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Take Charge and the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) Grant Initiative Getting Rural Virginia Connected: a Vision for the Future Rural County Take.

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Presentation on theme: "Take Charge and the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) Grant Initiative Getting Rural Virginia Connected: a Vision for the Future Rural County Take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take Charge and the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) Grant Initiative Getting Rural Virginia Connected: a Vision for the Future Rural County Take Charge Session II Date Month, date, year Prepared and Presented by: Jon F. Johnson Extension Area Specialist Community Technology Development

2 Getting Rural Virginia Connected -an Initiative of the TOP Grant  US Department of Commerce  Virginia Cooperative Extension  The Blacksburg Electronic Village of Virginia Tech and the Town of Blacksburg, Virginia

3 Getting Communities in 9 Rural Counties Connected…  Accomack County  Carroll County  Graig County  Cumberland County  Dickenson County  Grayson County  Louisa County  King and Queen County  Northampton County

4 Getting Rural Virginia Connected…  Leadership training and development for citizens and local leaders through the Take Charge Process  Long term technology visioning and planning for economic growth  Virtual business incubator program for small and cottage industries

5 Getting Rural Virginia Connected… (continued)  Community websites can support local government and community decisions concerning social, economic, and technological development  Technical training for community website management  Community Connections program for civic groups and organizations

6 Take Charge an overview…  Educational program to enable leaders, residents, and the Technology Leadership Team (TLT) to examine future needs of the community

7 Take Charge Sessions examine…  Where are We Now? - Analyzes the current situation of the community  Where do we want to Be? Explores alternatives and creates a vision  How are we Going to Get There? Formulates strategies for technological and economic development to connect local governing bodies and community action groups with the local citizens

8 The Community Network  Main County Web site designed (utilizing a template) with assistance from the Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV) with Technology Leadership Team (TLT) input  Community Web sites managed by the TLT after training from BEV

9 Content of the Community Network?  Issues and action plans determined from the Take Charge process  Discussion forums for online postings of individual citizen’s opinions and ideas  Interactive calendars for posting of local events  Interactive directories for business, civic groups, and the arts to link local citizens to local resources

10 The Role of Technology  Serves as a tool for communication among members of the community, supports local government decision making, and enhances personal, civic, and business relationships.  Improving communication infrastructure in rural communities can assist in recruiting new business, creating greater efficiencies for existing businesses, and foster new business growth from small and micro industries.

11 Possible Outcomes of the Initiative  Increased attendance at public meetings  A technology plan for (rural county) to address infrastructural needs for business and civic growth  Increased Internet use by citizens through a community network (electronic village) with content managed locally

12 Possible Outcomes (cont.)  New home-based and small business start-ups selling through the Internet  Utilization of technology and the Take Charge planning process in local decision making  Planning for regional technology corridors linking multiple communities and other grant opportunities

13 To Learn More

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