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UML 2.0 Roadmap: What Should Users Expect? Cris Kobryn Chief Technologist, Telelogic.

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Presentation on theme: "UML 2.0 Roadmap: What Should Users Expect? Cris Kobryn Chief Technologist, Telelogic."— Presentation transcript:

1 UML 2.0 Roadmap: What Should Users Expect? Cris Kobryn Chief Technologist, Telelogic

2 UML 2.0 Roadmap 2 Overview What is UML? Why is UML important? Why UML 2.0? UML 2.0 status Featured proposal: U2 Partners’ submission Issues

3 UML 2.0 Roadmap 3 Unified Modeling Language is a graphical language for specifying visualizing constructing documenting the artifacts of software systems Derived from synthesis of Booch, OMT and Objectory modeling languages roots can be traced to data modeling and SDL Adopted by OMG in November 1997 as UML 1.1 most recent minor revision is UML 1.4, adopted in May 2001 next planned major revision is UML 2.0, scheduled to be completed during 2002 What is UML?

4 UML 2.0 Roadmap 4 As software architectures grow in size and complexity so does the need for software models compare building blueprints and visual CAD UML is the software industry’s dominant modeling language currently a de facto standard adopted by the Object Management Group, the world’s largest software consortium may soon be a de jure international standard (OMG is submitting to ISO as Publicly Available Specification) difficult to find a software project with > 10 developers who do not use UML in some way to specify their architecture UML has enormous growth potential lingua franca across the software lifecycle (requirements through testing) and across platforms and domains executable UML can automate software development reducing the chasm between analysis & design and implementation Why is UML important?

5 UML 2.0 Roadmap 5 Why UML 2.0? Although UML 1.x has enjoyed widespread acceptance, it shortcomings include: excessive size gratuitous complexity uneven precision limited customizability inadequate support for components non-standard implementations lack of support for diagram interchange … A major revision is required to address these issues

6 UML 2.0 Roadmap 6 UML 2.0 Status Requests for Proposals (RFPs) Proposals Schedule

7 UML 2.0 Roadmap 7 UML 2.0 RFPs Diagram Interchange Object Constraint Language Infrastructure Defines basic constructs to specify UML and to customize it for specific domains (e.g., real-time) Superstructure Defines user-level constructs to model structure and behavior of systems (e.g., class diagrams, etc.)

8 UML 2.0 Roadmap 8 UML 2.0 Submissions UML 2.0 Infrastructure 36 Letters of Intent (LOIs); 5 initial submissions by 28 companies UML 2.0 Superstructure 37 LOIs; 5 initial submissions by 28 companies UML 2.0 OCL 30 LOIs; 4 initial submissions by 10 companies UML 2.0 Diagram Interchange 6 LOIs; 3 initial submissions by 6 companies

9 UML 2.0 Roadmap 9 UML 2.0 Schedule Feb Jan 2002Dec 2002 MarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 19 Aug 02 UML2 Superstructure & Diagram Interchange revised submissions 26 Apr 02 UML 1.4.1 final report 25 Nov 02 UML 1.x Action Semantics final report 3 Jun 02 UML2 Infrastructure & OCL revised submissions

10 UML 2.0 Roadmap 10 Featured Proposal: U2 Partners Insufficient time to review all proposals please download all submissions and judge for yourself U2 Partners proposal selected because work of the largest submission team (28 submitters and supporters) balanced approach to integrating language Infrastructure with Superstructure architecturally aligned with other industry standards, such as ITU-T languages

11 UML 2.0 Roadmap 11 U2 Partners’ Proposal A consortium of UML vendors and users dedicated to making UML easier to apply, implement and customize Submitters Alcatel, CA, ENEA, Ericsson, HP, IBM, I-Logix, IONA, Kabira, Motorola, Oracle, Rational, SOFTEAM, Telelogic, Unisys, WebGain Supporters Ceira, Commissariat à L'Energie Atomique, Embarcadero, Gentleware, Intellicorp, Jaczone, Kennedy Carter, Lockheed Martin, MSC.Software, Sims Associates, Syntropy, University of Kaiserslautern

12 UML 2.0 Roadmap 12 Goals Restructure and refine the language to make it easier to apply, implement and customize increase precision practice reuse Infrastructure goals Define a metalanguage kernel that can define (bootstrap) UML and also be reused to define other OMG Model-Driven Architecture metamodels (e.g., Meta Object Facility, Common Warehouse Model) Provide more powerful mechanisms to customize UML allow users to define language dialects for platforms (e.g., J2EE,.NET) and domains (e.g., telecom, finance, mil/aero).

