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Family Trees Of the English Royal Family. Kings of Wessex Gyrth, d. 1066 Harold II, Godwinson Earl of East Anglia (1-10/1066) Tostig, Earl of Northumbria,

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Presentation on theme: "Family Trees Of the English Royal Family. Kings of Wessex Gyrth, d. 1066 Harold II, Godwinson Earl of East Anglia (1-10/1066) Tostig, Earl of Northumbria,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Trees Of the English Royal Family

2 Kings of Wessex Gyrth, d. 1066 Harold II, Godwinson Earl of East Anglia (1-10/1066) Tostig, Earl of Northumbria, d. 1066 at Stamford Bridge Sweyn, Earl of Herdfordshire Eadgyth (Edith) of Wessex, Queen of England Godwin, Earl of Wessex Gytha Thorkelsdóttir Gunhilda, nun Ælfgifu Leofwine, Earl of Kent, d. 1066 Wulfnoth Edward the Confessor (1042-1066) Æthelred, The Unready (978-1013; 1014-1016) Emma of Normandy (1) Ælfgifu of York Canute King of Denmark & Norway (1016-1035) (1) Ælfgifu of Northampton Harold Harefoot (1035-1040) Hardicanute (1040-1042) Edmund II, Ironside (4-11/1016) Sweyn Forkbeard of Denmark (1013-1014) Swietoslawa of Poland Gunhilda, Holy Roman Empress Svein,Regent of Norway Alfred 5 sons, 4 daughters Edward, The Martyr M (975-978) Edgar the Peaceful (959-975) Edmund I. The Deed-doer (939-946) (2)Elfrida(1) Ethelfleda Ælfgifu of Shaftsbury Edwig, The Fair (955-959) Eadred (946-955) Æthelstan (924-939) Edward, The Elder (899-924) (1)Ecgwynn Alfred the Great (871-899) Ealhswith of Mercia (3) Ælfgifu Æthelflǽd, Lady of the Mercians Saint Edburga of Winchester Ælfgifu of Aquitaine ÆthelgifuÆthelweardÆlfthryth, Countess of Flanders (2) Ælflǽd 1 son 6 daughters Ælfweard of Wessex (924?)

3 The Normans and The Angevins Robert the Devil, Arlette, Duke of his Normandy mistress William I, Matilda Duke of of NormandyFlanders Robert,RichardWilliam II (Rufus)(2)AdelizaHenry I(1)Edith,Adela Stephen CurthoseKilledKing ofof Louvain King of a descendent Count of Duke ofin aEnglandEnglandof Alfred Blois Normandyhunting(1087-1100)(1100-1135)the Great accidentShot by Walter Tirel More thanWilliam(1) Henry VMatilda (2)Geoffrey ofStephen Matilda 21 illegitimated. 1120 Holy (Normandy, Anjou(1135-1154) of childrendrowned RomanEngland) (Anjou, Maine, Touraine) Boulogne Emperor (1) Louis VII Eleanor(2) Henry II2 other sonsWilliam ofMary of France of(1154-1189)Boulogne Aquitaine First fully literate king since the Conquest (Aquitaine, Poitou, Auvergne)(Vexin, Brittany) Revolted 2 William Margaret Henry Richard I Berngaria Geoffrey (1)John Isabella of (2)Hugh3 1173 daughters of France (1189-1199) of Navarre Lackland Angoulême de daughters The Lion-Hearted (1199-1216) (20 y. younger) Lusignan ArthurHenry III, Richard Isabella Eleanor Daughter ascended at 9 years old of (1216-1272) Cornwall

4 Angevins KEY (Year - Year) = Dates ReignedHenry III -------------- Eleanor (M) = Murdered(1216-1272) of Provence (1) Eleanor----- Edward I ---- (2) Margaret Margaret ---- Alexander III Edmund 4 sons and 1 daughter died in infancy of Castile (1272-1307) of Franceof Scotland 2 other daughters survived Conquered Wales (40 years younger) Captured William Wallace, but failed to conquer Scotland Joan Margaret --- John II Elizabeth --- Humphrey Alfonso, 11 othersEdward II Isabella of Thomas Edmund Daughter of Brabant of Hereford Earl of died in(1307-1327) France of Kent Chester infancyDeposed and Younger sister Murdered of three French kings Philippa ------Edward III3 other of Hainault, Holland (1327-1377)children The Black Prince Joan (1) Elizabeth ---Lionel, ---- (2) ViolanteBlanche of------John ---- Katherine EdmundThomas,Joan Edward, --------- of de BurghDuke of ViscontiLancaster of Swynford Duke ofDuke ofdied of Prince of Wales KentClarence Gaunt (mistress) YorkGloucester (M) plague m. Isabella of Castile Edward Richard IIEdmund ---- Philippa (1) Mary ----- Henry IV ----(2)Joan John Anne----Edmund, of(1377-1399) Mortimer, Bohun (1399-1413) of Navarre Beufort, Earl of Angoulême abdicated and Earl of Earl of Richard, Stratford murdered after March Somerset Earl of the Lancasters m. Margaret Cambridge seized the throne Roger Mortimer,--- Eleanor Henry V Holland Humphrey, (1) Anne of Bohemia Earl of March Holland (1413-1422) Duke of Buckingham daughter of H.R.E. Charles IX John Beufort, (2) Isabelle, daughter ofEdmund AnneDuke of Charles VI of FranceEarl of MarchSomerset

