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Curriculum Exhibition Art Opening Parents and Community Invited! Student Participation Food and Entertainment Tuesday May 10, 2011 Citadel Mall- Imagination.

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1 Curriculum Exhibition Art Opening Parents and Community Invited! Student Participation Food and Entertainment Tuesday May 10, 2011 Citadel Mall- Imagination Celebration Space 6pm-8pm

2 Buck Institute of Education Lots of work has been done to make JSAA a PBL school  June - 4 days training  September - 1 day training  October- 1 st Annual Curriculum Night  November/December- PBL Team plan days  January 4, 2011- training day  May 10, 2011- Curriculum Exhibition Night for 4 th Q PBL  Each year 2 interdisciplinary PBL projects will be expected

3 6 th Grade Why Recycle?  Entry Event students watched “Wasteland”  Social Studies- Amazon Rain Forest  Language Arts- writing a novel and making recycled paper covers for the novels. Recycled paper book covers on display May 10  Science- plants and their role in recycling water on the International Space Station. Hydroponic System displayed with plants May 10  Math- a community service project on analyzing trash collection

4 7 th Grade How do cultures decide on the Rights to Resources? o Entry Event- Students tracked their own water usage at home and graphed results in LA. Also were introduced to Water Project non-profit organization in Africa  Social Studies studying the history of Europe and Africa over 5,000 years and the conflict over resources influencing the movement of these cultures. Artistic maps will be displayed May 10. Maps are being made at IC space in Citadel Mall  Language Arts is focusing on a research paper about the Nile River Basin and the water rights as a resource in this area. Research papers with additional displays will be shown May 10

5 7 th Grade How does the human body react differently in space than on Earth?  Entry event was Astronaut Mike Good and Jim Reilly talking about their body changes while in space  Math is performing labs in conjunction with Science and graphing the results of the lab with students. Graphs will be displayed May 10  Science will be using human body models to assess content knowledge over systems in human body in 1G environment vs. 0G environment

6 8 th Grade What variables impact the migratory patterns of a bird?  Math- making scale sized bird houses for local migratory birds  Social Studies- Wall Maps of bird migrations based on habitat and geographical locations  Science- studying weather, satellite data and habitat of migratory birds  Language Arts- research paper based around a chosen migratory bird from NASA Signals of Spring web site  Fieldtrip to Chico Basin Ranch where students will band birds, study prairie habitat and create scientific sketchbooks of their experiences.

7 Our Parents and Community Members  Our goal is to send out 100 invitations to community members to attend this event and see our school meet our students and teachers  Will receive a culminating project rubric for authentic assessment  Food will be provided

8 What still needs to be finalized?  Culminating project rubrics for each grade level  Decide on project displays- any technology needed to help with this on May 10 th ?  Expected completion dates of projects that are going to be displayed on May 10  Fieldtrips to IC and Chico Basin Ranch  Elective teachers participate with other student work displays, small group of students playing instruments during the evening? Cultural Food tastings?  Plan on your team meeting Thursday, April 21 to discuss these action items

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