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University of Colorado Division of Student Affairs CAS/Program Review Jim Davis Rosenthal, Ph.D., Director of Orientation and Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Colorado Division of Student Affairs CAS/Program Review Jim Davis Rosenthal, Ph.D., Director of Orientation and Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Colorado Division of Student Affairs CAS/Program Review Jim Davis Rosenthal, Ph.D., Director of Orientation and Assessment

2 History 2000 Accreditation Campus asked to place more focus on assessment Large departments, such as Housing/Dining Services, have program review rotation schedules. UMC (Student Union) conducts CAS Program Review in 2005 Counseling & Psychological Services and Wardenburg Health Center have accrediting bodies and regular schedule for reaccreditation. Campus asked to place more focus on assessment Large departments, such as Housing/Dining Services, have program review rotation schedules. UMC (Student Union) conducts CAS Program Review in 2005 Counseling & Psychological Services and Wardenburg Health Center have accrediting bodies and regular schedule for reaccreditation. Prep for 2010 Accreditation SAAOC formed in 2008 (Student Affairs Assessment Oversight Committee, chaired by Jim Davis Rosenthal, Director of Orientation) Dean of Students/AVC purchases CAS Self Study Guides for whole division. (Now own 2012 version) SAAOC prepares report reviewing assessment efforts since 2000. SAAOC formed in 2008 (Student Affairs Assessment Oversight Committee, chaired by Jim Davis Rosenthal, Director of Orientation) Dean of Students/AVC purchases CAS Self Study Guides for whole division. (Now own 2012 version) SAAOC prepares report reviewing assessment efforts since 2000. Student Affairs Program Review

3 Recommendations


5 CASE STUDY Student Affairs Program Review

6 Orientation CAS Process Student Affairs Program Review

7 Orientation CAS Process Student Affairs Program Review

8 Orientation CAS Process: Example

9 Orientation CAS Process Student Affairs Program Review

10 Orientation CAS Process: Example


12 Orientation CAS Process Student Affairs Program Review

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