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GTI regional development strategy for Eurasia Network

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1 GTI regional development strategy for Eurasia Network
Supported by United Nations Development Programme GTI regional development strategy for Eurasia Network ASEM Symposium Eurasia Transport &Logistics Network 9-11 September 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea 1

2 Key Achievements of GTI
2 Introduction of GTI 1 Cooperation in Transport Sector 3 Eurasia Initiative and GTI 5

3 Members and Coverage Originally known as the Tumen River Area Development Programme (TRADP, 1991) A unique intergovernmental economic cooperation mechanism in NEA, supported by UNDP Four members: China, Mongolia, ROK and Russian Federation China Mongolia ROK Russian Federation North-eastern Provinces: - Jilin - Heilongjiang - Liaoning - Inner Mongolia Eastern Provinces: - Dornod - Khentii - Sukhbaatar Eastern Port Cities: -Busan - Gangwon/Sokcho - Jeju Special Self-governing Province - Gyeongsangbuk/ Pohang - Ulsan Primorsky Territory

4 Vision and Objectives ▶ Common Vision
- build a great partnership for common prosperity among neighbors  ▶ Strategic Objectives   - Promote the rehabilitation and construction of basic transportation infrastructure and major transportation - Deregulate the border-crossing procedures in the GTR - Create a favorable environment to facilitate trade and attract private sector investment  - Promote the GTR as a globally attractive tourism destination  - Establish an effective institutional mechanism for energy policy support  - Promote environmental sustainability in the GTR  - Strengthen the partnerships with Japan and DPRK   - Enhance the capacity of the GTI and transition it into an international organization

5 Evolution of GTI TRADP GTI
Member-driven Intergovernmental Economic Cooperation Platform UNDP regional programme Post-GTI Tumen Delta SEZ 1992,Tumen River Area Development Programme (TRADP) initiated by UNDP signing a formal agreement on the establishment of the intergovernmental mechanism among 5 members Incl. DPRK Members assuming full ownership Geographic Scope expanded Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for adopted Comprehensive Strategic Review Institutional Setup for Projects Local Cooperation Committee EXIM Banks Association Revised SAP for

6 Efficient Institutional Structure
Chairperson NEA Local Cooperation Committee GTI countries + Japan (local) GTI Consultative Commission (Vice Minister level) NEA EXIM Banks Association China: Ministry of Commerce ROK: Ministry of Strategy and Finance Mongolia: Ministry of Finance Russia: Ministry of Economic Development National Coordinators NEA National Chambers Association GTI Secretariat GTI Research Institute Network Transport Board Trade Facilitation Committee Tourism Board Environmental Board Energy Board Agricultural Board

7 Key Achievements of GTI
2 Introduction of GTI 1 Cooperation in Transport Sector 3 Eurasia Initiative and GTI 5

8 Key Achievements Political Support Efficient Institutional Structure
Member-driven/Chairmanship Stable Funding Successful Implementation of Projects Expanded Partnership Active Participation of Local Governments

9 Selected Projects by Sector
Projects Implemented Transport TREDA Transport Forecast Study ( ) Pre-Feasibility Study for Mongolia-China Railway ( ) Rajin-Wonjong Road Pre-Feasibility Study (2001) Integrated Transport Corridor Study (2012) Evaluation Study of Sea-land routes in Northeast Asia (2013) Study on Software Support to the Operationalization of Transport Corridors in the Greater Tumen Region ( 2014) Trans-GTR Transport Corridors: Financing Infrastructure Development (2014) Rajin(DPRK) – Khasan (Russia) Railway and Port Study (2014) Trade & Investment Investment Guides for Yanbian (1998), Rajin-Sonbong Zone ( ), Primorsky Territory ( ) Tumen River Investor Services Network ( ) International Trade Facilitation Seminar ( ) Capacity Building Program on TF in NEA ( ) GTI Trade Facilitation Study (2013~) GTI International Trade and Investment Expo ( ) This slide shows the selected projects that have been implemented or are under implementation so far. Since the creation of GTI, many important projects were formulated and implemented, in particular, in the fields of transport, trade facilitation and tourism. These projects aimed to produce comprehensive frameworks for regional development in each sector. For example, the integrated transport corridor study completed in 2012 identified urgent infrastructure development needs and actions to be taken by 2016 with an estimation on the investment. Based on this study, member governments approved the GTI regional action plan for transport sector with investment estimated at USD 3.45bn. I'll introduce this project later on in detail. 9

