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2 nd Grade Open House Welcome families!. Welcome to 2 nd Grade!  Thank you for coming tonight!  Please update contact info at the side table.  Please.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd Grade Open House Welcome families!. Welcome to 2 nd Grade!  Thank you for coming tonight!  Please update contact info at the side table.  Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd Grade Open House Welcome families!

2 Welcome to 2 nd Grade!  Thank you for coming tonight!  Please update contact info at the side table.  Please write in student transportation (easel).

3 Meet the Team Your child’s teachers:  Ms. Loretta (Islamic Studies)  Ms. Nehal~ Quran and Arabic  Ms. Jeehan~ Quran and Arabic  Coach Odin~ Physical Education  Ms. Zahra~ Homeroom

4 2 nd Grade Academic and Social Goals  To become life-long learners  To give your child the academic skills needed to progress to 3rd grade  To develop positive social-emotional skills and an increased sense of responsibility

5 Dress Code  Students are to come dressed in the appropriate uniform.  Boys: Blue Polo Shirt, Khakis  Girls: Blue Polo dress, Long-Sleeve V-Neck Tee under the dress (optional), Khaki pants, Hijab for prayer  Ordering information:

6 Classroom Community  Each classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Rule #1 Follow directions quickly. Rule #2 Raise your hand for permission to speak. Rule #3 Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Rule #4 Make Smart Choices Rule #5 Be Kind to Everyone

7 Classroom Community- Discipline Policy  Each classroom is a community. In our community, we have consequences if we break the rules. 1- Verbal Warning 2- Free time (5 min, 10 min) 3-LRD, logged into Gradelink 4- Parent/Teacher Conference 5- Office Referral

8 Classroom Community  We care about each other and our collective education.  We practice good manners and speech with one another. Community Talks: Modeling for students how to express feelings, disagreements and other interpersonal issues so that the other person feels respected.  We have a clean and organized learning space that we all contribute to.

9 Schedule (Monday-Thursday)  8:00 Morning Assembly (in the masjid)  8:15 Grammar  8:30 Phonics  8:50 Math  9:30 Snack time  9:45 ISAQ  11:10 Writing  11:30 Lunch and Recess  12:15 ELA  1:05 P.E./Science/Social Studies  1:45 Science/Social Studies/Elective  2:10 Pack Up and Closing Circle  2:25 Transition to Masjid –PRAYER  2:50 Dismissal

10 Grade Level Subjects  The academic subjects we cover during second grade are:  ELA: Grammar, Writing  Reading: Phonics, Vocabulary, Comprehension  Math  Science  Social Studies

11 Reading  All curriculum instruction is guided by the Texas TEKS standards.  Reading Street: ELA and Reading topics  Wordly Wise: Vocabulary development  Please encourage your child to read each night to increase fluency (=accuracy + rate) and to fill out 3 sections of the Reading Log (Comprehension)

12 Reading Homework  Reading Homework will consist of the Reading Log and a Wordly Wise assignment.  Students will need to respond to the selection and complete short written responses as well as vocabulary building activities.  Homework is distributed on Mondays and due back the following Monday.  Reading and Spelling Tests- selected Fridays  Individual student/teacher conferences to assess reading

13 ELA  8:15-8:30 Morning Work: Daily Grammar, Proofreading and Handwriting Lessons  During the school year, your child will create various types of writing including:  Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive, Letter Writing, Poetry, Journaling, and Creative Stories.  Students will have opportunities to participate in a Writer’s Workshop, modeled after the work of Lucy Caulkins.

14 Social Studies  Units of Study include: Geography, Civics, Economics, History (Texas and US), World History  Interactive notebooks  Reader’s Theatre  Social Studies Tests following a Unit of study

15 Math  All curriculum instruction is guided by Texas TEKS standards. (Envision Math, 2011)  Problem of the Day  Challenging for 2 nd Graders: Math Language and Vocabulary, Multi-step problems, Handwriting  Math Topics: Addition, Subtraction, Money, Place Value, Multiplication, Geometry, Measurement, Graphs and Probability

16 Daily 5 Students:  Read to Self  Read to Someone  Listen to Reading  Work on Writing  Word Work Teacher:  Teach Mini ELA Lessons  Re-teach D5 strategies as needed  Meet with students (Individual and Small Group)  Assess students

17 Science  Science as Inquiry, Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Science and the Environment  Mini-Labs and Interactive Workbooks  Experiential Learning

18 Homework Policies  Please make sure your student has a HW packet in their green folder every Monday (or first day of the week.)  Parents or students should contact me by e- mail if they do not have a HW packet due to absence or loss.  10% deduction applied for late work or if I must make another packet for the student. Please note that work will not be accepted past 1 week.

19 A few reminders  Parental visits to the classroom are not allowed, but I will happily meet with you during my Office Hours on Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30*. E-mail is a great way to communicate with me as well.  Absences, Early Releases and Tardies  Electronics and toys are not allowed.  Students are responsible for bringing the Green Folder to and from home everyday.

20 Parent’s Checklist for Success  Check the Green Folder nightly  Check out these Web- Sites –  www.  (Class web page)  (Curriculum page)  https://www.kidsa- (RAZ kids) https://www.kidsa-  Communicate with me in the Parent Comments section of the HW log.  Read all classroom and school e-mails.  Students should read nightly*  Contact us with any questions or concerns. *RAZ Kids coming soon!

21 Communication  School Phone: (512) 926-1737  Email:  Office Hours: Wednesdays from 2:35:3:20. Please email or call one day ahead to make an appointment.

22 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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