reviews, Complaints, Court Cases Member State 27 Member State 3 Member State 2 Member State 1 27+x Variants of the Directive The diffusion effect Issues: 1.Methods of reducing variance. 2.Lack of EU enforcement.

8 ePSIplus: Impact of PSI Directive (27+x) Variants of the Directive Sensor: The Re-user Harmonisation achieved through: EU reviews, Complaints, Court Cases Directive 2003/98/EC Member State 27 Member State 3 Member State 2 Member State 1 EC - Luxembourg Public Body 1+X Public Body 1 The democratic process lag! The harmonisation process lag!

9 Establishing the PSI framework Denmark Iceland, Norway Finland, Sweden Denmark: New Law 596 26.06.2005 Finland: Existing laws passed in 1991, 1992, & 1999 Iceland: Amended Law 50/1996 now 161/2006 15.12.2006 Norway: New FOI law comes into force 1.01.2008 Sweden: Existing laws passed in 19987, 1989, 1994, 1995 & 1997 The NORDIC conundrum with respect to PSI re-use

10 Establishing the PSI framework Government of Sweden challenged! Government Awareness: Open Sweden Campaign 2002 Various reports EU Projects e.g. Barriers to eGov

11 Establishing the PSI framework Finland: Re-user Weather Services - April 2007 Some positive development is going on, especially in the Netherlands, the UK, Norway and Spain Some negative development recently on internet and broadcasting rules Inertia in the governmental organisations very strong EU global competitiveness getting even worse if politicians do not take action Long-term forecast thus: we need a good data policy storm first to get the sun eventually shining

12 Maximum score for the Legal Theme is 20 Establishing the PSI framework

13 EU PSI Directive ( broad) Political Review 2004200520062007 1.07.05 Member States comply 20082009 PSI directive came into force 31.12.03 Started in 1987 may achieve its objectives by 2017: 30 Years! We are here! EC Info Soc monitoring via contracts and projects such as ePSIplus Estimate as to when all EU27 will have Transposed the PSI Directive ePSIplus ePSINet + ePSINetCee MEPSIR CUPI Report ePSIplus - within the European context MEPSIR: Measuring European Public Sector Information Resources

14 ePSIplus and the PSI Directive review Purpose: Has the Directive 2003/98 had the desired impact? ePSIplus thematic network (active) July 2007 Jan 2008 April 2008 July 2008 Oct 2008 Jan 2009 EC Online Consultation Geographic Information sector study ePSIplus & EC Conference Legal sector study Meteorological sector study EC Commissioned Sector studies EC Analysis of Consultation EC Communication European Parliament European Commission European Council EU Co-decision process Summer Recess Annual Review of Lisbon Strategy Annual Review of Lisbon Strategy EU Elections May 2009 MEPSIR 2?


16 ePSIplus Thematic Network - Purpose The thematic Network will: –Support the implementation of the European Directive on PSI re-use; –Facilitate the major opportunities for business to develop value added products and services based on PSI. The network will be active for 30 months from the 1 st September 2006 through to 28 th February 2009 (which covers the period leading up to the PSI Directive review in 2008 by the European Parliament.) Covers all Member (EU, EEA, EFTA) and candidate states Covers all PSI domains ePSIplus will focus on five major themes

17 ePSIplus - Major themes 1. Legal and regulatory progress and impact (including implementation of the Directive) 2. Public sector organisation and culture change (including compliance with the Directive) 3. Encouraging PSI re-use business 4. The financial impact of the Directive: pricing and charging (including impact on public sector costs and budget) 5. Information management, standards and data quality

18 Theme 1 - Legal & Regulatory progress & impact Legal Framework Monitor transposition progress & the process Monitoring changes within applicable laws/statutes Legal analysis (harmonisation - level playing field in law) Articulating (Guidance) the differences of the legal base across Europe Regulatory Framework Framework (at National (and sub national) and European Level) Monitoring changes within the Framework Analysis of the effectiveness of the framework Monitoring the decisions and actions of the regulators Articulating (Guidance) the differences within the framework and how to handle them Complaint/Appeal/Judication Framework Framework (at National (and sub national) and European Level) Monitoring changes within the Framework Analysis of the effectiveness of the framework Monitoring decisions Articulating (Guidance) the differences within the framework and how to handle them

19 Theme 2 - Public sector organisation and culture change Managing the consequences of frequent changes in public sector structure for PSI re-use. The experiences of local government in complying with the Directive and supporting re-use. The relationship between e-government, public-private partnerships (PPP), private financing initiatives (PFI) and their impact on PSI re-use at different stages of the value chain. The effects of public sector data sharing policies on PSI re-use (including IPR issues) Training and support initiatives and infrastructures (e.g. competence centres) for central and local government agencies to support PSI re-use.

