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Presentation on theme: " RELIUS GOVERNMENT FORMS Relius Government Forms 5500 Classically Under-Utilized Features Tom Hunsinger."— Presentation transcript:

1 RELIUS GOVERNMENT FORMS Relius Government Forms 5500 Classically Under-Utilized Features Tom Hunsinger

2 Welcome and thank you!  Tom Hunsinger  Who?  7+ years at Relius/Peak 1  Started in Tech Support  Tech Support Manager  RGF on-line presenter

3 How we’ll work this… I’ll show the feature Raise your hand if you use it

4 Classically Under-utilized Features Filing Checklist

5  Lists all schedules and forms that need to be filed for the plan based on the Form 5500 or Form 5500-EZ  Shows where to send the paper copies of the forms  Notes where signatures are required  Helps ensure complete filings

6 Filing Checklist Accessing Filing Checklist:  From the File Menu  When printing the planbook or the Form 5500 and 5500-EZ

7 Filing Checklist Only available when Form 5500 or Form 5500-EZ is open and the active form

8 Filing Checklist Only available when Form 5500 or Form 5500-EZ is being printed

9 Filing Checklist

10 Notes:  To use either method the Form 5500 or Form 5500-EZ must be saved in the planbook and must be filled in accurately  For further information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 7 - Printing

11 Classically Under-utilized Features Sorting

12  Data on repeating pages can be sorted  Sorting options depend on which form is being edited Schedule ASchedule D Schedule CSchedule SSA

13 Sorting To sort the data on one of the supported schedules:  Open the schedule  Press the F9 key on the keyboard or  Click on the Edit menu and select Sort

14 Sorting

15 Sorting in Schedule A  All entries in Part I, item 2 (a-e) will be sorted in descending order (as required by the instructions). The sort is based on the sum of amounts in columns (b) and (c).

16 Sorting Sorting in Schedule C  Part 1, item 2 (a-g) will be sorted in descending order (as required by the instructions). The sort is based on the sum of amounts in columns (e) and (f).

17 Sorting Sorting in Schedule D  Part I and Part II can each be sorted by Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12IE or by EIN/PN in descending order, or Compressed to remove blank entries.

18 Sorting Sorting in Schedule SSA  Item 4 can be Compressed to remove blank entries or sorted by Participant Last Name or Participant Social Security Number. When selecting to sort by either of these options you can also select to Group by Entity Code. This will first group them based on like entity codes and then sort within the entity codes based on the selection.

19 Sorting

20  Note: For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 5 - Editing Forms

21 Classically Under-utilized Features Merge Planbooks

22 Use the Merge Planbooks feature to combine all forms and schedules of one planbook with the forms and schedules of an open planbook. This feature can speed up your processing if you have plans that use the same schedules and data.

23 Merge Planbooks Steps to Merging Planbooks  Open any form in the plan that will receive the schedules and forms  Click on the Utilities menu and select Merge Planbooks

24 Merge Planbooks  The Merge Planbooks assistant opens making the process as easy as 1... 2…3…4  Click on the Select button to start the merge

25 Merge Planbooks  Select the plan that will send data to the open planbook and click on the OK button

26 Merge Planbooks  That takes you back to the merge assistant, now click on the Select button for Step 2

27 Merge Planbooks  By default, a log file named merge.txt will be saved in the default data folder. You can make changes to the name or location if you wish, then click on the OK button.

28 Merge Planbooks  Once again you return to the merge assistant. Note how you can see the selections made in the first two steps. Click on the Merge button to start the merge.

29 Merge Planbooks  Finally, click on the View button in Step 4 to view the log file.

30 Merge Planbooks  Review the log file and your new planbook is loaded with forms and ready to go!

31 Merge Planbooks Notes:  You can only merge planbooks from the same year  If a form already exists in the target planbook the form will be skipped and not transfer  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 8 - Utilities

32 Classically Under-utilized Features Track Changes

33 The Track Changes feature allows you monitor the changes made to a planbook. You will know:  Who made the changes  When they made the changes and  What the changes were

34 Track Changes  Track Changes is not enabled by default. To enable Track Changes click on the Utilities menu, select Track Changes and then select Highlight Changes

35 Track Changes  You can choose to just track the changes or to track and highlight the changes.

36 Track Changes  If you choose to highlight the changes your form will look something like this:

37 Track Changes  Now that Track Changes is enabled you can review changes that have been made to the forms by clicking on the Utilities menu, select Track Changes and then select Accept or Reject Changes

38 Track Changes  Each changed field in the form will be reviewed and you will have an opportunity to accept or reject the changes.

