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1 The Horizon Report on 21 st century tools in teaching and learning: what does it mean for us? Jill Abell.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Horizon Report on 21 st century tools in teaching and learning: what does it mean for us? Jill Abell."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Horizon Report on 21 st century tools in teaching and learning: what does it mean for us? Jill Abell

2 2 Challenges & Trends  Long running HORIZON REPORT examines how teaching and learning and creative expression is shaped by the impact of emerging technologies  or the trends for the next 5 years.

3 3 2008 Horizon Report - Trends  Mobile phones [1 billion produced per year] shift from desktop computers to portable devices shift from desktop computers to portable devices which results in a shift in the way learning spaces are designed which results in a shift in the way learning spaces are designed  Greater awareness of authentic hands-on experiences with focus on evidences through certifications and e- portfolios to document these experiences  Increasing connectedness and huge growth in tools for collaboration and communicating  Increasing number of tools for educators – ubiquity lowers the cost

4 4 2008 Horizon Report – Challenges  Protectionism [security policies and firewalls] limit benefits of social networking and innovation  Technical skills of teachers out of step with their students. Teachers are time poor, ICT is an ‘add on’ rather than seeing need for transforming learning let alone embedding learning capacity  Assessment is a barrier to adopting new tools and approaches by limiting research or experimentation  Poor quality broadband limit options for school and home. Reliance on telcos failed and unmanageable costs to improve speed

5 5 Technologies on nearest adoption horizons  Virtual worlds & immersive digital environments [scenario based learning]  Cloud based applications [nearly infinite storage – gmail, Google docs, YouTube, Blogger] ****TODAY’s focus**** ****TODAY’s focus**** Technologies on mid-term horizons [already in consumer world]  Geolocation – data visualization, creating maps, geotagged media overlays – urban planning – lifelong learning devices connected to cultural institutions  Alternative input devices eg accelerometers /multi- touch/gesture based

6 6 Visual communications  Immersive multimedia communications  Convergence to collaboration C2C …curriculum expansion, excursions, PD …  Transforming primary use of the internet  Communication tools for virtual crowds  Current tools archaic and inadequately based on point- to-point  More natural multi-person contact  Internet browser is giving away to embedded applications  Research - University of Wollongong  iTunes University

7 7 Single interfaces  Searching  Email  Instant messaging  Video production  Social networking  Wikis/blogs

8 8 Technologies on nearest adoption horizons  Virtual worlds & immersive digital environments [scenario based learning]  Cloud based applications [nearly infinite storage – gmail, Google docs, YouTube, Blogger] ****TODAY’s focus**** ****TODAY’s focus**** Technologies on mid-term horizons [already in consumer world]  Geolocation – data visualization, creating maps, geotagged media overlays – urban planning – lifelong learning devices connected to cultural institutions  Alternative input devices eg accelerometers /multi- touch/gesture based

9 9 Technologies on furthest horizons  Deep tagging in rich media [searching embedded content in large multimedia files]  Next generation mobiles – cellular, wifi, GPS network, touch screen interface will rival laptops will rival laptops

10 10 2009 Horizon Report - Trends  Mobiles – shifting focus away from laptops  Cloud computing – large scale data farms  Geo-everything  Personal web –increasing no of widgets and tools to organise personal and professional life  Semantic aware applications organising information (Felix – USA)  Smart objects eg RFID smartcards

11 11 2008 Horizon Report - Trends  Increasing globalization – online collaborative workspaces  Notion of collective intelligence  Experience with games as learning tools  Visualization tools  Unprecedented innovation with mobile phones and 3 rd party applications 

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13 13 2009 Horizon Report – Challenges  Need for formal instruction in key new skills – information literacy, visual literacy and technological literacy  Students have changed but our educational resources haven’t – assessment not kept pace  Scholarship and research has made significant shifts  Expected to prove learning and measure through formal assessment – current systems are not capable of managing growing mountains of data  Higher education expected to deliver services, content and media to mobile devices

14 14 Collaboration technology  Demand for HD video merging with desktop/laptop is next ‘spike’  Called VC2 – visual communications 2 eg telepresence in Health  Emerging requirements:  Convergence, scalability, easy to use, reliable, high speed broadband  Easily adding video to voice call  Click to call, click to converge online  Unified bandwidth management for voice and video  ‘a video enabled organisation’

15 15 Neither technology nor education can live in a vacuum

16 16 References  Jackson, L., Levine, A., & Smith, R (2009) The 2009 Horizon Report. Austin Texas: The New Media Consortium

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