20 Theme 3 - Encouraging PSI re-use business The role of European Associations in raising awareness of PSI re-use market potential and stimulating activity: possibilities for a Pan-European forum on PSI-re-use. Factors underlying demand for and creation of pan-European products. Inter-sector learning and analysis: what makes some sectors more successful in PSI re-use business and what lessons can be transferred? What business models work? Effective training, knowledge transfer and support mechanisms for entrepreneurs, role of organisations such as Chambers of Commerce.

21 Theme 3 - Encouraging PSI re-use business Create & Maintain Business Directory Cross border and pan European businesses Establish Industry Action Group (IAG) Objectives & Mission TOR’s Organisational Structure Document the value add of a PSI IAG (Consider reticence of existing pan European Associations) Test ideas and seek potential volunteers via debate on the discussion forum

22 Theme 4 - Impact on pricing The effects of the Directive on the PSI value chain, on costs, access and organisation within the public sector, including remedies for budget loss as a result of new charging policies. Developments in pricing and charging policies: emerging impact and approaches toward free of charge access, marginal costs charging, ‘reasonable return on investment’ policies etc Impact of varying fiscal and public sector cost-recovery approaches across Europe

23 Theme 5 - Information management, standards and data quality The impact on data quality for business re-use of public sector interventions, including through types of PPP. Approaches to interoperability between public and private sectors in support of re-use e.g. in relation to egovernment standards frameworks and access architectures.

24 Actors within the ePSIplus thematic network Network co-ordinator (MDR) Analysts (5 subcontracted) National Network Members (29) Pan European Network Members (2) –EUROGISpatial –PRIMETMeteorological Target registered stakeholders (5000+) Denmark - FDIH - The Danish eBusiness Association Finland - CAPP in Association with Diges Iceland - Department of the Information Society, Prime Minister's Office Norway - Ministry of Government Administration and Reform Sweden - Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

25 ePSIplus - Registered Stakeholders Roles/benefits Database of potential experts/invitees for meetings Newsletter publication notification Participate in online discussions Supply case information

26 ePSIplus - Meetings 1Network kick off meeting held in Prague, 30/31 October 2006 15 Thematic cross-border workshops (3 per thematic area) –Legal & Regulation theme Workshop 1, 16 February 2007, Hague, Netherlands (Report & Presentations published) Workshop 2, September 2007, Nicosia, Cyprus –Public Sector Organisation theme Workshop 1, 11 April 2007, Prague, Czech Republic (Presentations published) Workshop 2, October 2007, Bratislava, Slovakia –Encouraging PSI re-use business theme Workshop 1, 30 August 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark –Pricing impact theme Workshop 1: 19 - 20 April 2007, Helsinki, Finland (Presentations published) Workshop 2: 1 - 2 November 2007, London, UK Workshop 3: June 2008, Rome, Italy –Standards theme Workshop 1: 5 July 2007, London, UK Workshop 2: 26 - 27 November, Riga, Latvia 35 National and Federal level meetings –Cyprus 20 February 2007 (Presentations published) –France 14 June 2007 –Dublin 27 Sept 2007 Final Conference (May 2008) All the materials from the meetings are available on the ePSIplus web site Red - means the meeting has taken place or is taking place

27 The ePSIplus knowledge cycle Thematic agenda Thematic meeting National agendas Analytic updates on themes National meetings National issue updates

28 ePSIplus - Publications Other publications (that do not result from the thematic activities) Quarterly Update (Newsletter) Glossary Country reports PSI Media watch PSI Presentation watch PSI Tips PSI Bibliography Reports News All of which are available on the ePSIplus web site

