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Requirements for Procuring Goods and Services With Federal Education Grant Funds.

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements for Procuring Goods and Services With Federal Education Grant Funds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements for Procuring Goods and Services With Federal Education Grant Funds




5 SEC. 1554 - Special Contracting Provisions. To the maximum extent possible, contracts funded under this Act shall be awarded as fixed-price contracts through the use of competitive procedures. A summary of any contract awarded with such funds that is not fixed-price and not awarded using competitive procedures shall be posted in a special section of the website established in section 1526.

6  Sec. 1604 – Limit on Funds  Sec. 1605 – Buy American – Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods  Sec. 1606 – Wage Rate Requirements

7  Job Posting – Must follow procedures in DFA’s Memo 14 regarding posting of recruitment.

8 ARRA awards considered high risk under A-133.


10 Lack of Contract File Documentation

11 Lack of Approvals

12 Lack of Contract File Documentation Lack of Approvals Failure to Follow Existing Procurement Procedures

13 Lack of Contract File Documentation Lack of Approvals Failure to Follow Existing Procurement Procedures Split Purchases

14 Lack of Contract File Documentation Lack of Approvals Failure to Follow Existing Procurement Procedures Split Purchases Lack of Competition in Small Purchase Procurement

15 Lack of Contract File Documentation Lack of Approvals Failure to Follow Existing Procurement Procedures Split Purchases Lack of Competition in Small Purchase Procurement Unauthorized Commitments to Vendors

16 Lack of Contract File Documentation Lack of Approvals Failure to Follow Existing Procurement Procedures Split Purchases Lack of Competition in Small Purchase Procurement Unauthorized Commitments to Vendors Lack of documentation regarding suspension and debarment Grantees fail to document that vendors were checked against the ‘Excluded Parties List’.


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