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EU funds for RTDI: how to fully exploit synergies among Structural Funds, FP7, and CIP Michelle Perello Consulta Europa 8th May 2009, Prague Research Connection.

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Presentation on theme: "EU funds for RTDI: how to fully exploit synergies among Structural Funds, FP7, and CIP Michelle Perello Consulta Europa 8th May 2009, Prague Research Connection."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU funds for RTDI: how to fully exploit synergies among Structural Funds, FP7, and CIP Michelle Perello Consulta Europa 8th May 2009, Prague Research Connection 2009

2 Structural Funds Lisbon Earmarking: at least 60% or 75% of funds for Lisbon Priorities 2007-2013 86 Billion 3 Objectives: Convergence, Competitiveness and Territorial Cooperation Structural Funds are spent in a decentralised system For each region the member states appointed a Managing Authority Each region elaborated together with the Commission an Operational Programme (this is the Bible!) + in some cases multiregional or national programmes Call for proposals/tenders are the main implementation instruments

3 FP7 – Research and regional dimension Cooperation Research & Development, Demonstration Coordination and networking activities People Mobility Programmes for researchers, staff from enterprises Capacities – regional dimension & SMEs Research Potential, Regions of Knowledge, Infrastructure, Research for the benefit of SMEs and SMEs associations Ideas 2007-2013 54 billion Participation of SMEs is encouraged Co-funding rate varies from 50% to 100%

4 CIP: innovation, entrepreneurship, ICT and energy 2007-2013 3.621 M 3 Specific Programmes: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (including eco-innovation) ICT Policy Support Programme Intelligent Energy Europe Implementation instruments: - Call for proposals, call for tenders, financial instruments managed by intermediaries Main targets are SMEs

5 Differences among fundsStructural FundsFP7CIP WHO? CompaniesYYY Research centre/universitiesYYY Individual researchersYNY Public authoritiesYYY Non-profit organizationYYY WHAT? Basic (individual) researchYYN Applied and collaborative researchYYN Preparatory activities for large scale research infrastructuresYYN Upgrade the capacity of your research facilitiesYYN Large scale-industry research collaborationsYYN Research fellowshipYYN Technology transfer, exploitation and protectionYYY Commercialisation/market oriented activitiesYNY Policy analysis/strategy developmentYYY Networking activitiesYYY HOW? (Type of financial support) Grants (calls for proposals)YYY LoansYYY Service contracts (calls for tenders)YYY CONSORTIUMNYY

6 Practical examples.. Development of new research idea on environmental technology Applied, collaborative research under Cooperation Programme (Environment Theme) Pilot market project under eco- innovation Structural FundsFP7CIP Design and preparatory work under the Infrastructure call (Capacities) Construction of a major research infrastructure Promotion of regional clusters, innovation poles Transnational collaboration of research driven clusters under Regions of Knowledge call (Capacities) Clusters cooperatio n for innovation support under EUROPE INNOVA

7 Keep in mind Use the different instruments according to the development stage of a project Funding complementarity but not double funding Same programming period (2007-2013) but calls are launched at different times Funding rates and eligible costs differ Structural Funds require impact on regional development, FP7 and CIP European added value Participation of SMEs is highly encouraged, collaboration between academia and industry even more!

8 Thank you for your attention! For any questions you can write at

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