29 Web Site Quarterly newsletter Thematic Reports Country Reports Conference Report Final Conclusions & recommendations PSI Industry Action Group Terms of Reference Management documents Objectiv e & Aims StrategyMembership Information gathering and analysis Desk Research Surveys & questionnaires Analysis Information exchange and Consensus Building Thematic Meetings (3 Meetings for each of 5 themes) (15 off) Country meetings (25 off) Federal (Regional) Meetings (10 off) Final Conference Star t End Project Management, Monitoring internal indictors, assessment, and reporting Reports ePSIplus overview

30 ePSIplus Outputs (Deliverables) Assess and report on the impact of the Re-use PSI Directive. Demonstrate (through the network) the improved understanding of re-use of PSI across Europe Report and propose recommendations for the PSI Directive Review.

31 ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI Live: 27.09.06 Objective: To become the first port of call for information on PSI re-use Target 5000+ Registered PSI stakeholders Home page

32 ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI News

33 Scorecard level 1 ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI

34 Support Transposition Implementation Awareness Enforcement ePSIplus Scorecard Legal Framework ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI

35 Forum - logged IN Only visible If you are Logged IN ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI

36 The key to success is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! The ePSIplus thematic network - is devoted to the PSI vision and strategy - is people oriented! - provides a forum within which to share knowledge - acts as a catalyst to change - provides the only European PSI knowledge base currently in existence (The One stop Shop to PSI - via the web site) - is for everyone involved in PSI irrespective of which sector the stakeholder operates within. SO PLEASE STAY INVOLVED with ePSIplus ePSIplus thematic network - summary

37 Quantifying the Re-use of Address Information within the Value Chain

38 The Re-use of Address Information Why Addresses are of interest within the PSI re-use framework An address starts life within the public sector (usually at local level) as such it is public sector information. However all parts of Society (from global to micro level) use an Address for a wide range of applications other than delivery. Modernising government is an example of how an Address is used for other purposes than delivery. As such an economic case study (analysis of the value added chain within the market) on Address re-use will be widely understood. (Has the PSI Directive had an impact?) As market issues arise regulators are increasingly becoming active with respect to Addresses (a market commodity) and provide evidence in addition to that provided by the normal scrutiny, registration and procurement processes especially within the public sector. The Information Society and Knowledge Economy (global) is acting as a catalyst to changes within the traditional value chain. Traditionally Addresses were the in the domain of the postal authorities as such they provide a potential base line for commencing a value chain analysis. OJEC UK MSA Procurement Notice (NLPG & NSG). Approximate cost estimation Aggregation & awareness €3.3 million p.a. Unit Address cost €0.11 p.a.

39 PSI Address Sold PSI Address Free PSI Address not available Customer (Includes Public Sector) PSI Address re-users (Value Chain) PSI Address Distributors / Partners No added value (1:1 relationship not an aggregator ) The Re-use of Address Information

40 The simplified value chain Data Collector Data packager Data Wholesaler Data Distributor Data Integrator Customer Data Collector Data packager Data Integrator PSIPSI Linguistic Services Data Services Legal Services Consultancy Services Public Sector Trading Financial Services The Re-use of Address Information

41 Potential Address Data & Information available for re-use PSI re-users (Value Chain) Information Consumers Public Sector Input Value Output Value Value added = O/P Value - I/P Value Economic analysis: simplified model for re-use of PSI - Addresses The Re-use of Address Information Seeking from NORDIC Address Meeting

42 PSI Sold PSI Free PSI not available Customer PSI re-users (Value Chain) The Re-use of Address Information

43 Economic analysis: simplified model for re-use of PSI Related areas that impact: eGovernment as public sector moves down stream,procurement, PPP PSI CustomerCustomer Producer Professional Services Content Providers Data, Games, Navigation, databases, etc. Commercial re-use sector Risk, Catchment, Design (architecture, civil engineering), etc Information services, travel planning, catalogues, tourism, etc. Information Consumers Other Data Suppliers The Re-use of Address Information

44 Towards a European Address forum or European Address Thematic Network

45 A strategy to raise the awareness on Address information through publishing Case Studies at the pan European level Available from EC IADBC Available from ePSIplus February 2004 October 2006 April 2007 Towards a European Address forum Available from GINIE

