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Embracing Uncertainties: Technology Enhanced Learning for the Twenty First Century Professor Denise Kirkpatrick Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience)

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Presentation on theme: "Embracing Uncertainties: Technology Enhanced Learning for the Twenty First Century Professor Denise Kirkpatrick Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Embracing Uncertainties: Technology Enhanced Learning for the Twenty First Century Professor Denise Kirkpatrick Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience)

2 University of Adelaide2

3 Trends Fast Moving (1 – 2 years) Online, Hybrid, & Collaborative Learning Social Media Use in Learning Mid-Range (3 – 5 years) The Creator Society Data-Driven Learning & Assessment Slow (>5 years) Agile Approaches to Change Making Online Learning Natural University of Adelaide3 NMC Horizon Report 2014

4 Most influential technologies Mobile apps (2012)/ Mobile computing (2010, 2011) Tablets (2012) ; Electronic books (2010, 2011) Open Education Resources (2010) MOOCs (2013) Flipped Classroom (2013, 2014) Learning Analytics (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) Augmented reality Game based learning (2011,2012, 2013) Gesture based computing (2011, 2012) Data driven learning & assessment (2013) The Horizon Report 2010, 2011,2013

5 Time-to-Adoption Horizon One Year or Less Flipped Classroom Learning Analytics Two to Three Years 3D printing Games & Gamification Four to Five Years Quantified Self Virtual Assistants University of Adelaide5 Source: NMC Horizon Report – 2014 Higher Education Edition

6 What’s Exciting Personalisation Just like my life Highly mobile Understanding our students Open education resources & content Integrated & seamless High touch Responsive Richness – content, interactions 6

7 Online is here to stay! University of Adelaide7 Source: Going the Distance, Online Education in the United States, I.Elaine Allen & Jeff Seaman Growth in online learning

8 Demand for online education University of Adelaide8 Source: Insights into Global Demand for Online Education ( online-education.html)

9 Interest in Distance Learning University of Adelaide9

10 10

11 MOOCs University of Adelaide11

12 External uses of MOOCs To make learning public Expose research to a wide audience Attract students to study with you As a mechanism for translating research into basic public education Expand access to education As brand enhancement Appeal to the leisure learner For the public good University of Adelaide12

13 Internal uses of MOOCs Expose students to content from other universities Allow students to study subjects you don’t teach To innovate in teaching As a tool for remediation For extension Staff training Resources to flip the classroom University of Adelaide13

14 Learner-centric, digital environments Learner-selected mentors Learner-selected peer network Personalised information feeds & mobile tools Personalised resource archives


16 Analytics Use of data, statistical and quantitative methods, and explanatory and predictive models to allow organizations and individuals to gain insights into and act on complex issues. University of Adelaide16

17 Learning Analytics a means to provide stakeholders with better information & deep insight into the factors within the learning process that contribute to learner success. guide decision making about educational reform and learner-level intervention for at-risk students. improve completion rates, provide information to decision makers & assist learners develop increased responsibility for their learning collate & analyse the impact of various interactions and identities help researchers ground their research in learning on real data, more empirically grounded University of Adelaide17

18 Learning & Academic Analytics Penetrating the Fog: Analytics in Learning and Education – George Siemens and Phil Long

19 University of Adelaide19

20 Signals Purdue University Real time traffic-lights in the LMS, based on a predictive model University of Adelaide20

21 Data Driven Learning & Assessment Still developing but great potential for improving services, retention & learning Use new sources of data to – personalise the learning experience – measure performance Dashboards for: – Learner – Teacher – Institution University of Adelaide21

22 Adaptive Learning Potential to personalise learning Immediate feedback to learners More than repetition Automates the help of a good tutor University of Adelaide22 Knewton SmartSparrow

23 Adaptive Learning University of Adelaide23

24 Key Themes University of Adelaide24 Personalisation Engagement (deep) Integration & connectedness Focus on outcomes Uncertainty & change

25 Thank You University of Adelaide25

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