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Building Futures for Young Australians. What are we doing?

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Presentation on theme: "Building Futures for Young Australians. What are we doing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Futures for Young Australians

2 What are we doing?

3 Why are we doing it?

4 Existing Measures Program and process Young people’s outcomes abcd

5 Measuring the young person Program and process Young people’s outcomes

6 The things outside the frame are actually what matters Respectful Relationships Young People’s Outcomes

7 From Existing Measures to Game Changer Respectful Relationships Young People’s Outcomes Respectful Relationships

8 How young people grow through a program Respectful relationshipsYoung People grow

9 How young people grow through a program Young People… are actively involved in a program Young People are happy and leading meaningful lives.. Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Enabling Space Outcomes

10 How young people grow through a program Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Enabling Space Outcomes Connection ControlMeaning

11 How young people grow through a program Connection ControlMeaning Young People are happy and leading meaningful lives.. Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Enabling SpaceOutcomes

12 How young people grow through a program Young People… are actively involved in a program Connection ControlMeaning Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Enabling SpaceOutcomes

13 How young people grow through a program Young People… are actively involved in a program Connection ControlMeaning Connection ControlMeaning Young People are happy and leading meaningful lives.. Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Enabling SpaceOutcomes …which results in… …and leads to… …in an…

14 How young people grow through a program Young People… are actively involved in a program Connection ControlMeaning Connection ControlMeaning Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Enabling Space Outcomes …which results in…

15 A framework for how young people grow through a program Young People… are actively involved in a program Connection ControlMeaning Connection ControlMeaning Young People are happy and leading meaningful lives.. Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Stakeholders …take part in an… Activity Enabling Space OutcomesImpact … which results in… …and leads to… …in an…

16 A framework for how young people grow through a program Young People… are actively involved in a program Young People are happy and leading meaningful lives.. Respectful relationshipsYoung people grow Stakeholders …take part in an… Activity Enabling SpaceOutcomesImpact …which results in… …and leads to… …in an… Enabling Space Outcomes Connection ControlMeaning

17 The value in what is happening Shifting emphasis on to what matters for young people What gets measured gets valued

18 Where we are up to Testing hypothesis Building prototype

19 Outcomes expected in 2014 Proof of concept OHRM Build a community of practice

20 Next phase testincubationtransition

21 Big picture Collective impact Working collaboratively across sector

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