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T opic 1 Why all the smiling faces? 肇庆市黄岗中学 杨育梅 八( 4 )班.

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Presentation on theme: "T opic 1 Why all the smiling faces? 肇庆市黄岗中学 杨育梅 八( 4 )班."— Presentation transcript:

1 T opic 1 Why all the smiling faces? 肇庆市黄岗中学 杨育梅 八( 4 )班

2 snakemouseicecream eyes smile [smail] v. 微笑 lamp

3 icenurse violin Indiantaxi eggplant invite [in'vait] vt. 邀请

4 telephoneapple schoolbagtea egg taste [teist] vi. 尝起来

5 none [n ʌ n] pron. 没有人;一个也没有; 没有任何东西 nose oil newspapere-mail

6 window okok ruler rain elephant dog worried ['w ʌ rid] adj. 担心的 idea 想法

7 smile [sma ɪ l] vi. 微笑 invite [ ɪ n'va ɪ t] vt. 邀请 taste [teist] vt. 尝 none [n ʌ n] pron. 没有人;一个也没有; 没有任何东西 worried ['w ʌ rid] adj. 担心的

8 1.He wants to ______( 邀请 )you to my birthday party. 2.She is very kind and she often s_______ (笑). 3.Tickets for Friday? Sorry, we have n______ left. 4.I want to ______ ( 尝 )the chicken, it looks so delicious. 5.His mother is ill and he looks _________( 担心 ). 6.Your father helps a lot, please say ______ to him. invite miles one taste worried thanks

9 worried funny happysad angry afraidactive

10 Example: Look and describe the picture with suitable words after the example. Kangkang is happy. Kangkang looks happy. Kangkang feels happy. worried funny happy sad angry afraid active

11 They look funny. They are happy. They are funny. They look happy. They are active. They look active. They are happy. They look happy. worried funny happy sad angry afraid active

12 worried funny happy sad angry afraid active The teacher is angry and the boy is afraid. The teacher looks angry and the boy looks afraid. The teacher feels angry and the boy feels afraid.

13 The girl is sad. The girl looks sad. The girl feels sad. The woman is worried and the boy is sad. The waman looks worried and the boy looks sad. The woman feels worried and the boy feels sad. worried funny happy sad angry afraid active

14 The music sounds wonderful.

15 Kangkang: Hi! How are you doing? Jane: Very well, thank you. You look ________. Why? Kangkang: Guess what! My father and mother want to ______ your parents to go to the movies. Maria: Really? What movie are they going to see? Kangkang: The Sound of Music. Jane: Oh, it is one of my favorite movies. When are they going? Kangkang: This Saturday. And we can spend the evening at my house. My mom will prepare some _________ food for us. Michael : Wow! That's _______! I'm so _______. Please say ________ to your mom. excited invite delicious greathappy thanks

16 4.Why does Michael want to say thanks to Kangkang's parents? Because Kangkang's parents prepare some delicious food for them. ( )1.Kangkang looks excited. ( )2.They will go to see the movie this Sunday. 3.Who will go to see the movie?( ) A.Kangkang B.Jane C.Michael D.The parents. T F Saturday D Read and understand :

17 linking verb ( 连系动词) +adj: You look excited. That's great. I'm so happy.

18 Talk about the following pictures in pairs after the example. Example: A: How does the food taste? B: It tastes delicious.

19 sound/wonderful feel/excited How do the children look? They look very happy. How does the music sound? It sounds wonderful. How do they feel? They feel excited. look/happy

20 Exercise :describe the pictures with linking verbs. The bulding looks high. Our school is beautiful. The baby is angry. The baby looks angry. The baby feels angry.

21 Kent feels happy. Kent looks happy.. The cakes taste delicious. The rice tastes delicious. The cat looks cute.

22 The boy looks sad. The boy feels sad. The boy is sad. They look excited. The music sounds wonderful. They feel happy. They are funny.

23 Sum up: 1.(linking verbs) 连系动词 +adj. is/look/feel/taste/sound+ angry,happy,delicious,wonderfeul... 2.New phrases: say thanks to invite sb. to do sth. 3. New words:smile, invite,none, taste, worried

24 Homework 1.Read 1 and copy the new words. 2.Watch the movie The Sound of Music after class.


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