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Crossing the Bridge Training #3 Horizontal Alignment Secondary Mathematics.

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1 Crossing the Bridge Training #3 Horizontal Alignment Secondary Mathematics

2 “In schools across the state, there has been a proliferation of course titles and they often fail to communicate their contents clearly. With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, there should be one common system for naming courses to help parents understand, monitor, and advocate for the needs of their children.” (Confrey, Nguyen, and Lee, A Proposal for a Unified Common Core Mathematics in North Carolina, 2011)

3 3 Middle School Mathematics Sequence Fifth Grade Math Common Core Math 6 Common Core Math 6 Common Core Math 7 Common Core Math 7 Common Core Math 8 Common Core Math 8 Common Core Math 6 PLUS Common Core Math 6 PLUS Common Core Math 7 PLUS Common Core Math 7 PLUS Common Core Math I (High School Credit) Common Core Math II Honors Common Core Math II Honors Common Core Math I Common Core Math I Common Core Math III Honors Common Core Math III Honors Common Core Math II Common Core Math II Common Core Math III Common Core Math III 11th Grade 10th Grade 9th Grade 8th Grade 7th Grade 6th Grade 5th Grade

4 Course Sequence (Phase-In Implementation) for 2012-2013 and beyond 2011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016 SCOSGrade 8 (2003)Common Core Mathematics I Common Core Mathematics II Common Core Mathematics III 4 th Mathematics Course AssessmentGrade 8 EOGNC Mathematics IACT PLANSBAC/ACTNone SCOSAlgebra I (2003)Geometry (2003)Algebra II4 th Mathematics Course 5 th Mathematics Course AssessmentAlgebra I EOC Field Testing for NC Mathematics I NoneACT PLANSBAC/ACTNone SCOSGeometry (2003)Algebra II (2003)4 th Mathematics Course 5 th Mathematics Course + Univ/CC Course *+ AssessmentNone ACT PLANSBAC/ACTNone SCOSAlgebra II (2003)4 th Mathematics Course 5 th Mathematics Course + Univ/CC Course*+ AssessmentNone ACT PLANNone 4 *Univ/CC indicates courses taken at a university or community college. SBAC indicates national assessments developed by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The ACT PLAN is given to all 10 th graders and the ACT is given to all 11 th graders regardless of the course enrollment. Field testing of CCSS Mathematics I is only for samples of students across the state. +Optional

5 Course Sequence (Phase-In Implementation) for 2012-2013 and beyond 2011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016 8 th Grade StudentGrade 8 (2003)Common Core Mathematics I Common Core Mathematics II Common Core Mathematics III 4 th Mathematics Course AssessmentGrade 8 EOGNC Mathematics IACT PLANSBAC/ACTNone 9 th Grade StudentAlgebra I (2003)Geometry (2003)Algebra II4 th Mathematics Course AssessmentAlgebra I EOC Field Testing for NC Mathematics I NoneACT PLANSBAC/ACT 10 th Grade StudentGeometry (2003)Algebra II (2003)4 th Mathematics Course AssessmentNone ACT PLAN 11 th Grade StudentAlgebra II (2003)4 th Mathematics Course AssessmentNone 5 *Univ/CC indicates courses taken at a university or community college. SBAC indicates national assessments developed by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The ACT PLAN is given to all 10 th graders and the ACT is given to all 11 th graders regardless of the course enrollment. Field testing of CCSS Mathematics I is only for samples of students across the state. +Optional

6 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge

7 Webb’s DOK … 1. focuses on the cognitive demand required to successfully complete an assessment/task. 2. focuses on the context of the “verb” 3. focuses on the depth of thought required

8 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Level 1 Recall Recall of a fact, information or procedure Level 2 Skill/Concept Use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps, etc. Level 3 Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning, developing a plan or sequence of steps, some complexity, more than one possible answer Level 4 Extended Thinking Requires an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem

9 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Activity #1- Pick a concept for your grade level and come up with an activity for each level of DOK. Level 1 Recall- Draw, identify, list, recall, use, memorize, calculate, define, state, label, quote, match, measure, illustrate Level 2 Skill/Concept- compare, make observations, predict, estimate, graph, sketch, solve, show, interpret, modify Level 3 Strategic Thinking- develop a logical argument, assess, investigate, hypothesize, use concepts to solve non-routine problems, formulate, appraise, differentiate, draw conclusions Level 4 Extended Thinking- analyze, apply concepts, compose, connect, create, critique, defend, design, evaluate, judge, propose, prove, support, synthesize

10 Common Core Format High School Conceptual Category Domain Cluster Standards K-8 Grade Domain Cluster Standards (No pre-K Common Core Standards)

11 Grade Level/Course Overview

12 Accessing Common Core Documents Activity #2- Scavenger Hunt Common Core State Standards Home Page Background and research available The Standards (upper right hand corner) Appendices Standards PDF documents

13 Mathematics | Grade 6 In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations (4)developing understanding of statistical thinking.

14 Mathematics | Grade 7 In Grade 7, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1)developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples

15 Mathematics | Grade 8 In Grade 8, instructional time should focus on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.

