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APA 6 th Edition Helpful Hints for AHRD International Research Conference Proceedings Knoxville, Tennessee, USA February 24-28, 2010 Khalil M. Dirani,

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Presentation on theme: "APA 6 th Edition Helpful Hints for AHRD International Research Conference Proceedings Knoxville, Tennessee, USA February 24-28, 2010 Khalil M. Dirani,"— Presentation transcript:

1 APA 6 th Edition Helpful Hints for AHRD International Research Conference Proceedings Knoxville, Tennessee, USA February 24-28, 2010 Khalil M. Dirani, Associate Proceedings Editor Carroll M. Graham, Proceedings Editor

2 Heading Levels (pp. 62-63) Level of heading 12345Format Centered, Boldface, Uppercase & Lowercase Heading Flush Left, Boldface, Upper & Lower Indented, boldface, lowercase, paragraph heading ending with a period. Indented, boldface, lowercase, paragraph heading ending with a period. Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase, paragraph heading ending with a period. Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase, paragraph heading ending with a period. Indented, italicized, lowercase, paragraph heading ending with a period. Indented, italicized, lowercase, paragraph heading ending with a period.

3 Manuscript Keywords Example of appropriate keywords: Example of appropriate keywords: Keywords: performance, change, career development Example of 2010 copyright (should be at bottom of the 1 st page): Example of 2010 copyright (should be at bottom of the 1 st page): Copyright © 2010 Khalil M. Dirani

4 References (p.187) Journals paginated across year: …. Political Science, 20, 805-815. …. Political Science, 20, 805-815. Journals paginated by issue: …. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20(1), 15-19.

5 References (p.187) Comma before &, e.g.: Comma before &, e.g.: Dirani, K. M., & Kuchinke, K. P. (in references) Single spacing--after commas, periods etc. Single spacing--after commas, periods etc. Capitalize first word of title and first word after colon only (cap all words in journal name) Capitalize first word of title and first word after colon only (cap all words in journal name)

6 Digital Object Identifiers IMPORTANT CHANGE: When available authors are encouraged to include DOIs (p. 187-189, APA 6 th edition). See examples in the following slide and on pages 198-215 of APA for examples of references. DOIs allow for a new way to track digital information, with extreme accuracy, and will eventually become the status quo. DOIs will also resolve issues of article links (URLs) that are no longer functional.

7 Reference Examples Journal Articles with digital object identifiers (DOIs): Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol(issue), pp-pp. doi: XX.XXXX Example: Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225-229. doi: 10. 1037/0278- 6133.24.2.225

8 Reference Examples Continued Journal article without DOI (when DOI is not available): Smith, S. A., & Jones, D. M. (2005). Creative solutions to performance issues. E-Journal of Performance Improvement,2(3), 45-61. Retrieved from NOTE: For APA 6 th edition, use.50 indent on second and third lines of a reference.

9 Books Fields, D. L. (2002). Taking the measure of work: A guide to validated scales for organizational research and diagnosis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Eisner, E. W., & Peshkin, A. (Eds.) (1990). Qualitative inquiry in education: The continuing debate. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. To comply with APA 6 th edition you will need to include the state. See page 187 of the Publication Manual for more details.

10 Chapter in a Book Ellwein, M. C., & Glass, G. V. (1989). Ending social promotion in Waterford: Appearances and reality. In L. A. Shepard & M. L. Smith (Eds.), Flunking grades: Research and policies on retention (pp. 151-173). New York: NY. Falmer Press. To comply with APA 6 th edition you will need to include the state. See page 187 of the Publication Manual for more details.

11 Citing Conference Proceedings Publication (p. 207) Contributor A. A., Contributor B. B., & Contributor C. C. (Year, Month). Title of contribution. In D. D. Editor (Eds.), Title of symposium. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Organization Name, Location. Example Jacobs, R., & Hawley, J. (2003). Workforce development: Definition and relationship with human resource development. In S. Lynham & T. Egan (Eds.), AHRD 2003 Conference Proceedings (pp. 1014-1020). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development. doi: xx.xxxxxx

12 Citations & Abbreviations Citations in text: “…quoted text” (Ruona, 2001, p. 20). “…quoted text” (Ruona, 2001, p. 20). Ruona (2001) noted, “Quoted text...” (p. 20). Ruona (2001) noted, “Quoted text...” (p. 20).Abbreviations: cf. (compare), i.e. (that is), e.g. (for example), viz. (namely), etc. (and so forth), vs. (versus) used only within parentheses. Otherwise spell out (APA, p. 106-111). exceptions: et al. cf. (compare), i.e. (that is), e.g. (for example), viz. (namely), etc. (and so forth), vs. (versus) used only within parentheses. Otherwise spell out (APA, p. 106-111). exceptions: et al.

13 Citing quotation found in secondary source “Much of HRD... has envisioned…as embedded in... realm of systems theory” (Ardichvili, 2001, p. 13, as cited in Dirani & Kuchinke, 2005, p. 71). “Much of HRD... has envisioned…as embedded in... realm of systems theory” (Ardichvili, 2001, p. 13, as cited in Dirani & Kuchinke, 2005, p. 71). Ardichvili (2001) wrote, “Much of HRD... has envisioned…as embedded in... realm of systems theory” (p. 13, as cited in Dirani & Kuchinke, 2005, p. 71). Ardichvili (2001) wrote, “Much of HRD... has envisioned…as embedded in... realm of systems theory” (p. 13, as cited in Dirani & Kuchinke, 2005, p. 71). References to both Ardichvili (2001) and Dirani & Kuchinke (2005 ) needed in the reference section. References to both Ardichvili (2001) and Dirani & Kuchinke (2005 ) needed in the reference section.

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