5 The Yorks Edmund, Isabella Duke ofof YorkCastile Edward,Anne Richard, Duke of YorkGreat-Great Granddaughter Earl of Cambridge of Edward III Richard, CecilyIsabel Henry Duke of York NevilleEarl of Essex Killed at Wakefield Elizabeth Edward IV Elizabeth Margaret Edmund, George Isabel (2) Richard III Anne (1)Edward Woodville (1461-1483) of Earl of Duke of Neville Duke of Neville (M) Prince of Wales Burgundy Rutland, Clarence (E) Gloucester Killed at Tewkesbury Killed at Killed at Bosworth Field Wakefield (1483-1485) Elizabeth Edward V (M) Richard (M) Others: Edward,Margaret Edward (1483)Duke of Mary Earl ofCountess of of Middleham, York Cecily Warwick (E) Salisbury (E) Prince of Wales Margaret George KEY Anne (Year - Year) = Dates Reigned Katherine (M) = Murdered Bridget (E) = Executed

6 The Lancastrians (1) Blanche of John of (2) Constance of Castile Lancaster Gaunt (3) Katherine Swynford, former mistress 3 older(1) Mary Henry IV (2) Joan of John Beufort Margaret Henry Thomas Joan brothers Bohun (1399-1413) Navarre Earl of Somerset Holland (2) Owen Catherine (1) Henry V Thomas, John, Humphrey, 3 Henry John Margaret Joan Twdyr of Valois (1413-1422) Duke of Duke of Duke of daughters Earl Duke Beauchamp Thomas Clarence Bedford Gloucesterof of Margaret Somerset Somerset Edmund Beufort Duke of Somerset Edmund, Jasper Owen Margaret Henry VI (M) Margaret Margaret Killed at St. Albans Earl of (1422-1461) of Anjou Beufort Richmond Became king at 9 months old (1) Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond Removed from power and (2) Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham murdered in 1471 after (3) Thomas, Lord Stanley 2 attempted restorations. Edward Henry VII Elizabeth of Lancaster, Earl of Richmond ------ of York Prince of Wales(M) (1485-1509) KEY (Year - Year) = Dates Reigned (M) = Murdered (E) = Executed

7 The Tudors The House of Lancaster, Henry VIIElizabeth symbolized with a red rose, Earl of of York, wins the War of the RosesRichmonddaughter of after fighting from 1455(1485-1509)Edward IV to 1485. Margaret James IV, Arthur (1)Catherine Henry VIII (2)Anne Boleyn (E) Louis XII Mary Charles Brandon King of of Aragon (DV) (1509-1547) (3)Jane Seymour (D) of France Duke of Suffolk Scotland (4)Anne of Cleves (DV) (5)Katherine Howard (E) (6)Katherine Parr James V Phillip II "Bloody“ Elizabeth I Edward VI Henry Frances Henry Eleanor Henry of Scotland of Spain Mary I (1558-1603) (1547-1553) Brandon Brandon Grey Clifford (1553-1558) Earl of Lincoln Marques Count of of Dorset Cumberland Lady Jane Grey (E) Catherine Mary Briefly proclaimed Queen 1553 Catherine of Aragon was the younger daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, her sister, KEY Joanna's grandson was Phillip II of Spain, (DV) = Divorced son of Charles V of Spain. (D) = Died (E) = Executed (Year - Year) = Dates Reigned

8 The Stuarts (2) Archibald Douglas, Margaret (1) James IV Earl of Angus Tudor of Scotland, Killed at Flodden Field Matthew Stuart Margaret James V Marie of Earl of Lennox of Scotland Guise James Robert(2) Henry Stuart, Mary, (1) Francis II,(3) James Hepburn, Lord Darnley Queen of Scots King of France Earl of Bothwell English Civil War James VI of Scotland, Anne of 1642-1646 and I of England Denmark (1603-1625) Commonwealth 1649-1660 Elizabeth Frederick VHenry Frederick Charles I (E) Henrietta Maria Robert Mary Sophia King of Bohemia died of typhoid (1625-1649) of France (died as infants) Restoration 16608 Ernest, SophiaWilliam of Nassau Mary Charles II Catherine (1)Anne James II (2) Mary sons Elector Prince of Orange (1660-1685) of Braganza, Hyde(1685-1688) of 4 of Hanover Portugal Modena daughters Glorious William III Mary II Charles Anne George of Catherine James Edward Maria Revolution of Orange (1689-1694) James(1702-1714) Denmark Isabella The Old Pretender Sobieska 1689(1689-1702) Charles 18 pregnancies, Charles Edgar 5 live births Charlotte Charles Edward Henry, Henrietta None survived Elizabeth Bonnie Prince Cardinal Catherine Louisa Charlie, of (All died in infancy) (All died in infancy) The Young York KEY Pretender (Year – Year) = Dates reigned (E) = Executed

