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Ice Breaker What is one of your goals for attending the training session today? ThinkPairShare.

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Presentation on theme: "Ice Breaker What is one of your goals for attending the training session today? ThinkPairShare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ice Breaker What is one of your goals for attending the training session today? ThinkPairShare

2 Cuyamaca College El Cajon, CA


4 Overview Research on program effectivenessResearch on program effectiveness Resources for faculty and studentsResources for faculty and students Suggestions for using the textSuggestions for using the text Do What You Are and PEPSDo What You Are and PEPS Technology for the New Millennial GenerationTechnology for the New Millennial Generation Engaging students in learningEngaging students in learning


6 Program Results Program Review 2000, 2005

7 The most significant finding is increased persistence.

8 Persistence Students who return the next semesterStudents who return the next semester Approximately half of community college students nationwide do not persist after the first semesterApproximately half of community college students nationwide do not persist after the first semester

9 College Persistence Semester to Semester 5 Year Average All successful PDC students 89%All successful PDC students 89% All students 63%All students 63% A 26% differenceA 26% difference

10 Student Confidence The course helped 62% of students feel more confident about their academic skillsThe course helped 62% of students feel more confident about their academic skills

11 Student Satisfaction 88% of students rated the course as very good or good.

12 Grade Improvement 72% of student agreed or strongly agreed that the course helped to improve grades72% of student agreed or strongly agreed that the course helped to improve grades

13 College Success: A Study of Positive and Negative Attrition Community College Review

14 The Successful Student Had a definite goal or college majorHad a definite goal or college major Based on this research, choosing a major and career planning was included in our college success course.

15 Resources for Faculty Classroom exercisesClassroom exercises SyllabusSyllabus ResearchResearch PowerPointPowerPoint Internet LinksInternet Links




19 Suggestions for Using the Text

20 Features College, career and lifelong successCollege, career and lifelong success Do What You Are and PEPSDo What You Are and PEPS Interactive activities within chaptersInteractive activities within chapters Quizzes and answersQuizzes and answers Journal entriesJournal entries Exercises at end of chapterExercises at end of chapter College Success Website with resources for faculty and studentsCollege Success Website with resources for faculty and students

21 College Success MotivationMotivation Time and MoneyTime and Money Memory and ReadingMemory and Reading Test TakingTest Taking Taking Notes, Writing and SpeakingTaking Notes, Writing and Speaking

22 Career Success Personality and Related MajorsPersonality and Related Majors Learning Style and IntelligenceLearning Style and Intelligence Interests and ValuesInterests and Values Career and Educational PlanningCareer and Educational Planning

23 Lifelong Success Communication and RelationshipsCommunication and Relationships Critical and Creative ThinkingCritical and Creative Thinking Maintaining a Healthy LifestyleMaintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Appreciating DiversityAppreciating Diversity Positive ThinkingPositive Thinking Life StagesLife Stages

24 Applied Psychology Course Theory and practical applicationTheory and practical application Academic rigorAcademic rigor Transferable to state universitiesTransferable to state universities

25 Bridge High School Community College University

26 Expectations for Students Read the text before coming to classRead the text before coming to class Short QuizzesShort Quizzes Journal EntriesJournal Entries Focus your class on interactive exercises and discussion rather than lectureFocus your class on interactive exercises and discussion rather than lecture

27 Journal Entries A way for students to think critically about the subject matter and apply it to their personal livesA way for students to think critically about the subject matter and apply it to their personal lives Most answers should be a well developed paragraphMost answers should be a well developed paragraph Show a model of what you expectShow a model of what you expect Collect them at the beginning of classCollect them at the beginning of class

28 Key Themes Personality Learning Style

29 Carl Jung and personality type Online:



32 Key Theme Choosing a majorChoosing a major Career choiceCareer choice Learning StyleLearning Style CommunicationCommunication Self-understandingSelf-understanding

33 Carl Jung 1875-1961 We are born with natural preferences which we develop over a lifetime.We are born with natural preferences which we develop over a lifetime. Exercise: What is a preference?Exercise: What is a preference?

34 Resources Do What You Are HandbookDo What You Are Handbook Psychometric ReportPsychometric Report Located at

35 Administering the DWYA Find a time when you are not tired or rushed.Find a time when you are not tired or rushed. There are no right or wrong answers.There are no right or wrong answers. Each type has their own unique gifts and talents.Each type has their own unique gifts and talents.

36 Getting Good Results Encourage students to give honest answers.Encourage students to give honest answers. What are some reasons students would not give honest answers?What are some reasons students would not give honest answers? Think, Pair, ShareThink, Pair, Share

37 Administering the DWYA The test does not measure:The test does not measure: IntelligenceIntelligence Psychological or emotional healthPsychological or emotional health

38 Administering the DWYA Answer the questions honestly to get the best results.Answer the questions honestly to get the best results. Answer the questions how you usually are when you are not stressed.Answer the questions how you usually are when you are not stressed. Do not answer the questions:Do not answer the questions: How you want to beHow you want to be How you have to be at home, work or schoolHow you have to be at home, work or school How others want you to beHow others want you to be

39 Extravert or Introvert? How we interact with the world and where we place our energy E _____________________________|____________________________ I Extraversion Introversion

40 Sensing or Intuitive? The kind of information we naturally notice and remember S _____________________________|___________________________ N Sensing Intuition

41 By Ian Jackson

42 Personality Exercise Write about the picture for 5 minutesWrite about the picture for 5 minutes

43 Thinking or Feeling? How we make decisions T _____________________________|___________________________ F Thinking Feeling

44 Judging or Perceptive Whether we prefer to live in a more structured or spontaneous way J _____________________________|_____________________________ P Judging Perceiving

45 Exercise: Judging or Perceptive I can play anytime.I can play anytime. I have to finish my work before I playI have to finish my work before I play

46 The PEPS Learning Style Assessment Measures preferences in 20 areasMeasures preferences in 20 areas PerceptualPerceptual AuditoryAuditory VisualVisual KinestheticKinesthetic TactileTactile

47 PEPS Immediate environmentImmediate environment SoundSound HeatHeat LightLight Design (formal or informal)Design (formal or informal)

48 PEPS EmotionalityEmotionality MotivationMotivation ResponsibilityResponsibility PersistencePersistence StructureStructure

49 PEPS SociologicalSociological Self orientedSelf oriented Peer orientedPeer oriented Adult orientedAdult oriented

50 PEPS PhysicalPhysical Time of dayTime of day Food intakeFood intake MobilityMobility


52 Using the Access Code Reminders for Students The access code is on the inside cover. You can only use the access code once.The access code is on the inside cover. You can only use the access code once. Click on Register to begin.Click on Register to begin. Write down the email address and password you use to create your account.Write down the email address and password you use to create your account. After registering, click on Login to begin.After registering, click on Login to begin.

53 Course Choices Face to FaceFace to Face 22 sections 22 sections BlendedBlended 22 sections22 sections OnlineOnline 12 sections12 sections


55 What is the most important teaching technique you use in your college success course? Think Pair Share

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