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Welcome to 5 th Grade! Mrs. Thal – Room 19. 5 th grade = lots of changes! New school, 2 teachers Physical, emotional, social changes Tougher curriculum,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5 th Grade! Mrs. Thal – Room 19. 5 th grade = lots of changes! New school, 2 teachers Physical, emotional, social changes Tougher curriculum,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5 th Grade! Mrs. Thal – Room 19

2 5 th grade = lots of changes! New school, 2 teachers Physical, emotional, social changes Tougher curriculum, higher expectations Number grades Middle school around the corner!

3 Goals for 5 th grade Develop a good work ethic, in addition to good study and organizational skills Teach students to work more independently Increase responsibility/accountability Expand thinking and problem-solving skills Reinforce principles of “good character” Connect subject matter to “real life”

4 Math Curriculum “ Math is like gym for your brain!” We’ll be using a Common Core Coach Performance workbook, in conjunction with other supplemental materials, to address each of the standards of the Common Core: Operations and Algebraic Thinking –Write and interpret numerical expressions. –Analyze patterns and relationships. Number and Operations in Base Ten –Understand the place value system. –Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths. Number and Operations—Fractions –Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. –Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.

5 Math Curriculum Measurement and Data –Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system. –Represent and interpret data. –Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition. Geometry –Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. –Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties. Extra help is available at recess, and sometimes after school if given advanced notice. Students must know their times tables!!,, and YouTube have excellent video tutorials on every math topic. Numerous websites offer extra practice – links are on my website.

6 Science Curriculum We’ll be using FOSS and Carolina science kits, in conjunction with supplemental materials, to learn about the following: Solar Energy Ecosystems Landforms Microworlds –Any notes taken in class are posted on my website –Students are expected to follow safety rules in the lab –Begin writing formal lab reports

7 Health Curriculum We’ll be using the “Your Health” text books, in conjunction with supplemental materials, to learn about the following: –Dealing with Feelings –Keeping Fit and Healthy –Food and Nutrition –Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco

8 Health Curriculum Character Education is also part of the students’ Health grade –Students will be keeping a Journal –Sample prompt: How do you react when you’re asked to do something you don’t want to do? Are there better ways to handle the situation? Incentives given for acts of good character “Classroom Rules” designed to enforce the principles of good character –respect, responsibility, fairness, compassion, trustworthiness, honesty, self-discipline, citizenship

9 Grading The following areas are factored into a student’s overall grade: –Tests – students given about a weeks notice (will coordinate with Ms. Altilio to ensure 2 major tests are not given on same day, e.g., Science and Social Studies) –Quizzes – there’s a difference between a quiz and a test! 2-3 days notice given for quizzes –Homework –Class participation - easiest grade! –Portfolio, Labs (Science) –Journals (Health) –Projects – Some done in class, some started in class, some done at home

10 Grading Tests/Quizzes/Projects posted on a calendar on my website Will be posting online what days quizzes/tests/project grades were returned and sent home –Please sign and return any grades that are below a 70 (other papers may be kept home) Students need to study! Grades tend to fluctuate from marking period to marking period

11 Homework Homework grade: –Assignments checked that they are completed; answers reviewed in class –Most homework will come from Math (Study Island Homework will be included) Homework always posted on board, copied into assignment pads –Also posted on my website (not guaranteed everyday) –Please check students’ assignment pads 1 “No Homework” and 2 “Late” passes given per marking period –Use for emergencies

12 Miscellaneous If student misses work in class due to Band, Enrichment, absent, etc., they are responsible for making up the work. If there are circumstances going on at home that you think may impact your student’s performance in school, please let me know. When sending in money for anything (including lunch cards) please put in an envelope, marked with child’s name, my name, and purpose. We have 2 parties per year – Halloween and right before Winter Break. I will have sign ups available on Sign-Up Genius. –Please send in food that has a food label –If your child has specific allergy, you may send in food for them separately –No birthday treats

13 Miscellaneous If anyone has board games they are not using, please consider donating them to our classroom. Classroom Rewards System - “An Apple From the Teacher” – collect 10 and pick a prize from the basket. Supplies

14 Finally… If you need to reach me: – Please write down your email address if you would like me to contact you that way –Send a note in with student –Call school and leave a message Questions? Thank you for coming! Here’s to a great year!

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