10 Selected Projects by Sector
Projects Implemented Tourism Mt. Paekdu/Changbai Tourism Study ( ) Training in Tourism Marketing Techniques ( ) Tourism Marketing and Product Development (2002) Multi-destination Tourism (MDT) Study (2013) Energy Baseline Study for Energy Cooperation ( ) Energy Capacity Building Enhancement programme (2013~) Preliminary Economic Analysis of Power Generation and Transmission through Korean Peninsular project (2014) Industrial Energy Efficiency Experience Exchange Workshop (2014) Post-Workshop Research on Regional Industrial Energy Efficiency Cooperation Feasibility Study of Cooperation on Coal to Synthetic Natural Gas in Northeast Asian Region Environment Survey of Leopard and Tigers in Jilin Province (1998) Jilin Pulp and Paper Mills Pre-Feasibility Study (2002) Musan Iron Ore Mine Pre-Feasibility Study ( ) Tumen River Area Water Quality Assessment (2010) This slide shows the selected projects that have been implemented or are under implementation so far. Since the creation of GTI, many important projects were formulated and implemented, in particular, in the fields of transport, trade facilitation and tourism. These projects aimed to produce comprehensive frameworks for regional development in each sector. For example, the integrated transport corridor study completed in 2012 identified urgent infrastructure development needs and actions to be taken by 2016 with an estimation on the investment. Based on this study, member governments approved the GTI regional action plan for transport sector with investment estimated at USD 3.45bn. I'll introduce this project later on in detail. 10

11 Selected Projects by Activity Type
Type of Projects Projects Implemented Capacity Building and Training Training in Tourism Marketing Techniques ( ) Capacity Building Program for Local Governments (2011) International Capacity Building Program of Trade Facilitation (2012~) GTI Customs Joint Capacity Enhancement Training Workshop (2012~) Seminars & Workshops GTI Transport Workshop (2009) 2nd Scientific Workshop for the Feasibility Study of Tumen River Water Protection Project (2011) Studies, Surveys and Research Rajin-Wonjong Road Feasibility Study (2005) Survey on Zarubino Port Cargo Turnover Outlook (2010) GTI Tourism Visa Study (2010) Feasibility Study on Rajin(DPRK)-Khasan(Russia) Dev’t Project(2013) Guides and Promotional Publications Economic Outlook of the Northeast Asia Region ( ) Investment Guide of Hunchun (2010) Investment Guide of Busan (2010) GTI Tourism Guide in 5 languages (2011) The GTI also provides various types of services to central and local governments as well as stakeholders in the region. They include capacity building, seminars and workshops, policy research and studies, and awareness building on regional cooperation and integration. Information on these activities and outcomes can be freely accessed on our website. 11

12 Key Achievements of GTI
2 Introduction of GTI 1 Cooperation in Transport Sector 3 Eurasia Initiative and GTI 5

13 GTI Transport Board Established in 2009 Meetings 2010: Busan, ROK
2012: Sokcho, ROK 2013: Vladivostok, Russia 2014: Manzhouli, China 2015: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Purpose To provide economic cooperation in the Greater Tumen Region with the proper transport infrastructure and logistic network GTI Transport Board guiding documents Terms of Reference for the GTI Transport Board (2009, revised 2012); CTI Transport Cooperation Program (2010, extended 2012); GTI Regional Transport Strategy and Mid-term Action Plan (2013).

