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Health Education Training and Certification

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1 Health Education Training and Certification
HSC 489

2 What about those 7 areas? Needs assessment Program planning
Program implementation Program evaluation Coordination Acting as a resource person Communication

3 “But what do those seven areas really mean?”

4 Needs Assessment of Individual and Community Needs for Health Ed.
Obtain data about social and cultural environments (needs/interests) Identify helping and hindering behaviors Interpret findings: base health education needs on obtained data Identify learning influences and interventions 1. Needs assessment--assess prevalence of health problem, factors that influence it, potential solutions

5 II. Program Planning of effective health ed programs
Recruit community resources to help Develop scope and sequence plan for a health ed. program Create goals & objectives (appropriate and measurable) Design programs consistent with objectives Market programs 2. Program Planning--prioritize identified problems (behaviors, knowledge, attitudes..), develop goals and objectives, develop a program plan

6 III. Program Implementation
Apply methods and techniques to conduct planned educational programs Select methods and media best suited for specific learners/audience Monitor and adjust programs as necessary 3. Program implementation--put the plan into action, hire & train staff, launch a marketing campaign, set up an maintain records, conduct maintenance

7 IV. Program Evaluation Base a evaluation plan to assess program objectives Implement evaluation Interpret results Suggest needed changes 4. Program evaluation--document levels of program success and identify needed changes--based on goals and objectives

8 V. Program Coordination
More administrative role Develop a coordination plan Facilitate cooperation and collaboration among program personnel Formulate collaboration among agencies and organizations Organize in-service training (train the trainer) 5. Coordination--coordinate health information and services---foster community involvement & develop networks

9 VI. Act as a Resource Use computerized information retrieval systems
Establish consulting relationships Provide health info Disseminate resource materials Questions from family 6. Acting as a resource--can’t know it all, must know where to go to get info, serve as a consultant, provide training, conduct info. searches, provide education materials CDC online is a great resource, alphabetical by disease. WebMD

10 VII. Health Communication
Interpret health education concepts and theories Predict societal impacts on health Use a variety of communication methods Foster communication between health care providers and consumers 7. Communication--presentations, brochures, videos...etc.----match communication methods to the target group/community of interest----market programs

11 But how can I do that? It’s an endurance run…not a sprint.

12 OTLs Each worth 5 points On the website: find and print an Objective for Improving Health (just one objective) Respond to the article (1/2 page summary): Balog, J. E. (2005). The meaning of health. American Journal of Health Education, 36(5), Find a job posting that you can apply for with the HSC degree

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