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FIX IT PROGRAM SALAM WATANDAR RADIO STATION Kabul Innovation Lab Media A bridge between communities and local authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "FIX IT PROGRAM SALAM WATANDAR RADIO STATION Kabul Innovation Lab Media A bridge between communities and local authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIX IT PROGRAM SALAM WATANDAR RADIO STATION Kabul Innovation Lab Media A bridge between communities and local authorities

2 CONTENTS  Salam Watandar Nation Wide Network  Fix it – Concept  Current Project implementation process  Challenges  Solutions – Using open source software ( Frontline SMS/Ushahidi)  Project Cost  Sustainability

3 Introduction

4 □ Salam Watandar is a nation wide radio network. □ SW is connected with 44 local radio stations in 26 provinces across Afghanistan

5 Fix It Program  Bridge between government and communities: “Fix It” SW links communities with government to enable them to find their own solutions to their problems.  This program demonstrates how local media can be a catalyst for change.

6 Current Process  After people call in and described their problems to Fix It program, the producers will track that problem until it’s going to be solved.  They will meet the relevant responsible of that problem (Normally Government), and address the problems to that responsible and then they will keep track.  After the problem is solved, they will announce in Fix It program that the problem is solved and will seek for another problem.

7 Challenges  Tens of Missed calls everyday.  Breaking the promises by government regarding solution of the problem.  Non-automated answering result in heavy workload.  Less output

8 Solutions  Automated system for collecting the data.  Reporting back to the local people.  The same information to be synchronized in public online mapping area (Ushahidi), so anyone can have access to the map and see the number of the problems/solutions in different areas/communities.

9 Fix it - Project Implementation - Kabul Focused Detailed Budget Project's Duration 1 year Rate Units Qty. Total Technical One time Cost 1 1,200-1$1,200 Telecome Cost ( Short Code - 349 Fix 1 1,400-1$1,400 Calling & SMS1 200-1$200 Total one Time Cost $2,800 Local Labor CoreProducer 12 700-1$8,400 Stringers ( Local Journalist) 12 500-3$18,000 Technical Expert 12 1,000-1$12,000 Total Admin Cost$38,400 Marketing 12 1,600-1$19,200 ( Bilboards, Facebook, - other online websites) Total Yearly Project Cost $60,400 Total Project cost per year without onetime cost $57,600 Budget Estimation

10 Sustainability  Donor money  Getting Radio Advertisement  Local community involvement  Donation money – via SMS/Local businessmen

11 Media Group Participants Naweed Ahmadi - Kabul Farooq Azam - Pakistan Fakhruddin Yousufy - Kabul Susan Atai - Herat Khalilullah Stanikzai - Kabul Hasen Poreya - Herat Jamshed Sultanzada - Herat Mujtaba Ayan - Kabul Mumtaz Bahir - Kabul

12 Thank You

13 Let’s have fun with the demo

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