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The Job Description. Job Description Job Functions  duties and tasks that the employee is expected to perform in the position  essential or marginal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Job Description. Job Description Job Functions  duties and tasks that the employee is expected to perform in the position  essential or marginal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Job Description

2 Job Description Job Functions  duties and tasks that the employee is expected to perform in the position  essential or marginal (non-essential)  Include all essential functions  Identify completed task Move versus walk Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)  essential functions are the basic duties that an employee must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation.

3 Job Description According to the National Law Review---Evidence that a particular function is essential includes, but is not limited to:  whether the reason the position exists is to perform that function  the number of other employees available to perform the function  among whom the performance of the function can be distributed  the degree of expertise or skill required to perform the function  the employer’s judgment  written job descriptions  the amount of time spent on performing the function  the terms of a collective bargaining agreement  the work experience of present or past employees in the job  the consequences of not requiring that an employee perform the function.

4 Job Description Employers Perspective  Set clear job expectations.  Recruitment  Hiring  Compensation  Performance evaluations  Promotion/Termination  Training

5 Job Description Content  Essential and non-essential job functions.  Tools for compliance  reasonable accommodations Americans with Disabilities Act State disability laws

6 Job Description Where to begin  Job Analysis  Job duties and responsibilities  Educational requirements  Skill necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities  Discussion of activities and tasks with supervisors and managers  Observation of employees performing tasks

7 Job Description Comprehensive job description may include:  Job title  Job objective or purpose  Essential duties and responsibilities of the position in the order of significance  Non-essential duties and responsibilities of the position  Skills of the job  hard and soft skills computer competency to value as a team player D  Description of the position in relationship to other jobs within the organization, including supervisory duties and other relationships  Educational and training requirements  minimum education and training required  desired training and education  Minimum work experience required and other desired work experience  Equipment, if applicable, for the performance of the job  Salary range  Job location  Work Schedule

8 Job Description Employees Perspective  Set clear job expectations.  Compensation  Performance evaluations  Promotion  Training  Telework

9 Job Description Leads to  Employee Handbooks  Job Re-evaluation Legal Importance  FSLA (Fair Labor Standards Act)  Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employee  ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)  Reasonable Accommodation  Discrimination Laws  FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)

10 Job Description Best Practices  Preparing accurate job descriptions is the first step  Job duties often change over time  An outdated job description may be of little benefit  An outdated job description could even be a detriment. Ensure that your job descriptions remain current and accurate  Include the effective date on every job description  Ensure that the date is revised when changes are made  Confirm that the job description is current before posting any open position  Confirm that the job description is up-to-date as part of the performance review process  Review all job descriptions on a set schedule.

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