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Published byEric Watson Modified over 9 years ago
2 Aug-2010
3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على اشرف الخلق والمرسلين ، سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين أما بعد : نقدم اليوم تقريرا مصغرا عن عالم ضخم بل ضخم جداَ ينضم إلى عالم الشبكة العنكبوتيه ، وهو عالم الـهاكرز "Hackers". كثيرا ما نسمع عن الهاكرز ومعظمنا لا يعلم شيء عن الآليات التي يستخدمونها في عملهم ولكننا هنا سنتعرف على هذا العالم المظلم المليء بالمتاهات و التي قد لا يستطيع تصورها بعض الأشخاص الذين لا علم لهم في هذه الأمور ان من تعلم فنون الاختراق اصبح يملكـ سلاحاَ ذو حدين والذي يحدد هذين الحدين هو الشخص نفسه صاحب الخبره فيمكن أن يستعمل علمه بالخير وبما يرضي الله ويمكن أن يستعمله بالشر وبما يغضب الله عز وجل وكل هذا سوف يتم عرضه لاحقا.
4 1......................................................................... Terminology 2................................................................. Types of hackers 3.................................................................. Tools of hackers 4.………………….........………………..… Methods of hacker 5.………………………….........………............ Hackers Date 6...…….......... The Difference between hackers &caracaras 7........................................................... Méthodes of hackers 8.........................................................................Preservation
5 hackers history falls into three phases: 1. Before 1969. 2. The golden age of hackers 1980-1989. 3. Hackers Great War 1990-1994.
6 Hackers Meaning of the word hackers is the meaning of positive and means, very briefly a professional programmer. Meaning of the word hackers is the meaning of positive and means, very briefly a professional programmer. It was launched on the floor of skilled programmers who are able to deal with computer problems, experience and expertise solving problems and problems of programming on a voluntary basis often It was launched on the floor of skilled programmers who are able to deal with computer problems, experience and expertise solving problems and problems of programming on a voluntary basis often Type of hackers: Type of hackers: (White hat hacker). (Black hat hacker) (Grey hat hacker).
7 Crackers Password Crackers is a word synonymous with the word hackers Password Crackers is a word synonymous with the word hackers They are people who are forced to enter the system using their methods and skills based on error detection code left by the hackers to break the policy of reverting to their programs and policies subversive codes may be used various means to reach its goal of sabotage on the others. Type of crackers 1. Professional 2. Amateur
8 1.Hackers Skilled programmers are able to deal with computer problems, experience and expertise solving problems and the problems of programming. Skilled programmers are able to deal with computer problems, experience and expertise solving problems and the problems of programming. 2.Crackers: Who were the people who are forced to enter the system using their methods and skills based on error detection code Hackers effects of their programs. Who were the people who are forced to enter the system using their methods and skills based on error detection code Hackers effects of their programs. 3.Server : Is an executable file format EXE extension is often a hacker sent to the victim to be between him and his computer a link to enable direct control of it. Is an executable file format EXE extension is often a hacker sent to the victim to be between him and his computer a link to enable direct control of it. 4.Report Is a transmission of information stored inside the device the victim to the hacker, and occurs after the victim open to walk far, which has been acknowledged and most types of traffic Fir at provide Report this uniform and there are several ways of reporting, including: by e-mail, through the pages, CGI, through site of the Is a transmission of information stored inside the device the victim to the hacker, and occurs after the victim open to walk far, which has been acknowledged and most types of traffic Fir at provide Report this uniform and there are several ways of reporting, including: by e-mail, through the pages, CGI, through site of the no- ip. com no- ip. com.
