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Review of the data compiled in WP 05 WP 05 Lebanon Partner # 08 National Center for Remote Sensing M. Khawlie & C. Abdallah OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of the data compiled in WP 05 WP 05 Lebanon Partner # 08 National Center for Remote Sensing M. Khawlie & C. Abdallah OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of the data compiled in WP 05 WP 05 Lebanon Partner # 08 National Center for Remote Sensing M. Khawlie & C. Abdallah OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management 3rd Management Board Meeting Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, May 2006

2 Two main objectives: 1.Compile all available remote sensing and GIS data for the case studies (i.e. building a database in relation to water ware requirements) 2.Compile the data with a common classification scheme (e.g., CORINE) to provide a coherent basis for the simulation models scenarios (i.e. in relation to Land use change which links to water ware requirements) Tasks by partners (as coordinated by CNRS): Identification of data sources and available data sets Compilation of available data Processing and analysis (classification) within a common framework Documentation (meta-data catalogues) Publication of the GIS and RS data on the project GIS server (web access) Requirements Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Reminder

3 I-The point feature data a. Villages b. Springs c. Wells d. Pluviometric stations e. Gauging stations f. Pollution sources g. Artificial water tanks h. Elevation points II-The Line feature data a.Drainge networks b.Road networks c.Contours d.Fault lines III-The Polygon feature data a.Area location b.Cadastral/municipality boundaries c.Hydrogeology d.Geology e.Soil f.Pluviometry g.Settlement expansion h.LUC ( land cover/use) i.TIN A-Vector Data requested Part I Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Reminder

4 Spring-IDX-CoorY-coorCc-SpringSpr_AltSpr_TributSpr_typeSpr_StausSpr-Mun 5123657231257LB-Alma100Litaniartisian P Zawtar 8124545213718LB-8128Litanikarstic P Chhour Main Fields Additional fields Geo-ID Geo_ Area Geo_ Prm Cc_Geo#Geo_CodeGeo_FaciesGeo_AgeGeo_Thick 141225LB_Geo14C1C1 Sandstone with marl intercalation Cretaceous200 253541LB_Geo25 q sm Silts and marlsQuaternary2 Attribute for point feature Attribute for polygon feature Data requested PART I Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Reminder

5 B- Raster a)Satellite imageries a)Satellite imageries (to establish the land cover\use map) b)Scanned maps b)Scanned maps (all kind of maps that could be used in building the GIS database, example; geological maps, hydro maps, topographic maps, etc…) c)DEM / grid features c)DEM / grid features (Digital Elevation Model ) N.B. 2 things should be taken into consideration while converting analog data into digital data: scanning resolutionscanning resolution Registration parametersRegistration parameters i.e. resampling method & polynomial order Data requested PART I Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Reminder

6 1. Identification General information about the data set (Title, area covered, themes and restriction) 2. Data Quality Accuracy, Completeness, logical consistency, lineage 3. Spatial Data Organization Information about the data types contained in the data set (Vector, Raster, Type of elements, Number) 4. Spatial Reference Information about Coordinates used to describe locations in the data set (projection, grid system, datum, coordinate system) 5. Entity & Attribute Names, definitions, and other information about the features and their attributes found in the data sets (Features, Attributes, Attribute Values) 6. Distribution Information about hoe the data is distributed (Distributor, Formats, Price, Online) 7. Metadata Reference Metadata about the data (Author, Date) ISO/TC211: International standards Organization, developed a family of standards ISO 19115 Data requested PART II METADATA Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Reminder

7  Methodology  Preliminary work  Producing false-color images  Image interpretation  GIS work  Validation and quality checking  Updating Land Cover / Use  Standards to be used  LUC production Data requested PART III Land use change Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Reminder

8 Data requested PART III Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Reminder  Draft 1 delivered in Turkey meeting April 05 (Part I & II)  Draft 2 delivered 9 Aug 05 (Part I, II, III) Official dead lines Part 1 & II is 15 September (email 9 Aug 05) Part III is 22 Dec 05 (email 9 Aug 05) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Reminders  29 Sep 2005  7 Oct 2005  1 Nov 2005  5 Nov 2005  10 December  10 Jan 2006  16 Feb 2006 Kurts’ mail 16 Feb 2006

9 ParticipantCountry Part I Part II Part III ELARDNCRSLEBANON SUMERTURKEY UJFAJORDAN PCRIPALESTINE ATLACYCYPRUS CNTDTUNISIA UH2MMOROCCO Completed Completed partially or In its final stage Ongoing process Not started yet Not started yetStatus Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Have no info Have no info