9 The Hanoverians Ernest Augustus Sophia, Granddaughter of James I Elector of Hanover George I Sophia DorotheaSophia Frederick I (1714-1727) (Divorced 1694) of Brunswick-Lüneberg-CelleCharlotteKing of Prussia Caroline of George IISophia Dorothea Frederick Wilhelm I Brandenburg-Ansbach(1727-1760) King of Prussia (Soldier’s King) Augusta of Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales3 other sons and 5 daughters Saxe-Gotha killed by a cricket ball1 son and 5 daughters survived infancy Charlotte of George III Augusta Edward Elizabeth William Henry Henry Louisa Frederick Caroline Mechlenburg-Strelitz (1760-1820) Duchess of Duke of Duke of Duke of Matilda Brunswick York Gloucester Cumberland Queen of Denmark and Norway Maria George IV CarolineFrederickWilliam IVEdward VictoriaErnest Adolphus Also, Fitz- (1820-1830) ofDuke of(1830-1837)Duke of ofAugustus Frederick Charlotte herbert BrunswickYorkDuke ofKent Saxe-Duke of Duke of Augusta ClarenceCoburg- Cumberland, Sussex Elizabeth (10 illegitimateSaalfieldKing of Adolphus Leopold of Princess children withHanover Mary Saxe-Coberg- CharlottaDorothea Bland) Sophia Saalfield Augusta Octavius Victoria George VMarie of Alfred Stillborn Son (1837-1901) King of Hanover Saxe-AltenburgAmelia Ernest Augustus Frederica Marie KEYPrince of Hanover (Year - Year) = Dates Reigned

10 The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas Franz Frederick, Duke of Augusta Carolina Reuss Saxe-Coburg-SaalfieldCountess of Ebersdorf (1) Emich Carl,(2) EdwardLeopold of PrincessErnest, Duke of d.1826 Louisa of Prince Victoria Duke ofSaxe-Coburg-Saalfield CharlottaSaxe- Coburg-Gotha Saxe-Gotha- Leiningen KentKing of the Augusta Altenburg Belgians Charles Feodora Victoria Albert ofErnest, Duke of (1837-1901) Saxe-Coburg-GothaSaxe-Coburg-Gotha Victoria Frederick Edward VII Alexandra Alice Frederick Alfred HelenaLouise Arthur Leopold Beatrice Wilhelm III (1901-1910) of Denmark Wilhelm Duke of of Prussia of Hesse- Saxe- Darmstadt Coburg-Gotha Kaiser Also, Albert George V Also,Czarina (E) CzarAlso, Wilhelm II Charlotte Victor(1910-1936) Louise Alexandra, Nicholas II (E) Victoria of Prussia Henry Duke ofVictoria,Empress of of Russia Elisabeth Sigismund ClarenceMaud,Russia son of Maria Irene Viktoria Alexander John of Denmark, Ernest Louis Waldemar sister of Alexandra Friedrich Sophie of Denmark. Marie Margaret KEY Olga (E) Tatiana (E) Maria (E) Anastasia (E) Alexei (E) (Year - Year) = Dates Reigned (E) = Executed

11 The Windsors In 1917, at the height of the fighting of World War I, George V changed George V Mary of Teck the name of the royal family to Windsor.(1910-1936) Edward VIII (A) Wallis George VI Elizabeth MaryHenry Henry Alice Marina George John (1936-1937) Warfield (1937-1952) Bowes-Countess ofLascelles,Duke of of Greece Edward d. at 13 Simpson LyonHarewoodEarl of Gloucester & Denmark Duke of Harewood Kent Elizabeth II Philip Mountbatten, Margaret Anthony George Gerald William Richard Edward Alexandra (1952- ) Duke of Edinburgh Armstrong-Jones, (DV) Michael Earl of Snowdon (2) Camilla Charles (1)Lady (1)Mark Anne (2) Timothy Andrew Sarah David, Serena Parker Prince Diana Phillips (DV) Lawrence Ferguson (DV) Viscount Stanhope Bowles of Spencer (DV) Edward Linley Wales Sophie Earl of Daniel Sarah Rhys-Jones Wessex Chatto William Henry Peter Autumn Zara Beatrice Eugenie Louise James, Charles Margarita Samuel KellyViscount Arthur Severn KEY (Year-Year) = Dates Reigned (A) = Abdicated (DV) = Divorced Catherine Middleton GeorgeSavannahIsla Mike Tindell

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