46 Towards a European Address forum Outline history (partial) Oct 2004 Chioggia - UDMS Conference - Address Workshop Apr 2005 Europe - EUROGI Undertook European Address Survey May 2005Lisbon - EUROGI Members Day - Address Survey results presented May 2005 Lisbon - EUROGI Members Day - European Address Forum Nov 2005 Europe - EUROGI updated survey Nov 2005 London - EUROGI led eContentplus proposal meeting for Addresses Sep 2006 Rome - EUROGI Address workshop in Rome Nov 2006 London - Denmark & ePSIplus exploratory meeting

47 Mission (As proposed in Lisbon 2005 and again disseminated in 2006) The mission of the European Address forum is to: actively promote the availability and use of quality Address data for the benefit of the European Information Society and Knowledge economy Objectives The European Address experts forum would meet the mission statement through: –Establishing a Europe wide network of Address data experts; –Exchanging and sharing information and best practice; –Representing the Address data community within pertinent forums that may have an impact on Address data. –Partaking in capacity building actions related to Addressing. For example: Running European events and workshops Presenting papers at European conferences Producing an electronic newsletter Producing an online bibliography of documents related to Addressing Towards a European Address forum

48 EU Co-Decision Process INSPIRE 23.07.04 15.05.07 34 Months Member States Transposition 24 Months EU27 = 24? Months 15.05.09 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Member State Public Sector compliance Step 4 Impact on EU Environmental Policy Compliance Time to Reach Critical Mass European Parliament, Commission, Council Review May 2014 Establishing the INSPIRE framework Towards a European Address forum

49 Towards a European Address forum Addresses are now at the European level - PSI & INSPIRE Directives Directive 2007/2/EC INSPIRE Law within the European Union as of 15 th May 2007 Enters into force in Member States 15 th May 2009 Annex 1: Spatial Data Themes referred to in Articles 6(a), 8(1) and 9(A) 5. Addresses Location of properties based on address identifiers, usually by road name, house number, postal coded. The two legal frameworks DO NOT replace the need for a European Address Forum (or Thematic Network) - if anything it makes the Forum an imperative. The Address is not just a geo-spatial sector data item. Evidence from monitoring the PSI Directive indicates that Addresses maybe contentious!

50 One possible way forward is to come within the ePSIplus initiative for the establishment of an Industry Action Group (pan) European PSI Industry Action Group Association For example LOCUS Address Forum Meteo Forum Other potential TIG’s - Property - Marketing - Legal - Geo-spatial The key is to have as a minimum a web site presence as this provides a low cost information sharing resource and enables awareness raising & should be combined with an annual conference. Licensing Towards a European Address forum National Associations Pan European Associations Thematic Interest Groups (TIGs) Cross Party Working Groups For example EUROGI

51 Towards a European Address forum Potential tasks within a Thematic Network Purpose to raise the understanding on electronic Address data and information Dissemination of information pertinent to Addresses Web site Meetings Newsletter Presentations at conference Priority areas as related to Addresses: (understanding and documenting) Legal - the differences Organisational - the public sector structure Value chain - the structure within Member States - who are the players? Economics & Pricing Quality Standards Interoperability between Member States - potential Legal Frameworks - contributing too: PSI Directive INSPIRE - monitoring and providing feedback

52 The eContentplus 2007 Call - a possible opportunity. Geographic Information - Best practice networks for geographic information Call date: Imminent Closing date: 1700 hours Luxembourg local time 4 th October 2007 Submission: Forms on CD-ROM. Proposals sent by fax or e-mail will be excluded. Call open to EFTA countries Call funding for GI: €14 million approximately. Three project types: Targeted Projects (TP) not open for Geographic Information Thematic Networks (TN) not open for Geographic Information Best Practice Networks (BPN) open for Geographic Information Based on the draft eContentplus information available a BPN does not match the requirement to establish a European Address Forum (Thematic network) Towards a European Address forum