13 UML 2.0 Roadmap 13 Goals: Superstructure (cont’d) Improve support for component-based development specify both platform-independent components (e.g., business components) and platform-specific components (e.g., EJB, COM+) Refine architectural specification capabilities. support hierarchical composition of parts with interfaces (compare SDL blocks and processes). Enhance support for real-time development. State machines will be updated to make them more scalable and generalizable, and able to support a transition-centric view. Improve support for business process modeling. Activities will be revised to support more flexible parallelism and furnish more I/O options. Increase scalability and precision of other behavioral constructs. Sequence diagrams will adapt concepts from MSCs that can be combined and integrated with other behavior. Deepen precision so that it better supports executable models. Review all UML 1.x constructs and diagrams. Refine, retire or deprecate as appropriate

14 UML 2.0 Roadmap 14 Cross-Pollination of Standards UML SDLMSC Other modeling languages

15 UML 2.0 Roadmap 15 Coming Attractions Examples of proposed notation for new UML 2.0 constructs work in progress

16 UML 2.0 Roadmap 16 VendingMachine Structured Classes :CoinHandler InsertCoin :Controller Ctrl Hdlr Display DispenseCoin connector part port

17 UML 2.0 Roadmap 17 Components component provided interface required interface

18 UML 2.0 Roadmap 18 Sequence Diagrams sd Overview ValidateCoin ref ChooseProduct ref [Select] [else] opt GiveChange ref DispenseProduct ref

19 UML 2.0 Roadmap 19 Sequence Diagrams (cont’d) :VendingMachine :User Coin(0.25) Show(”0.75”) Coin(0.10) Show(”0.65”) sd Trace Controller CoinHandler sd Validate Coin(c) User sd ValidateCoin Coin(c) Show(s) RejectCoin() alt else VendingMachine ref Validate Show(”1.00”)

20 UML 2.0 Roadmap 20 Issues Second language syndrome “Will UML 2.0 Be Agile or Awkward,” CACM, vol. 45, no. 1, Jan. 02. net weight loss = features added – features removed – 0.5 * features deprecated Paradigm evolution reduce impedance between object and component paradigms Language reuse: libraries, profiles, and metamodels compare natural language jargon, dialects and families will SDL and/or MSC profiles still be required? Multiple views compare building blueprints and MVC architectures requires refinement and traceability across views Action semantics integration full integration vs. optional compliance point Architectural alignment relationship to OMG MDA, ITU-T languages, etc.

21 UML 2.0 Roadmap 21 Wrap Up UML is used extensively inside and outside OMG lingua franca for OMG’s MDA initiative de facto standard  de jure standard UML’s evolution is following a well-planned roadmap: UML 1.4 is a mature minor revision UML 1.4.1 will be a maintenance revision UML 2.0 will be next planned major revision U2 Partners’ submission for UML 2.0 proposes many improvements that will benefit users more concise and precise improved support for component development, architectural specifications, business process modeling, and executable models

22 UML 2.0 Roadmap 22 U2 Partners OMG UML Resources UML Forum Contains links to the UML Revision Task Force and UML 2.0 Working Group webs as well as other UML resources. UML Models and Methods column Resources: Web

23 UML 2.0 Roadmap 23 Mailing Lists Conferences & Workshops UML Forum/Tokyo 2002, Tokyo, March 26-27, 2002. UML Track at SD West 2002, San Jose, CA, Apr. 22-26, 2002. UML 2002, Dresden, Germany, Sep. 30-Oct. 4, 2002. OMG UML Workshop, San Francisco, Dec. 3-6, 2002. Resources: Other

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