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Final Review Jeopardy Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 13Chapter 9In Order 10 20 30 40 50.

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1 Final Review Jeopardy Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 13Chapter 9In Order 10 20 30 40 50

2 Charles Martel What city is indicated by the red star on the map? This man led the Franks at the Battle of Tours

3 Edward the Confessor What city is indicated by the red star on the map? In the 11 th century, the Anglo-Saxons finally removed the Danes from power in England, and picked this man to be their king.

4 Treaty of Verdun What region is indicated by the red star on the map? After the death of Louis the Pious, this was signed to divide his kingdom among his sons.

5 serf Identify the sea indicated by the red star on the map. In the feudal system, this person has the least power and does most of the manual labor while having very few rights.

6 Tyrrhenian Se Emperor of the Romans What mountain range is indicated by the red star on the map? Charlemagne was given this title by the pope.

7 Harold of Wessex died in October 1066 in this event. Battle of Hastings

8 Signed in 1215, this provided rights to nobles primarily, but also included limits on the King’s power. Magna Carta

9 Lay investiture was a major source of conflict between these two men, and resulted in excommunication and exile. HRE Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII

10 The Great/Western Schism was caused by moving the seat of the Church out of Rome to this place. Avignon

11 After the Carolingian line ended, this man became king. He and his successors were intent upon expanding their lands and power by acquiring more fiefs. Hugh Capet

12 The Archbishop of the Anglican church that annulled the King’s first marriage. Thomas Cranmer

13 This leader’s lengthy reign brought compromises between Catholicism and Protestantism Elizabeth I

14 Calvinism led to the establishment of a ______, led by Calvin, in Geneva. theocracy

15 This ruler is associated with attempting to make England Catholic again, and is the first woman to rule in her own right. Mary Tudor

16 In this work, the author (a former ambassador) argued that the ends justify the means. The Prince

17 In the Byzantium empire, the system of laws became very influential and is known as this: Justinian’s Code

18 The leaders of the Eastern Church have this title: Patriarch

19 This empress refused to flee when Constantinople was under siege and taunted her husband as he was attempting to board a ship in an escape. Theodora

20 The black-clothed assassins of Ivan the Terrible are the: Oprichniki

21 This woman converted to Christianity and sought retribution against the murderers of her husband. Olga

22 Put the following in order: Clovis Henry II Hugh Capet Peter the Great Clovis, Hugh Capet, Henry II, Peter the Great

23 Put the following in order: Charlemagne Joan of Arc Saladin Thomas Becket Charlemagne, Thomas Becket, Saladin, Joan of Arc

24 Put the following in order: Black Death Concordant of Worms Golden Bull Pepin II Pepin II, Concordant of Worms, Golden Bull, Black Death,

25 Put these in order: 95 Theses Alfred the Great Battle of Tours Magna Carta Battle of Tours, Alfred the Great, Magna Carta, 95 Theses.

26 List the wives of Henry VIII in order: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Kitty Howard, Catherine Parr

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