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Promoting Literacy from Early Development Through College Proficiency Hallie Yopp Slowik and Nancy Brynelson CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Literacy from Early Development Through College Proficiency Hallie Yopp Slowik and Nancy Brynelson CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Literacy from Early Development Through College Proficiency Hallie Yopp Slowik and Nancy Brynelson CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading

2 Purpose: To discuss how the CSU promotes literacy P-adult across the system Agenda: Context Mission of the Center for the Advancement of Reading (CAR) Structure Work Impact Discussion CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

3 National Context Calls for international competitiveness Common Core State Standards Education reform initiatives related to Early childhood education High school graduation STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) College readiness College completion Teacher preparation CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

4 State Context Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Accreditation Standards Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) California’s Common Core Content Standards Reading reforms of the last two decades State initiatives parallel to national priorities CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

5 Mission The CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading, dedicated to excellence in literacy instruction, promotes the preparation of effective teachers and reading specialists in the California State University by: Facilitating faculty communication and research; Disseminating research and policy information; Fostering connections among the CSU literacy faculty, P-12 partners, and public education stakeholders; and Serving as a forum for the interchange of public and academic interests. CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

6 Mission (continued) The Center is committed to ensuring that California's children and adolescents will be capable readers and writers; as such, they will have the greatest chance of becoming successful and productive citizens in today's changing world. CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

7 Council of Faculty Representatives 23 members One faculty member from each campus that has a teacher preparation program plus CalStateTEACH CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

8 Advisory Board Association of California School Administrators Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee of California County Superintendents Education Services Association California Department of Education California Reading Association California School Boards Association California State Parent Teacher Association CSU Faculty CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

9 Work of the Center Reading Conferences CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

10 CSU Reading Conferences, 2002-2009 Literacy for All Learners Literacy Leadership and the Science of Reading Differentiating Instruction to Meet Diverse Needs Perspectives on Policy, Research, and Practice Closing the Literacy Achievement Gap: P-12 Preparing Teachers to Teach Reading Comprehension Preparing Teachers to Teach Older Readers and Writers Preparing Teachers to Teach Reading Effectively CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

11 Collaborative Conference, 2010 CAR Partners: ACSA WestEd CDE CTA CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

12 Work of the Center Reading Conferences and Intersegmental Faculty Forums CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

13 Intersegmental Faculty Forums, 2004-2008 Reading and Writing in California Schools: Public Policy and Practice Teaching Teachers to Teach Reading and Writing Teacher Preparation and Development in Literacy: Research and Best Practice for ALL Students, Including a Focus on English Learners Adolescent Literacy: Implications for Teacher Education, Including a Focus on English Learners Language Minority Children and Youth: Preliminary Findings from the National Literacy Panel CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

14 Work of the Center Reading Conferences and Intersegmental Faculty Forums CAR Quarterly CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING


16 Work of the Center Reading Conferences and Intersegmental Faculty Forums CAR Quarterly Publications CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING


18 Process 1.CAR Council and Advisory Board recognize a need. 2.CAR Council and Advisory Board discuss a vision. 3.Lead authors are identified and a document is drafted. 4.Council members review and provide feedback. 5.The draft is revised accordingly. CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Publications

19 Process (cont.) 6.The draft is submitted to all literacy faculty in the CSU, board members, and other knowledgeable parties. 7.The draft is revised accordingly. 8.The draft is reviewed again by Council and Board members. 9.The document is published and disseminated. CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Publications

20 Work of the Center Reading Conferences and Intersegmental Faculty Forums CAR Quarterly Publications CAR Website CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING


22 Work of the Center Special Projects Single Subject Reading Task Force CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

23 Single Subject Reading Task Force Response to evaluation results Lack of candidate preparedness in reading CSU faculty experts from 12 campuses convened in 2003 CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

24 Identified six Core Principles to increase coherence across the system Reading Processes Comprehension and Content Learning Adolescent Literacy Assessment Differentiation Planning and Integration CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Single Subject Reading Task Force

25 Faculty resource created to enhance teaching of Single Subject reading courses Core Principles Key Questions Discussion Activities, Assignments, and Assessments Candidate Outcomes Enduring Understandings References and Resources Sample syllabi Additional Examples and Resources CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Single Subject Reading Task Force

26 Dissemination and Future Plans Workshops provided to faculty 2004 & 2005 Resources created for Single Subject methods courses 2007 English Mathematics History-social science Science Major revision planned for 2011 CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Single Subject Reading Task Force

27 Work of the Center Special Projects Single Subject Reading Task Force Early Assessment Program ERWC CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

28 Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

29 Structure of the ERWC Developed by CSU English faculty and high school teachers Aligned with ELA content standards for 11 th and 12th grades Structured around assignment template addressing reading and writing Approved to fulfill the “b” English requirement of the UC and CSU “a-g” college entrance requirements in grades 11 and/or 12 Intended for broad usage (not as an honors or remedial course and not necessarily tied to EAP results) 29 CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

30 Emphases of the ERWC Engages students in a study of rhetoric and composition Enables students to read and write academic prose effectively and strategically Increases students’ mastery of academic language Emphasizes in-depth study of expository, analytical, and argumentative writing Deepens students’ critical reading, writing, and thinking skills 30 CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

31 Key Principles of the ERWC 1.The integration of interactive reading and writing processes; 2.A rhetorical approach to texts that fosters critical thinking; 3.Materials and themes that engage student interest and provide a foundation for principled debate and argument; 4.Classroom activities designed to model and foster successful practices of fluent readers and writers; 5.Research-based methodologies with a consistent relationship between theory and practice; 6.Built-in flexibility to allow teachers to respond to varied students' needs and instructional contexts; and 7.Alignment with English-Language Arts Content Standards. 31 CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

32 Professional Development for ERWC Designed to provide teachers with skills necessary to teach ERWC and insight about expectations for college reading and writing Offered by County Offices of Education and CSU to high school English teachers and other educators Facilitated by teams of CSU faculty and high school teachers/county office of education specialist Scheduled for 3½ days (20 hrs) over 3-6 months 32 CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

33 Work of the Center Special Projects Single Subject Reading Task Force Early Assessment Program ERWC RIAP CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

34 Reading Institutes for Academic Preparation (RIAP) 34 CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

35 Structure and Emphases of RIAP Improves teachers’ capacity to teach academic literacy across the curriculum Includes ERWC and disciplinary literacy Offered through selected CSU campuses for teachers in grades 9-12 in all subject areas Scheduled for 80 hours over 9-12 months CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

36 Work of the Center Special Projects Single Subject Reading Task Force Early Assessment Program ERWC RIAP Preservice Integration CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

37 Regional Meetings for Single Subject Preservice Faculty in English and Content Literacy Designed to encourage faculty to integrate college readiness and ERWC into preservice coursework Next event: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 12-3 pm, Videoconference CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING Early Assessment Program

38 Work of the Center Special Projects Single Subject Reading Task Force Early Assessment Program ERWC RIAP Preservice Integration Service on System and State Task Forces and Policy Committees CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

39 CSU Contributions to Policy RICA Panel Reading Standards for Accreditation Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Single Subject Teaching Credential Reading and Literacy Added Authorization Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential Preschool Stakeholder Meetings California Literacy Team (Striving Readers) CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING

40 Promising Aspects of the Center’s Work Faculty conversations and collaboration Access to relevant information Partnerships with P-12 Partnerships with other stakeholders Participation in the development of teacher education policy and regulations CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF READING



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