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Empowering & Engaging ALL students through Simulated Congressional Hearings Center for Civic Education Howard County’s.

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1 Empowering & Engaging ALL students through Simulated Congressional Hearings Center for Civic Education Howard County’s SCH Website

2 Common Core

3 Simulated Congressional Hearing (SCH) Howard County Simulated Congressional Hearing (SCH) Judge Training

4 Constitutional Experts Constitutional Committee (judges)

5 5 Units of Study 1.What basic ideas about government did the founders have? 2.How did the framers write our constitution? 3.How does the constitution organize our government? 4.How does the constitution protect our basic rights? 5.What are the responsibilities of citizens?

6 Why Conduct a SCH?  Performance Based Assessment  Engages and Motivates  Rigorous and Challenging  Builds Disciplinary Literacy  Encourages Community Involvement  Authentic Examples  Positive Experience/Memory

7 Who Participates?  ALL 5th Graders  Various other grades throughout the school  Perform in opening/closing ceremonies  Make flags  Make decorations  Serve as guides

8 What is the Schedule for the Day of the SCH?  Judges Training  Opening Ceremony  Hearings in Classrooms  4 minute prepared speech  6 minute follow-up questions  Lunch  Roundtable Discussions Between Judges & Students  Closing Ceremony

9 When Does This Occur?  Content is taught throughout school year- (direct correlation to our curriculum)  Preparations for hearing- approx. 10 days before the SCH Day  SCH Day is in late May or June

10 Community Involvement  SCH Coaches  Parents & Family Members  Community Members  Older Students  Guest Speakers  Judges  Volunteer Committees  Observers and Cheerleaders

11 Acknowledge Student Achievement Gold, silver, bronze medals Positive judge comments Certificates of Achievement

12  We The People: The Citizen and the Constitution textbooksThe Citizen and the Constitution textbooks  Exemplar Lessons  Professional Development  Pedagogy  Content Assistance  Planning- timelines & resources Implementation

13  Communication  Staff and Community  Websites: County; WikiCountyWiki  Recruiting Judges  Cadre of Mentors  Financial Support Implementation

14 Questions? Feel free to contact us: Kimberly Loisel (410) 313-5678 Coordinator, Elementary Social Studies Howard County Public School System Michelle Ranker (410) 313-6642 Resource Teacher, Elementary Social Studies Howard County Public School System

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