53 eContentplus, the overall aim The overall aim of the eContentplus programme is “to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable”. The programme has an enabling role: it will contribute to creating better conditions for accessing, using, reusing and exploiting digital material, based on which it will be possible to build added value products and services across Europe. It will help content stakeholders (providers and users) realise the full potential of digital content: content providers, i.e. public and private organizations and institutions that create, collect or own digital content, who will be able to increase the use and re-use of their material; content users, including European citizens, students, researchers but also organisations and enterprises that reuse and/or add value to digital content, who will be able to find and use digital content, irrespective of location or language. The programme addresses areas which have a public interest and which would not develop or would develop at a slower pace if left to the market. It aims to improve the usability and quality of existing digital content in specific contexts of use in order to create the conditions for the emergence of quality trans-European content-based services. Multicultural and multilingual aspects of accessing, exploiting, using, and re-using digital content in Europe will be integral to all the actions. Actions in the programme will use proven state-of-the-art technical solutions, and will be geared towards innovation in organisation and in deployment, as opposed to purely technological innovation. Towards a European Address forum

54 The CIP 2007 Call - a possible opportunity. Call date: Opened 25.05.07 Closing date: 1700 hours Brussels local time 23 rd October 2007 Call funding: €54 million approximately. Thematic Networks should develop new policy implementation schemes through working groups, workshops and exchanges of good practices and expertise. In total three Thematic Networks will be funded, one for each of the three following work programme objectives: Promoting local & regional eParticipation Stimulating measurement of impact & user satisfaction Brokering pan-European eGovernment solutions & services online Based on the CIP call information a TN on pan-European eGovernment solutions and services does not match the requirement to establish a European Address Forum (Thematic network) Towards a European Address forum

55 The CIP The Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme (CIP) runs for the years 2007-2013 and is organised around three multi-annual specific programmes: * The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) * The Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) * The Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE) The ICT Policy Support Programme will run from 2007 to 2013 with a budget of 730 million €. The programme builds on the aims of the previous e-TEN, Modinis and e-Content programmes and will support the aims of the new integrated strategy i2010 - European Information Society 2010. Towards a European Address forum

56 Addresses are fundamental to Society. The democratic processes have an impact on the public sector at all levels. As a result it may take time to implement legal frameworks across all levels of the public sector. It may also lead to pendulum swings - that is policies and public sector priorities and structures change as the political climate changes. Everyone has an interest in Addresses and has a use for them. Addresses are not just for the public sector others have an interest in Addresses & as critical to the organisation. Failure to realise this will mean critical mass may not be used with respect to Address data and its re-use. The PSI Directive has had minimal impact so far - implementing macro level initiatives at a European level takes time especially within the EU model. Frameworks that have a legal basis trigger legal interpretation which then leads to the need for clarity in Government policies and harmonisation of existing and future policies. Summary

57 The PSI Framework has demonstrated the requirement that the public sector itself must comply with EU laws - for example competition law, procurement law, cross subsidies laws (EU Treaties), transparency laws. With respect to the NORDIC Countries there remains an unanswered conundrum as to why the NORDIC region within Europe is not the leading example with respect to the knowledge economy and the re-use of public sector information. Evidence would indicate that the NORDIC countries Governments have perhaps been complacent due to their long established openness on public sector information access laws - they now need to catch up! Within the framework of the PSI Directive there is a need to understand the current economics and pricing polices, structures with respect to Addresses. There is a need for public sector bodies that provide Addresses to become involved in the ePSIplus Thematic Network especially the meetings - for example PSI Pricing & economics, Standards and information management. Summary

58 The INSPIRE framework is not the panacea for Addresses - it might lead to positive outcomes, negative outcomes or make no difference at all. The Address community needs to engage in the INSPIRE processes in the holistic sense to ensure that the standards adopted, rules are suitable for the all uses of Addresses. The need for a European Address Thematic Network (or Forum) is still there. Funding opportunities at current time are not a direct match. The annual NORDIC Address meetings have set the example - should a European Address Thematic Network appear this does not mean the annual NORDIC Address meetings should not continue - interoperability at the cross border level is with one’s immediate neighbour’s - especially if there exists a high level of harmonisation with respect to laws, standards, semantics, language. Many of you in this room have dedicated a considerable part of your working life to Addresses - the ultimate reward has to be when your work is utilised by ALL in society not just a narrow part of society. Well done - keep up the good work - continue to lead and set the example. Summary

59 Interested in PSI? Then why not visit: Thank you for your attention

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