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An email-based issue-tracking/ workflow system Zukhanye Kwinana Department of Computer Science Rhodes University.

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1 An email-based issue-tracking/ workflow system Zukhanye Kwinana Department of Computer Science Rhodes University

2 Introduction (1)  Tasks often involve multiple agents: some inside and some outside one’s organization  They are often not carried to completion  A system is needed to help keep track of what tasks have been requested or assigned

3 Introduction (2)  Traditional issue-tracking systems (or ticketing systems) have problems:  Exclusion if not registered within the system  Restriction to just one’s organisation  Emails are useful but lack “initiative” of issue tracking systems:  Everyone checks emails regularly  You are not excluded  Have no organisational boundaries

4 Aim of investigation  Implementing email-based issue- tracking system, take the best of both worlds…  See to what extent the idea is viable

5 Current issue tracking systems  Are instances of Groupware  Keep track of requested tasks within a group of people  Are often web-based systems for communicating, sharing of files and other resources as well as issue- tracking

6 Our solution (1)  We tag emails that we want to be tracked with a special tag e.g.  Something on the subject line  A special marker in a header field  In the body  An attachment  We intercept tagged emails  Either at the mail server, or at the mail client  We create a new issue (with a unique identifier) in the back-end tracker system

7 Our solution (2)  We add links to the bottom of the emails so that the recipient can mark the task as done, or add extra detail or remarks to the issue  Reminders, escalation, completion etc. are handled by the tracker system, which can send follow up emails  The user can get status reports of unresolved issues

8 SenderMail server Receiver Issue tracking system Proposed system Sender Receiver Issue tracking system Mail server Current architecture System architecture

9 Achievements so far (1)  Functioning system catering for single step, single recipient workflows.  Installed MailEnable mail server  Used Mail Transfer Agent to access emails before they are delivered to individual mailboxes thus edit the body- if marked to be tracked!

10 Tagged email gets links added to its body

11 Achievements so far (2)  Links are mapped to one not easy to guess  Links in the email navigate to a URL based on a unique identifier  Links are somewhat secure because they are almost impossible to guess  Links ensure access to the system and issue even though you are not registered

12 Achievements so far (3)  Functioning plug-in module for Outlook, migrating this function to the mail client.  A group of Honours students have built a Web Service interface and library to allow us to automate against one specific public-domain Issue-Tracking Engine

13 Way forward  Complete the current functions we are building  Refine the add-in for Outlook, Outlook Express and Pegasus Mail  Complete link to the back end issue tracker  Start testing user acceptance by deploying a trial system  Longer term: consider multi-step workflows, and multi-party tasks

14 Conclusion  Email based issue tracking system that can cross organizational boundaries seem promising  More tests and experience will give a clearer picture

15 An email based issue- tracking/ workflow system Zukhanye Kwinana Department of Computer Science Rhodes University

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