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Thinking outside the box we call prison Irma van der Veen Managing Director Work-Wise Nederland

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1 Thinking outside the box we call prison Irma van der Veen Managing Director Work-Wise Nederland

2 Work-Wise: a successful approach towards the rehabilitation of convicted juveniles boys and girls aged 15 to 24 Placed in a judicial institution Most of them have a long history We started in 1998 In 2007 13 of the 14 judicial institutions for juveniles participate Now Work-Wise is The working method in the Netherlands for rehabilitation And we are successful

3 Successful In 2006: 2.404 juveniles joined the Work-Wise program – 851 are still in the program in 2007, 1.553 are out – 1.334 have gained a certificate – 735 followed apprenticeships – 87 have been lead to a job – 710 are offered aftercare

4 New thinking Changing the paradigm, especially on juveniles The old paradigm – Prison is a safe solution; meaning outside of society, so society is safe – Prison is a just punishment and a deterrent for recidivism – The punishment ends when the prison time ends – Prison gate is the end of the process Of course we all know better, but why havent we all changed the paradigm?

5 New thinking Sampson and Laub say: social relationships (= social capital) strongly determine the chances of recidivism The more you lose social capital, the less attractive delinquent behavior will be Exclusion from society means no chance of building social capital What does that mean for the reduction of recidivism?

6 New thinking The new paradigm – Prison time isnt a final goal, its a chance for a new start – Build social capital during prison time – Make sure prison time is time within society, not outside – Dont stop at the prison gate – Society is safer when ex-delinquents have a lot to lose in case of recidivism The stay in prison is part of a complete social routing that starts and ends within society. And thats how we started

7 Begin with the end in mind Prison shouldn't be the end, certainly not for juveniles That acknowledgement changes everything – The role of prison – The use of the process prior to prison time – What to do during prison time – The role of all staff members – The atmosphere in prison – What to do after prison time

8 Complete uninterrupted tailor made routings Dont start at the prison gate – but long before Dont stop at the prison gate – but long after before prison during prison time after prison

9 Work + Education + Housing + Leisure time + Social network Comprehensive program mainly focused on Work and Education: Vocational orientation Education focused on gaining certificates Training employee skills Work experience placements Assistance in making an application for a job

10 Work + Education + Housing + Leisure time + Social network Besides focusing on Living Independently and Coping with Leisure Time: Creating a rhythm and structure for daily life Trainings into health care, cooking, dealing with money, cleaning your house Several sport and Leisure Time activities

11 Work + Education + Housing + Leisure time + Social network Besides focusing on creating a social network. Meaning intensive coaching in: Socially acceptable behaviour Social skills Relationships

12 Individual routing counsellor Only through individual work we can enable genuine tailor made programs Main roles of the individual routing counsellor: Guide/coach Person drafting the routing plans Supervisor Mediator Process monitor Performer Reporter

13 Interagency cooperation; work like you dont need the money Council for Child protection before prison during prison time after prison Judicial juvenile institutions Youth probation service Probation service Local council Social care institutions for juveniles SchoolsEmployersHousing corporations

14 Quality: What Works The content and execution of Work-Wise are based on the What Works principles: Individual tailor made route based on the needs, possibilities, motivation and chance of recidivism of the youngster The execution of the program as short as possible inside the prison and as soon as possible outside the prison We have qualified staff members And we are making use of a quality system for monitoring and evaluation of the program

15 Work-Wise This is our new thinking, our new paradigm I hope to have shown you that if you see the end as a new beginning, things can change Were proud of our Work-Wise program and our results 2007-2013: the ESF finances 40% and the remaining 60% is paid by the Ministry of Justice

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