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Satirical Solution Partner Project. Learning Targets: 1.I Can Identify the types of satire. 2.I Can Create an original piece of satire.

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Presentation on theme: "Satirical Solution Partner Project. Learning Targets: 1.I Can Identify the types of satire. 2.I Can Create an original piece of satire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satirical Solution Partner Project

2 Learning Targets: 1.I Can Identify the types of satire. 2.I Can Create an original piece of satire.

3 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… 1.

4 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… 2.

5 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… 3.

6 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… 4.

7 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… 5.

8 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… 6.

9 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… UNDERSTATEMENT 1.

10 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… IRONY 2.

11 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… Parody 3.

12 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… Juxtaposition 4.

13 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… Exaggeration / Irony 5.

14 A Quick Formative Review of the 5 Types of Satire… Parody 6.

15 Directions for your project: Types of satire YOU will use… Using your formative review, if you missed one or more of the types of satire in the formative review, you’ll need to include AT LEAST ONE instance of each type of satire that you missed in your project. Note: You and your partner may not have missed the same type. You’ll need to include both/all missed types in your project. If you missed none, you may choose any two types to include in your project (and the FUNNIEST projects will include MORE!). Write your types on your project assignment paper below the formative review AND on your rubric! (See back.)

16 An Example?

17 A Very Scientific Solution to Infant Health By Mrs. Korman

18 Baby Bubbles – A Scientific Overview What will the bubbles be made of? Recently, the scientists at NASA discovered a new polymer which allows oxygen-based gases to pass through whilst maintaining its shape.

19 Baby Bubbles – A Scientific Overview When will babies receive a bubble, and who will pay for it? Infants in America will be granted a single jar of the polymer “Baby Bubbles” upon birth, paid for through grant money from NASA that was originally earmarked for a space expedition to Mars.

20 Baby Bubbles – A Scientific Overview Will the babies need to wear these bubbles constantly? Babies would need to wear the bubbles for the first year of their lives, popping them only once a day when the fragrant smell of full diapers requires them to remove the bubble to dispense with waste products.

21 Baby Bubbles – A Scientific Overview Why can’t babies simply receive vaccinations to prevent disease? An overly simplistic solution; statistics show that about 1/4 of American parents have been debating the necessity and risks behind these shots, and the bubble would prevent parents needing to utilize any unnecessary brain power in deciding what is best for their child. In addition, Dr. Edmund Nositall noted in his book, Disease Prevention and Who to Blame, that 1 out of 20 children remember their childhood vaccinations, and are often embittered towards their parents for life because of this type of disease prevention!

22 Baby Bubbles – A Scientific Overview How will the babies develop motor skills necessary for growth while within the bubble? The bubble is essentially like a second womb, allowing the child to develop the same way he/she would outside the bubble, but with the added bonus of never touching the actual outside world.

23 Questions/Comments?

24 How to create YOUR satirical solution:

25 Step 1: Brainstorm a problem. Worldwide. Local. Personal. Pick something that is interesting to you and your partner.

26 Step 2: Create a satirical solution. Make sure your solution is OUTRAGEOUS – i.e. something NO ONE would EVER ACTUALLY use to solve the problem you chose. (Think “cannibalizing children” with Swift.) It must be DETAILED. The solution must be APPROPRIATE for class. Be sure your solution is ironic, exaggerated, understated, etc.

27 Step 3: Create realistic support for your solution. Brainstorm the hows, whats, and whys of your solution. Think: If you were informed of this solution, what questions would you have? Start with the DETAILS of your solution first (the whats and hows).

28 Step 4: Write a proposal. Once you’ve determined your solution, and how it will work, you need to write a 1 page proposal of your solution in which you detail the whys and hows of your solution. Requirements? Let’s consider “A Modest Proposal” as our guide. (Turn to page 502.)

29 Step 4: Write a proposal. Requirements – parody of Swift’s work

30 Step 4: Write a proposal. Requirements – parody of Swift’s work 1.Elevated/Scientific-sounding language.

31 Step 4: Write a proposal. Requirements – parody of Swift’s work 1.Elevated/Scientific-sounding language. 2. Statistics/Numbers to give credit to your solution.

32 Step 4: Write a proposal. Requirements – parody of Swift’s work 1.Elevated/Scientific-sounding language. 2. Statistics/Numbers to give credit to your solution. 3. Advice from “experts”.

33 Step 4: Write a proposal. Requirements – parody of Swift’s work 1.Elevated/Scientific-sounding language. 2. Statistics/Numbers to give credit to your solution. 3. Advice from “experts”. 4. Actual logical solutions (which you disprove!)

34 Step 4: Write a proposal. Requirements – parody of Swift’s work 1.Elevated/Scientific-sounding language. 2. Statistics/Numbers to give credit to your solution. 3. Advice from “experts”. 4. Actual logical solutions (which you disprove!) Additional Requirements: 1. MLA format/typed/1 page in length 2. The types/number of satire pieces on your individual rubrics. (See back.)

35 Step 5: Create a movie to present your solution. Thursday (2/20), we will be in the IMC using Windows Live Movie Maker to create a movie presentation. 30 seconds-1 minute in length. Before class on Thursday, you will need pictures/video clips that you’d like to include in your movie. You will only have Thursday to create! BE SURE TO BRING A FLASH DRIVE to save your movie!

36 Step 6: Present the problem/solution to the class. For this, you will use a PowerPoint presentation. Included in the presentation will be: A title for your solution which DOES NOT GIVE AWAY the solution. The questions that you brainstormed and used in your proposal. (The details of the whats, hows, and whys of your solution.) Presentations will be held next Wednesday, 2/26.

37 Final Rubric: Requirements:Points Earned:Comments: Movie – Includes title, problem & solution with movie clips/pictures/music/etc. Creative and shows originality. /10 Written Proposal: Meets requirements listed on the reverse side (elevated, stats, experts, logical solution presented, MLA, & types of satire) /10 Presentation: Seamless flow, practical use of PowerPoint with questions answered, no inappropriate behavior/language used, expert on topic *Types of Satire from formative review included: ________________________________________________ /10 Total: /30

38 Today… See Brainstorming sheet… In your partners, brainstorm your problem & satirical solution Brainstorm questions raised by your solution DUE? Tomorrow, while you are working on your movies in the lab, I will conference with each partner group BRIEFLY about your questions.

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