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Melanie Cradock Computers 8

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1 Melanie Cradock Computers 8
Nutrition Melanie Cradock Computers 8

2 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are a source of energy
As sugar level raises, pancreas releases insulin -moves sugar from blood into cells There are two types of carbohydrates Simple (sugar) and Complex (starches) Simple can be found in Candy, fruit and milk Complex can be found in Vegetables, oatmeal and whole-wheat bread Some foods cause blood sugar to rise quicker Carbohydrates are what make you feel hungry or full

3 Fats Most fruits and vegetables, have almost none
Lower-fat diets have been recommended for health and to lose weight. Some foods have a lot of fat: nuts, oils, butter, and meats like beef ect. Three types: Trans, saturated and unsaturated Trans-fat is found in margarine Saturated is found in meat, butter, cheese, milk and palm and coconut oil Unsaturated is found in plant foods, fish, olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil and albacore tuna

4 Protein Builds up, maintains, and replaces body tissues
Makes hemoglobin- part of red blood cells that gives oxygen to the body Your muscles, organs, and immune system are made up of protein Amino acids join together to make thousands of different proteins Your body makes 13 amino acids without you thinking, but can't make the other nine

5 Fibre Foods with fibre are really good for your bowels Found in plants
Can't be digested so it helps clean out intestines These are some foods that fibre is in: Muffins, fruits, vegetables, beans, breads, and cereals Two types: Soluble and Insoluble Soluble reduces blood cholesterol Insoluble helps you “go” regularly

6 Vitamins Stored in fat tissues in body and liver
Fat-soluble stay stored in your body for awhile A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins Water-soluble vitamins travel through your bloodstream There are many types: A, B, C, D, E, K Are in: Fish, cereal, egg yolks, milk, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc. Helps your eyesight, bones, heal a cut and protect tissues

7 Minerals Two kinds of minerals: macro minerals and trace minerals
Macrominerals are made up of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur. Trace minerals include Iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium. Are in meat, tuna, salmon, eggs, beans, baked potato, dried fruits and enriched grains When people don't get enough, they can get health problems Some functions: Builds bones and teeth, heart action, nerve impulses, blood clotting

8 Water Carries nutrients throughout the body Improves digestion
Eliminates waste and toxins from the body Regulates body temperature makes up two-thirds of the body You need at least 8 glasses a day 250ml is lost daily through breathing

9 Bibliography

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