9 5. CGI :- Is a hacker designed the pages and submit them to sites hosted by free or paid and is intended to receive the Report by Sir fled without errors or problems 6.BackDoor: Is the process of reverse connection used only take up this profession and be based on the operation of specific files in a device of the victim or the victim at the site without his knowledge have an impact and a big role in breaking down. Is the process of reverse connection used only take up this profession and be based on the operation of specific files in a device of the victim or the victim at the site without his knowledge have an impact and a big role in breaking down. 7.Shell: Script is a software written in PHP (programming web pages) is used to control the sites that have been raised by making a Bal Gelb Rossi and the main types C99, Re57Shell, My Shell, is the first type is best for beginners.. The second type of professional competence, and is often applied in the gaps PDF File Include mainly Script is a software written in PHP (programming web pages) is used to control the sites that have been raised by making a Bal Gelb Rossi and the main types C99, Re57Shell, My Shell, is the first type is best for beginners.. The second type of professional competence, and is often applied in the gaps PDF File Include mainly 8. Gap: Is a software error in the design of the site is often a hacker to search for these errors and use.. Among the most famous of these errors SQL Injections, Perl, CGI, File Include. Is a software error in the design of the site is often a hacker to search for these errors and use.. Among the most famous of these errors SQL Injections, Perl, CGI, File Include..
10 9.Encryption: Is a process server, edit the values through the Hex in order to enable a server to skip the protection systems installed on the victim machine, and is changing the numbers of certain lines to be determined by the hacker Is a process server, edit the values through the Hex in order to enable a server to skip the protection systems installed on the victim machine, and is changing the numbers of certain lines to be determined by the hacker 10.IP( internet protocol): Is the number consists of four sections representing the address of each device connected to the Internet, may be either a fixed address such as lines of DSL, or the address of a variable for each time he lines connect to the internet, such as the Dial-UP. Is the number consists of four sections representing the address of each device connected to the Internet, may be either a fixed address such as lines of DSL, or the address of a variable for each time he lines connect to the internet, such as the Dial-UP.
11 1. Some hackers engaged in espionage as a hobby and an opportunity to show the possibilities and the challenge of self and others practiced this work out to achieve several objectives including the following: 2. To obtain money through the theft of banking information such as account numbers or credit cards. \ 3. To obtain information or photographs for purposes of extortion motivated by financial or diversionary threat some girls or young, if not responded to the demands of diversionary or financial. 4. Access to files as beautiful as Alorcamax or PowerPoint files, sounds or images, or. 5. Demonstrate the ability to break through and address the obstacles and the opportunity to be proud of securing a victory in the event of a hacker to enter one of the devices or information systems. 6. To obtain secret codes e-mail to allow him to spy on private messages or theft of the name of the e-mail as a whole.
12 1. to penetrate the sites and walking Firat and forums. (Web site, server 2. penetrate the e-mail and chat rooms. 3. hacking the ( LAN). 4. penetration of personal computers (PC). 5. Penetration through the reverse connection. Back door 6. penetration through the browser Internet Explorer. 7. Penetration through the program of music files player Real Player. 8. Penetration of random
13 Installation of firewalls and spy ware struggles such as - Nod23-KasperSky - Panda-Spy ware Doctor - Norton Make a regular survey and comprehensive on your computer at more frequent intervals as possible, especially if you use the I nternet on a daily basis.?*** Do not enter suspicious sites that hackers are using these sites such as the introduction of spy ware to victims where the installation of spy ware file (patch) automatically the device by simply entering the person to the site. Do not open any email from an unknown source because hackers are using e-mail messages to send files to the victims of spying.
14 Not keep any personal information inside your own such as letters, photos, important files and other information such as bank account numbers or credit card.. Place the numbers secret, where your important files can be opened only knows the PIN only and you. Always try to change your password periodically is porous. Make sure to lift the cable Internet connection after the completion of the use of the Internet. Not receiving any files during the (chat) from people who are not trusted, especially if these files carry over (exe) such as (love.exe) or that the files are with such Alamtdadin (hammed.pif.jpg) and be like these files is grown spy ware programs on your computer through which he can count on hackers from accessing your computer and cause harm and problems.
