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The Modell of Güssing an example for sustainable energy solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "The Modell of Güssing an example for sustainable energy solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Modell of Güssing an example for sustainable energy solutions

2 Güssing16. Februar 2014 History 50 years boarder region to HU50 years boarder region to HU No IndustryNo Industry Less JobsLess Jobs 70% weekly commuters70% weekly commuters People left the regionsPeople left the regions Small structured agriculture landSmall structured agriculture land No traffic infrastructureNo traffic infrastructure

3 Güssing16. Februar 2014 Energy consumption Customer Oil/ GAS El. Power Fuels Money Customer Heat Power Fuels Money Energy Energy Ressources Ressources sun Agric.. Forest.

4 Güssing16. Februar 2014 sun Waste wood Saw dust ResourcesTechnologiesEnergy Gras, Maize, clover Raps oil, Used food oil Photovoltaik Solarthermie Gas Biomasse- verbrennung Biomasse- verbrennung Thermische Vergasung Fernwärme Netz Umesterung Rapskuchen Dampf Dampfturbine Gasmotor Brennstoffzelle Methanierung Fischer-Tropsch Biogas Gas Öffentliches Stromnetz El. Power Fuels Heat/ cool Wood chips Pyroforce Gasmotor Gas RME Glycerin RME Gas

5 Güssing16. Februar 2014 Town of Güssing Regional added Value (Town of Güssing) Money for external produced Energy (mostly fossile Energy ressources) 20051991 © EEE 2005

6 Güssing16. Februar 2014 The town of Güssing More than 50 new companies More than 1.000 new jobs Netto income 9 Mio. / Year Energy turn over : 13 Mio. / year Wood consumption of 20.000 t/year The district of Güssing Added value because of 45% own energy production with renewables: 18 Mio. EURO potential for added value with 100% own production of energy 37 Mio. EURO Reginal added value

7 Güssing16. Februar 2014 Communal tax

8 Güssing16. Februar 2014 Heat Power Synth. gas Synth. fuels Methanol Hydrogen Thermic Gasifying Biologic Gasifying Strategy for the future

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