16 ACRE Website Access ACRE- NC Common Core Instructional Support Tools core-tools/#crela Unpacking Standards Crosswalks

17 Activity #3- Crosswalks Steps: 1.Examine your grade level crosswalk document 2.On the outline in your e-packet list the following: What is new to my curriculum What is no longer in my curriculum How do I plan to gather resources for new material

18 New to 6th Grade: Unit rate (6.RP.3b) Measurement unit conversions (6.RP 3d) Number line – opposites and absolute value (6.NS.6a, 6.NS.7c) Vertical and horizontal distances on the coordinate plane (6.NS.8) Distributive property and factoring (6.EE.3) Introduction of independent and dependent variables (6.NS.9) Volume of right rectangular prisms with fractional edges (6.G.2) Surface area with nets (only triangle and rectangle faces) (6.G.4) Dot plots, histograms, box plots (6.SP.4) Statistical variability (M.A.D. and Interquartile Range) (6.G.5c) Moved from 6th Grade: Multiplication of fractions (moved to 5th grade) Scientific notation (moved to 8th grade) Transformations (moved to 8th grade) Area and circumference of circles (moved to 7th grade) Probability (moved to 7th grade) Two-step equations (moved to 7th grade) Solving one- and two-step inequalities (moved to 7th grade)

19 6 th Grade Notes: Topics may appear to be similar between the CCSS and the 2003 NCSCOS; however, the CCSS may be presented at a higher cognitive demand. Equivalent fractions, decimals and percents are in 6th grade but as conceptual representations (see 6.RP.2c). Use of the number line (building on elementary foundations) is also encouraged. For more detailed information, see the crosswalks. 6.NS. 2 is the final check for student understanding of place value. Instructional considerations for CCSS implementation in 2012 – 2013: Multiplication of fractions (reference 5.NF.3, 5.NF.4a, 5.NF.4b, 5.NF.5a, 5.NF.5b, 5.NF.6) Division of whole number by unit fractions and division of unit fractions by whole numbers (reference 5.NF.7a, 5.NF.7b, 5.NF.7c) Multiplication and division of decimals (reference 5.NBT.7) Volume with whole number (reference 5.MD.3, 5.MD.4, 5.MD.5) Classification of two-dimensional figures based on their properties (reference 5.G.3, 5,G.4

20 New to 7th Grade: Constant of proportionality (7.RP.2b) Percent of error (7.RP.3) Factoring to create equivalent expressions (7.EE.1) Triangle side lengths (7.G.2) Area and circumference of circles (7.G.4) Angles (supplementary, complementary, vertical) (7. G.5) Surface area and volume of pyramids (7.G.6) Probability (7.SP.5 – 7.SP.8) Moved from 7th Grade: Similar and congruent polygons (moved to 8th grade) Surface area and volume of cylinders (moved to 8th grade – volume only) Creation of box plots and histograms (moved to 6th grade – 7th grade continues to compare) Linear relations and functions (y-intercept moved to 8th grade) Views from 3-Dimensional figures (removed from CCSS) Statistical measures (moved to 6th grade)

21 7 th Grade Notes: Topics may appear to be similar between the CCSS and the 2003 NCSCOS; however, the CCSS may be presented at a higher cognitive demand. Proportionality in 7th grade now includes identifying proportional relationships from tables and graphs; writing equations to represent proportional relationships. Using a number line for rational number operations is emphasized in CCSS. Instructional considerations for CCSS implementation in 2012 – 2013: Work with ratio tables and relationships between tables, graphs and equations; focus on the multiplicative relationship between and within ratios (6.RP.3a, 6.RP.3b) Unit conversions within systems (6.RP.3d) Opposites and absolute value (6.NS.6a, 6.NS.7c) Distributive property with area models and factoring (6.EE.3) – prerequisite to 7.EE.1 Volume of rectangular prisms (6.G.2) and surface area (6.G.4) – prerequisite to 7.G.6 Mean Absolute Deviation (6.SP.5c) – prerequisite to 7.SP.3 and foundational to standard deviation in Math One

22 New to 8th Grade: Integer exponents with numerical bases (8.EE.1) Scientific notation, including multiplication and division (8.EE.3 and 8.EE.4) Unit rate as slope (8.EE.5) Qualitative graphing (8.F.5) Transformations (8.G.1 and 8.G.3) Congruent and similar figures (characterized through transformations) (8.G.2 and 8.G.4) Angles (exterior angles, parallel cut by transversal, angle-angle criterion) (8.G.5) Finding diagonal distances on a coordinate plane using the Pythagorean Theorem (8.G.8) Volume of cones, cylinders and spheres (8.G.9) Two-way tables (8.SP.4) Moved from 8th Grade: Indirect measurement (embedded throughout) Linear inequalities (moved to high school) Effect of dimension changes (moved to high school) Misuses of data (embedded throughout) Function notation (moved to high school) Point-slope form (moved to high school) and standard form of a linear equation (not in CCSS)

23 8 th Grade Notes: Topics may appear to be similar between the CCSS and the 2003 NCSCOS; however, the CCSS may be presented at a higher cognitive demand. Instructional considerations for CCSS implementation in 2012 – 2013: Solving proportions with tables, graphs, equations (7.RP.2a, 7.RP.2b, 7.RP.2c, 7.RP.2d) prerequisite to 8.EE.5 Mean Absolute Deviation (6.SP.5c) – foundational to standard deviation in Math One Identifying the conditions for lengths to make a triangle (7.G.2) Supplementary, complementary, vertical and adjacent angles (7.G.5) – prerequisite to 8.G.5 Finding vertical and horizontal distances on the coordinate plane (6.NS.3) – foundational to 8.G.8)

24 Resources Webb, Norman L. “Alignment, Depth of Knowledge, & Change.”,Wisconsin Center for Education Research, 2005.

25 Contact Information Dawn Perks Grayling B. Williams, Secondary Mathematics Specialist (919) 560-2000 (Ext. 21314-Grayling) (Ext. 21315-Dawn)

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