15 Web Cracker 4 Net Buster Net Bus Haxporg Bus Scong. BO Client and Server netbus1.70 هو الأكثر شيوعا بين مستخدمي المايكرو سوفت شات. SUB 7 Hackers Utility Back Orifice Deep Throat 2.0 Porter Scan على ارقام الـ IP و الـ Ports ultrascan-15.exe Zip Cracker Girl Friend
16 How do you know if your computer is hacked? At the outset you know if your computer is breaking through to determine the changes caused by hackers in the operating system, such as opening and closing the screen automatically or the presence of new files did not enter one or delete files existed, or open Internet sites or give an order to the printer in addition to the many changes that you see and know and learn from which the presence of an intruder uses your computer.. This way you can know from which you entered a hacker into your computer or tha your computer properly. (Start)(Run). : system. ini Open (Start) and then of (Run). Type the following: system. ini Page will appear, go to the fifth line where If you find that the line is written like this: exe = user. exe user. exe = user. exe user. Know that your computer has not been penetrated by hackers.? exe = user. exe *** *** ***? If you find the fifth line is written so? User. exe = user. exe *** *** ***? you know that your computer has been hacked by a hacker
17 Detection methods for hackers There are many ways to detect the presence of spy ware on your computer.. The first way: Programs to detect spyware, viruses, use one of the detection software spyware as well as protection from spyware and hackers through the work of a firewall to prevent the entry is being... Of the most famous and best-detection software spyware: Norton Norton internet security security Zone Zone alarm alarm MacAfee MacAfee firewall firewall The The Cleaner
18 among the most famous and the best protection from hackers Zone Alarm Zone Alarm Lockdowns 2000 Lockdowns 2000 Jammer Jammer Internet Alert 99 Internet Alert 99 Tiny Personal Firewall
19 Registry : بواسطة ملف تسجيل النظام Registry : Start انقر على زر البدء Start. Runrigidity - أكتب في خانة التشغيل Run الأمر : rigidity Registery Editor - افتح المجلدات التالية حسب الترتيب في قائمة Registery Editor : - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software ثم Microsoft - Software ثم Microsoft - Windows ثم Current Version - Run ثم Run or Run once server.exe - الان هل يوجد ملف باسم server.exe قم بمسح الملف كاملا Explorer32 "C/WINDOWS\Expl32.exe - أو سوف تجد الملف بهذا الاسم Explorer32 "C/WINDOWS\Expl32.exe Data او قد ظهر أمامه سهم صغير <--- - Data او قد ظهر أمامه سهم صغير <--- فهو ملف تجسس إذ ليس له عنوان معين بالو يندوز. Delete تخلص منه بالضغط على الزر الأيمن للفارة ثم Delete
20 msconfig بواسطة الأمر :msconfig Start - انقر على زر البدء Start Run الأمر التالي : msconfig - اكتب في خانة التشغيل Run الأمر التالي : msconfig System Configuration Utility - سوف تظهر لك نافذة System Configuration Utility Start up - - اختر من هذه النافذة من أعلى قسم Start up - ستظهر لك شاشة تعرض البرامج التي تبدأ العمل مباشرة مع بدء تشغيل الجهاز - افحص هذه البرامج جيدا بالنظر فإن شككت بوجود برامج غريبة لم تقم أنت بتثبيتها بجهازك فقم بإلغاء الإشارة الظاهرة بالمربع الصغير المقابل له فتكون بذلك قد أوقفت عمل البرنامج التجسسي أو غيره من البرامج الغير مرغوب بها.
21 By Player Dos: This method was used before the advent of Windows to show the spy files, such as patch & Trojan, one of the easiest ways: MS-DOS ? - Open the trampling of the Study of the MS-DOS to start a list of the START C: / Windows \ dir patch.* e? ? - Type the following command: C: / Windows \ dir patch.* e? \ delete patch.* If any do the patch file to scan it in the following way:? C: \ Windows \ delete patch.*
22 Open the win.ini file is located in the Windows folder and look in the beginning of the first lines for any values similar to the following terms: run = xxxx.exe run = xxxx.dl load = xxxx.exe load = xxxx.dl Note that xxxx means the name of the server If you find any value from them immediately Vahzvha In other words, you must Postural line of the lines above in the beginning of the first lines to the win.ini file, the afternoon Deleted this email immediately *
23 system.ini Open the file system.ini The existing windows folder and you will find in the fifth line the following statement? ***** = Explorer.exe : ***** = Explorer.exe if your machine is infected you will find the form of the former phrase is so: ***** = Explorer.exe xxx.exe ***** = Explorer.exe xxx.exe ***** = Explorer.exe xxx.exe Rundlll6.exe and Task_Bar.exe ***** = Explorer.exe xxx.exe with the knowledge that xxx is the name of the server? : Rundlll6.exe and Task_Bar.exe *****=Explorer.exe Found that patients do scans your name server to become only the line as follows: *****=Explorer.exe
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