10 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 **** Conforms fully to data requirements (Basic + all additional) as exposed in WP05 Draft2 *** Conforms partially to data requirements (Basic + some additional) as exposed in WP05 Draft2 ** Only the basic is given * No data given Amount of info in the Attribute table Country Watershed name Area km 2 CyprusDhiarizos river260 TurkeyGediz river18000 LebanonLitani river600 JordanZarqa river4120 PalestineWadi Zeimar500 TunisiaMelian river553 MoroccoMartil river1129

11 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Jordan Case Study Al Zarqa watershed Feature Type NameDescription Meeting the Database structural requirements as in Wp05 Amount of info in the Attribute table Remarks Point Feature VillagesVillages in the study areayes*** Irrigation_P_WellsPrivate irrigation wellsYes*** Unit of measurement in the Well_debit field is not understood Irrigation_G_Wells Irrigation wells dug by the government Yes*** Unit of measurement in the Well_debit field is not understood Industrial_wellsWells for industrial purposeyes*** Unit of measurement in the Well_debit field is not understood Domestic_G_Well s Wells dug by the Government for domestic use yes*** Unit of measurement in the Well_debit field is not understood Domestic_P_Wells Private wells for Domestic use yes*** Unit of measurement in the Well_debit field is not understood Gauging station yes** This field was named rainfall by the partners. Except for the name of the stations there is no other info Line Feature Drainage The drainage system in the study basin yes*** This field was named streams by the partners. No topology was built RoadsRoad networksNo* No topology or other info on the road networks Contour20 The contour interval of 20m N0***No topology

12 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Feature TypeNameDescription Meeting the Database structural requirements as in Wp05 Amount of info in the Attribute table Remarks Polygon feature Governorate The governorate (Administrative) boundaries in Jordan yes*** Subbasins Sub basins in the Watershed of Zarqa yes** This file was named “Hydrgeology”, but it seems it is talking about Sub basins in the main watershed of Zarqa Study_area Limits of the study area yes**** SoilSoil typeyes*** This file was called “soilv1” LU_2002Landuse of 2002yes**** TIN Triangulated Irregular Network RasterDEM Digital Elevation Model The resolution is 30m Jordan Case Study Al Zarqa watershed

13 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Road network Example Jordan Case Study Al Zarqa watershed

14 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Subbasin Example Jordan Case Study Al Zarqa watershed

15 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Land cover Example Jordan Case Study Al Zarqa watershed

16 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed Feature TypeNameDescription Meeting the Database structural requirements as in Wp05 Amount of info in the Attribute table Remarks Point Feature Villages Villages in the study area yes*** SpringsWater sourcesyes*** Gauging_stationGauging stationyes*** Wells Artesian wells in the study area Yes*** Line Feature Drainage The drainage system in the study basin yes*** RoadsRoad networksyes**** FaultFault and fracturesyes*** Contours The contour interval of 50m yes*** Polygon feature Governorate The governorate (Cadastral boundaries) yes*** PluviometryRainfall datayes*** Study_areaLimits of the study areayes**** SoilSoil typeyes*** Geology yes*** Lu_2005Landuse of 2005yes**** According to Corine Classification level 4 TIN Triangulated Irregular Network

17 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed Wells Example

18 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed Road network Example

19 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed Land Cover Example

20 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed METADATA Example

21 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed METADATA Example

22 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed METADATA Example

23 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed METADATA Example

24 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Geology Map 1/50000 Title: Geology Map 1/50000 Originator of the data: DG Date: 1945 Status and updating frequency: Complete, updating not scheduled Degitized or converted into electronic form: NCRS Date: 2005 Data quality in general: The data are logically consistent and meet the requirement of modern mapping based on GIS and Scientific knowledge. Positional accuracy: The data carry the shortcomings of the topographic map of the scale 1:50000. Attribute accuracy: Good and acceptable quality. Process steps description: This map was digitized from the topographic map created by M. Louis Dubertret, at the scale of 1:50000. It represents the lithological formations. Attributes:It contains the field description. Lebanon Case Study Litani watershed METADATA Example

25 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Feature TypeNameDescription Meeting the Database structural requirements as in Wp05 Amount of info in the Attribute table Remarks Point Feature VillagesVillages in the study areayes*** ElevationMass points of elevationYes*** Pluv_stationPluviometric StationYes*** WellsWells dug in watershedyes*** Artificial Water tanksyes No **AWT Guaging_stationGuaging stationsyes*** Line Feature Drainage The drainage system in the study basin yes*** RoadRoad networksyes** Need the description of the Symbols FaultsFaults on the geological mapyes*** ContoursThe contour interval of 100myes*** Governorate The governorate (Cadastral,/municipality boundaries) yes*** PluviometryRainfall datayes*** Study_areaLimits of the study areayes**** SoilSoil typeyes*** HydrogeologyHydrogeological formationyes *** Need to complete the basin drwaings Polygon feature Geology yes*** LUC-2000Land use coveryes*** Cyprus Case Study Dhiarizos watershed

26 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Cyprus Case Study Dhiarizos watershed Wells Example Wells Example

27 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Cyprus Case Study Dhiarizos watershed Hydrogeology Example impermeable rocks ???

