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Presentation on theme: "Grant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant

2 Purpose Statement One or two sentences stating the outcome or the goal of the grant Purpose Statement: Teenagers at risk for type 2 diabetes need support and direction to make wise dietary choices on a daily basis. A dietary handbook, designed specifically for teens, will be created and made available through the National Diabetes Association.

3 Project Overview Introduces the project, creates interest and invokes a sense of importance for the project. 2-3 paragraphs Arouse the reader’s interest and support for the project.

4 Problem Statement Identify why the project is needed Give evidence, with data, supporting the need for the work Identify previous work that has been done to address this problem and show why more work is needed

5 Project Goals Goals are general and idealistic
Goals are not directly measurable Include 2 or 3 goals Example Goal:  Improve the health of teenagers by changing their eating habits.

6 Project Objectives Objectives are very specific.
Objectives are measurable. With each objective is an explanation of how it will be evaluated. Include three to four objectives that clarify how the goals from the previous section will be achieved.

7 Project Methodology Describe how the work will be carried out
Write detailed steps. Include who is responsible for each step, including all related medical professions, lawyers, social workers, graphic artists, etc. Include a description of the necessary resources.

8 Summary and Evaluation
Assume the proposal is funded. . . Summarize how the project will be evaluated. Be specific. For example, will there be statistics and numerical evidence?

9 Sources Documentation page citing all sources used to create this proposal Use APA format (not MLA) 3-5 valid sources

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