14 GTI Regional Transport Strategy
Connectivity Support to Transport Infrastructure Software support Management of Transport Corridors Private Sector Involvement 14

15 Project Progress Project Name Financed Output
GTI Transport Corridors Study Completed GTI ROK Regional Transport Strategy Regional Summary Report 5 Country Reports (GTI + Japan) Study on Trans-GTR Transport Corridors: Financing Infrastructure Development Completed 2014 GIZ Study report: PPP readiness in GTR Recommendation on Financing Structures Study on Software Support to the Operationalization of Transport Corridors in the GTR Completed 2014 GTI cross border transport and transit agreement Other options to improve legal environment Evaluation Study of Sea-Land Routes in Northeast Asia Completed 2014 KMI Current situation of multimodal ferry lines in GTR Measures to promote this type of logistic services Rajin (DPRK) – Khasan (Russia) Railway and Port project Completed 2015 Сurrent situation surrounding the Rajin port development and relating facilities Proposed most effective financial channels

16 Trans-GTR Transport Corridors

17 Sea-land Multimodal Routes in GTR
Mongolia Kazakhstan EU Obstacles: poor infrastructure lack of logistic centers insufficient port facilities unnecessary procedures Measures to promote Sea-Land in GTR: LCC: Establishment of Logistics Committee Support from Local Governments Japan’s participation

18 Financing Transport Infrastructure
The finance need is estimated at around USD 3 billion for developing and improving transport infrastructure with a regional impact. The majority of the suggested investments concerns railway projects (61%) and to a lesser extent road infrastructure (21%) and port infrastructure (18%) 18

19 19 Transport Sector 2 Introduction of GTI 1
GTI Regional Transport Strategy and Trans-GTR Transport Corridors 3 Eurasia Initiative + GTI and Way Forward 5 19

20 Policy Directions and Initiatives of the GTI Member Countries
Eurasia Network China - One Belt One Road Initiative Mongolia - Steppe Road Program ROK - Eurasia Initiative Russia - New Development Policy of Eastern Siberia and Far East 20

21 GTI in Eurasia Initiative
▶ Eurasia Initiative Roadmap (Dec. 2014, ROK)  - Major sectors covered: * Transport/Logistics; Industry/Trade; Agriculture/Fisheries; Energy/Resources - Major regions covered: * Russia, Central Asia, Mongolia, China Source: Ministry of Strategy and Finance, ROK (July 2015) ▶ Make use of Eurasia Initiative’s Compatibility with GTI ▶One of the Principles: Open for Cooperation! - Open to all countries, and international and regional organizations for engagement for the benefits of wider areas

22 5. GTI and Initiatives (Way Forward)
▶ Identify Common Area of Interest - Sharing experience and knowledge - Joint project or policy improvement ▶ Strengthen Communication with Stakeholders  * Private enterprises (NEA National Chambers Association), Local governments (GTI Local Cooperation Committee), etc. ▶ Expanding Partnership  - UNDP, UNESCAP, ADB, GIZ, Regional Initiative (e.g. AIIB), etc. GTI Belt and Road Initiative Eurasia Initiative 22

23 Way Forward: Eurasia Initiative with GTI
Synergy House Eurasia Initiative + GTI Communication * Mutual exchange of information - Regions/Cooperation Mechanisms of Eurasia Initiative + GTI Boards/Committees/Associations Complementation 1. Co-planning & implementation - Information, knowledge, and experience in GTR (e.g. GTI Corridor Study) + AIIB 2. Co-financing - NEA Exim Banks Association + AIIB Connectivity - Cooperation Mechanisms of Eurasia Initiative + GTI √ Strong political support from countries in this region √ More financial resources from all stakeholders (Ex-Banks, AIIB, LCC, International partners, Private Sector)

24 Thank you very much ! Greater Tumen Initiative Secretariat Tel: (86-10) Tayuan Diplomatic Compound, No.1 Xindong Lu, Chaoyang District Beijing , China

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