28 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Cyprus Case Study Dhiarizos watershed Land Cover Example

29 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Tunisia Case Study Melian watershed Feature TypeNameDescription Meeting the Database structural requirements as in Wp05 Amount of info in the Attribute table Remarks Point Feature VillagesVillages in the study areayes*** Elevation pointsMass points of elevationYes*** Line Feature DrainageThe drainage system in the study basinyes*** RoadsRoad networksyes*** ContoursThe contour interval of 5myes*** Polygon feature Governorate The governorate (Cadastral,/municipality boundaries) yes*** PluviometryRainfall datayes*** Study_areaLimits of the study areayes**** SoilSoil typeyes*** Geology yes*** Pheratic_WTPheratic water table depthyes*** LU_1988Landcover of 1988No*** LU_2000Landcover of 2002No*** TINTriangulated Irregular Network Raster SPOT1988Pan_SharpenedResolution10 SPOT2000Pan_SharpenedResolution10 DEMDigital Elevation ModelThe resolution is 100m

30 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Tunisia Case Study Melian watershed Contour Example

31 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Tunisia Case Study Melian watershed Land Cover Example

32 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Tunisia Case Study Melian watershed Meta Data Example

33 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Feature TypeNameDescription Meeting the Database structural requirements as in Wp05 Amount of info in the Attribute table Remarks Point feature Meteo_Station Meteorological stations yes**** Gauging_stationGauging stationyes*** Line Feature RiversWater coursesyes** Only permanent water courses RoadsRoad networksyes** Principle road network Polygon feature Governorate The governorate (District boundaries) yes*** Study_area Limits of the study area yes** LUC_95Land cover of 1995No** Many slivers and sharp polygons Turkey Case Study Gediz watershed

34 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Meteo stations Example Turkey Case Study Gediz watershed

35 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Turkey Case Study Gediz watershed Road network Example

36 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 METADATA Example Turkey Case Study Gediz watershed

37 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Land Cover Example Turkey Case Study Gediz watershed

38 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Feature TypeNameDescription Meeting the Database structural requirements as in Wp05 Amount of info in the Attribute table Remarks Line Feature Drainage The drainage system in the study basin No*** This field was named Drainage_Net by the partners. No topology was built RoadsRoad networksNo*** No topology or other info on the road networks Polygon Feature Subbasins Sub basins in the Watershed yes*** This file was named “Sous-bv” by the partners Study_areaLimits of the study areayes**** This field was named watershed by the partners TIN Triangulated Irregular Network Raster TM-1988_543 LANDSAT satellite imagery The resolution is 34m TM-2001_543 LANDSAT satellite imagery The resolution is 34m Landuse1988 Landuse of the area of the study in 1988 No**The resolution is 34m Landuse2001 Landuse of the area of the study areain 2001 No**The resolution is 34m Comb2001-1988Landuse change**The resolution is 34m Urban-VarNot understoodThe resolution is 34m Dense_forestNot understoodThe resolution is 34m DEMDigital Elevation ModelThe resolution is 30m Morocco Case Study Martil watershed

39 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Road network Example Morocco Case Study Martil watershed

40 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Urban Variance Example Morocco Case Study Martil watershed

41 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Land Cover Example Morocco Case Study Martil watershed

42 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Land cover Example Morocco Case Study Martil watershed

43 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Utilized Satellite imageries Morocco Case Study Martil watershed

44 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Morocco Case Study Martil watershed METADATA example

45 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Quality Control TablePartner # of Line features # of Point features # of Point features # of polygon Features # of Rasters Meta Data* LUC** Ranking Quality*** Morocco203853 2.70 Tunisia329355 3.21 Turkey223031 2.53 Jordan736112 2.91 Lebanon447255 3.28 Cyprus466001 2.87 Palestine000000 0

46 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Different digital data forms provided by the partners

47 OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Total number of thematic digital layers provided by the partners Vienna 5/2006

48 OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 METADATA* 5 - Confirms fully to the ISO requirements 3- Confirms partially to the ISO requirements 1- On going procedure 0- Didn’t start yet *Legend

49 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Land use Change Data ** 5- Completed and confirms fully to data requirements in WP05 3- Completed but don’t totally confirm to data requirements in WP05 2- Two Land use cover have been completed and need to get the final LUC 1- Only one Land use cover data set have been completed 0- Nothing have been achieved **Legend

50 Vienna 5/2006OPTIMA: Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management WP05 Ranking Quality*** *** Ranking quality is the ratio between the total number of thematic layers provided divided by the amount of info meeting the database requirements


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