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Charting Past, Present, and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing Gregory D. Abowd and Elizabeth D. Mynatt Georgia Institute of Technology LEE SEMUN.

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Presentation on theme: "Charting Past, Present, and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing Gregory D. Abowd and Elizabeth D. Mynatt Georgia Institute of Technology LEE SEMUN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charting Past, Present, and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing Gregory D. Abowd and Elizabeth D. Mynatt Georgia Institute of Technology LEE SEMUN MMLAB 2005.09.14

2 Content Introduction Computing with Natural Interface Context-aware Computing Automated Capture and Access to Live Experiences Toward Everyday Computing Additional Challenges for UBICOMP Conclusion

3 Introduction Ubiquitous Computing  Weiser(1991)  Suggest a new paradigms of interaction by widespread access to information and computational capabilities Application-centered research  To understand how everyday tasks can be better supported and how they are altered by the introduction of ubiquitous technologies

4 Introduction (cont’d) Three themes in this paper  Natural interfaces  Context-aware computing  Automated capture and access Everyday computing – new area  Pushing the availability of interaction 24-by-7

5 Computing with Natural Interfaces Natural interface  Interact like the humans interact with the physical world  Speak, writing, gesture, etc. Two Challenging issues  First-class natural data types To Ease the development with natural interfaces  Error-prone interaction for recognition-based interaction

6 Context-Aware Computing What is Context?  Five W’s Who, What, Where, When, Why Past & Present  User identity, Location, Some basic vision recognition Challenges  Context-fusion  Representing context

7 Example

8 Automated Capture and Access to Live Experiences Capture & access our life  Meeting, education, etc.  We can focus attention other things Challenges  Capture Further analysis on raw streams  Access Proper access interface

9 Example


11 Toward Everyday Computing(1/2) Everyday computing  Support the informal and unstructured activities of our everyday lives Things to be considered  No clear beginning or end  Interruption is expected  Multiple activities operate concurrently  Time is an important discriminator  Associative models of information are needed

12 Toward Everyday Computing(2/2) Research Direction  Design a continuously present computer interface  Connecting events in the physical and virtual worlds  Others..

13 Additional Challenges For Ubicomp Evaluating Ubicomp systems  Finding a human need  Evaluating in the context of authentic use Social issues for Ubicomp  Privacy  Other issues

14 Conclusion The real goal for Ubicomp  Provide many single-activity interactions that together promote a unified and continuous interaction between humans and computational services

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