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Library Research What to ask? Where to look? Librarian Anna Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Research What to ask? Where to look? Librarian Anna Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Research What to ask? Where to look? Librarian Anna Jones

2 All Research Papers Require Trustworthy Sources Southwestern College’s databases: InfoTrac LexisNexis Good Web sources: We have subject specific lists in the library!

3 Use InfoTrac for medical subjects, persuasive papers, and general research Username: lesday Password: dayton

4 Access from anywhere Click the InfoTrac icon on school computers, or log on from home or anywhere with an Internet connection: Username: lesday Password: dayton

5 What InfoTrac offers Newspapers Encyclopedias and dictionaries Controversial issues Journals & Magazines New! Health Journals Car repair New! Disease & drug overviews

6 InfoTrac or LexisNexis will help organize your search Limit results to full text, articles from peer-reviewed journals, or documents with Images Search by subject, keyword, or entire document Limit search results by date specifications Limit search to a specific publication or publications

7 Organize the results Results are organized by type: Magazines Academic Journals Books News Multimedia Results can be sorted by: Publication Date Relevance Results can be narrowed by: Document Type Publication Title Subject

8 Check your results Type of publication and number of results

9 You can read the articles you’ve chosen online or print them out Information for the bibliography Learn how long the article is right away Download, Print, Email or Create a citation

10 InfoTrac and LexisNexis help keep your information organized By marking useful documents you can: Print them all at one time Save them all at one time E-mail them all at one time Create a bibliography of all the documents you have marked Marking your items keeps them organized and helps you remember which documents seemed the most relevant to your search

11 Select the format for citation Your Instructors will probably want either MLA or APA style citations. If you aren’t sure, ask!

12 Federated Search option Use this search bar to search multiple databases at once

13 One Search gives you a visual search option Great option if you are a visual learner. After performing your federated search, you’ll have to select the One Search button to get to the Visual Search display. This will prompt you to enter your search phrase again.

14 Visual Search Example

15 LexisNexis Best used for business administration and criminal justice Resources Include: Newspapers & News Transcripts Court Cases Biographies of Living People Company Profiles

16 Use LexisNexis Search Interface Type Search Terms or Phrase here Select the area that you want to search Select your time frame Select type of documents to search

17 Sample LexisNexis Article Print, Save and Download Options

18 Library Book Catalog To search the book catalog for any of Southwestern College’s locations, visit:

19 Do you know how to format properly? The Librarian can show you how to: Adjust Fonts & Margins Double Space your paper Add Headers and Footers (including page numbers!) Align your work Check your spelling and grammar

20 You’ll Cite Your Sources in Two Different Places Within the paper In-text citations At the end of the paper Works cited page

21 Evaluating Websites What does the domain name tell you? The end of the site address is,.edu all mean different things! Who is behind this site? Is it an organization or a private individual? The American Heart Association or Joe Smith from Utah? Why is this person/organization compiling this information?

22 Evaluating Websites Does it provide a publication/copyright date? Depending on the topic, date can be very important! Information on the Civil War may not need to be current. Healthcare reform information should be up to date. Does it make sense to use this information in my report? Is it useful to my purpose? Am I just repeating myself with this information?

23 Evaluating Websites Do you have any reason to believe that this person is an expert in their field? Do they list degrees or credentials? How biased is this source? Do they stand to profit from the information on this site? Toyota is obviously going to say good things about the company on the official site.

24 New Catalog: Infotrac: Username: lesday Password: dayton Email librarian, Anna Jones

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