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Monique Mora Senior Project Coordinator.  Graduation requirement  Project will take place for ALL seniors during the 1 st Semester  2 nd Semester will.

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Presentation on theme: "Monique Mora Senior Project Coordinator.  Graduation requirement  Project will take place for ALL seniors during the 1 st Semester  2 nd Semester will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monique Mora Senior Project Coordinator

2  Graduation requirement  Project will take place for ALL seniors during the 1 st Semester  2 nd Semester will focus on reading, writing and building analytical skills

3  Research Paper  Fieldwork  Portfolio  Senior Boards

4  At the end of August, seniors will submit proposals forms for his or her desired topic  Proposal includes: ◦ Mentor information & signature ◦ Research paper topic ◦ Fieldwork plan for Proof of Project ◦ Project awareness ◦ One attached annotated source

5  Proposals will be reviewed by the Senior Project Committee  All proposals must be approved in order for a senior to proceed with his or her topic & fieldwork

6  Students must have 5 sources relating to his or her topic (books, magazines or newspaper articles, Internet articles, interviews etc.)  Students must write a 7-11 page paper proving his or her thesis statement along with citing credible research to support argument  Paper must include: ◦ Title Page ◦ Outline ◦ 7-11 page paper with minimum of 5 cited sources ◦ Works Cited

7  Proof of Project: Students are to spend a minimum of 15 hours creating a Proof of Project  Proof of Projects can consist of: writing a collection of short stories, building a robot, creating a painting, organizing a clothing drive for the homeless, etc.

8  T hrough the Proof of Project, students are to raise the community, society’s awareness about their topic.  For example: ◦ Topic-Elephants in Captivity ◦ Proof of Project-Paper mache elephant & bull hook ◦ Raising Awareness-The proof of project will be entered in the PHS Art Show and the Whittier College Fall Art Show

9  Raising the public’s awareness ◦ Blogs updated and maintained ◦ Community Art Shows ◦ Social Media Campaigns ◦ Documentaries entered into contest and/or published on Youtube ◦ Commercials published on Youtube ◦ Short stories, book of poetry, novel published online, etc.  Senior Project Fair in November ◦ Students can earn up to 5 hours; 4 hour Saturday SP session required plus participation in lunchtime fair ◦ Will meet the Raising Public Awareness Requirement

10  Students need to find a mentor to help guide them through the project  Students may have more than one mentor  Each mentor must complete a Mentor Commitment Form  Mentors should: ◦ Be knowledgeable in the field ◦ Be 21 years of age or older ◦ NOT be a family member

11  Students MUST complete a minimum of 15 fieldwork hours creating the proof of project  Graduation requirement  Students who complete 31+ hours will receive an A in fieldwork

12  There must be proof of fieldwork: ◦ Pictures-minimum of 15 pictures ◦ Student needs to be in the pictures ◦ Students need to document the progression of their proof of project process from start to finish ◦ Mentor needs to be in @ least 2 pictures

13  Students must keep track of his or her fieldwork hours on the fieldwork timeline  Fieldwork timeline must be signed by the mentor/s  Fieldwork logs will also be completed by students

14  Students may NOT be paid for fieldwork  Students may NOT receive high school credit for fieldwork  Fieldwork is NOT to be completed during class time-Students are NOT to miss school in order to complete fieldwork  Students are NOT permitted to create display boards

15  Students are NOT permitted to create a pamphlet/brochure as the sole proof of project.  Students are NOT permitted to create surveys for fieldwork hours  Students CANNOT do observations for the first 15 fieldwork hours  Students CANNOT solely volunteer for the first 15 fieldwork hours

16  Students must complete the portfolio in order to receive an appointment for Senior Boards  The portfolio must be bound and contain: ◦ A complete and clean copy of the research paper(all parts) ◦ Cover, dividers and tabs that are computer generated ◦ Pictures accompanied by typed captions ◦ Typed Fieldwork Logs ◦ All forms

17  No student will receive his/her appointment for Senior Boards without completing the practice presentation in his or her Senior English class  Students with an exemplary practice presentation will be recommended, by his or her English teacher, for the Showcase board

18  7-11 minute presentation followed by a question and answer session  Presentation score is figured by adding and averaging all the board score sheets  Senior Boards consist of: ◦ PHS Staff Members ◦ PHS Alumni ◦ Community Members

19  Checkpoint Due Dates: ◦ Please refer to checkpoint handout ◦ Each checkpoint is due at the beginning of the class period ◦ Late checkpoints receive half credit and they must be completed before any other checkpoints will be accepted ◦ Students MUST complete all checkpoints

20  Senior Project is a significant part of the Semester I English grade ◦ Final SP grade is figured by adding and averaging the following scores:  Paper Grade  Fieldwork Rubric  Portfolio  Senior Boards  Completion of all checkpoints

21  Pioneer High School Website-Short cut link to Senior Project on the PHS home page  Each Senior will also receive a Senior Project Handbook in September

22  Please contact Ms. Mora: ◦


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