39 Track Changes Notes:  You can toggle Track Changes using CTRL+SHIFT+E on your keyboard  When using the Carry-forward, Transfer, Combine, and/or Merge features, the previous form changes will not be tracked. When using the Sort feature, the data that has been sorted will not be tracked.  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 8 - Utilities

40 Classically Under-utilized Features Compare Forms & Planbooks

41 Have you ever had two forms from separate plans that seemed like they were filled out the same but you were not sure if they were?

42 Compare Forms & Planbooks Have you ever had the same planbook with the same file name in two different directories and wondered what were the differences between the two files?

43 Compare Forms & Planbooks Use Compare Forms and Compare Planbooks to find out the differences.

44 Compare Forms & Planbooks Steps to comparing two forms or planbooks:  Open a form you wish to compare or any form in a planbook that you wish to compare.  Click on the Utilities menu, select Track Changes, select Compare, and select Compare Form or Compare Planbook

45 Compare Forms & Planbooks  If you are comparing forms, a dialog box will appear  Select the planbook containing the form you wish to compare to the form opened in the original planbook

46 Compare Forms & Planbooks  The form in the planbook selected will open  A new dialog box will appear that will allow you to navigate through the fields that have entries that differ from the entries in the original planbook

47 Compare Forms & Planbooks  The process is the same to compare planbooks, the only difference is that the dialog box will guide you through all of the forms of the planbook rather than just one form

48 Compare Forms & Planbooks Note:  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 8 - Utilities

49 Classically Under-utilized Features AutoFileName

50 AutoFileName  By default, the first time you save a new planbook you are prompted to name the data file and select where you wish to save it  With AutoFileName enabled you can have the file named and saved in the default data directory automatically by the RGF 5500 application without prompting

51 AutoFileName  To enable AutoFileName click on the Settings menu, select General, select the Preferences tab, then check the box next to AutoFileName

52 AutoFileName Notes:  The name created for the files is a combination of letters and numbers, e.g., xxk8n020.rf6  It will be difficult to know what the plan name is when browsing a directory in Windows Explorer  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 10 - Customizing Program Operation

53 Classically Under-utilized Features Sort Planbooks in the Open Dialog Box

54 Sort Planbooks in the Open Dialog Box  You can sort the list of planbooks in the Open dialog box by File Name, Plan Name, or by Plan Number.

55 Sort Planbooks in the Open Dialog Box  Go to the file open dialog box, click on the Sort menu and select the sort type you prefer

56 Sort Planbooks in the Open Dialog Box Notes:  The default sort order is by file name  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 4 - Managing Form Files

57 Classically Under-utilized Features Delete a Form or Planbook

58 It only take a couple of clicks to delete a form or a planbook and you do not need to be a surgeon to operate this feature successfully!

59 Delete a Form or Planbook  Go to the Open dialog box  Select the planbook that contains the form you want to delete

60 Delete a Form or Planbook  Go to the Forms section and click on the check mark next to the form you want to delete

61 Delete a Form or Planbook  Click on the Yes button to confirm the deletion

62 Sort Planbooks in the Open Dialog Box Notes:  To delete the entire planbook just delete the Plan Information Worksheet  CAUTION: Once a form or planbook is deleted it can not be recovered  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 4 - Managing Form Files

63 Classically Under-utilized Features Calculation Override

64 RGF 5500 by default auto calculates various fields on the forms. These calculations follow the instructions for the forms but there is room for interpretation in the instructions. You or your actuary may not agree with the calculated value for a field. It is very easy to override the auto calculated fields in the RGF 5500 application.

65 Calculation Override If you wish to change the value of an auto calculated field, the easiest way to override the calculation is to right-click on the field and select Calculation Override

66 Calculation Override After selecting Calculation Override the field will change from blue to red and allows you to enter the your calculated value in the field.

67 Calculation Override Notes:  Calculation Override can be used to override the values transferred from the Plan Information Sheet on the schedule but it is not recommended since the changes made on the schedule would not transfer to the other schedules in the planbook.  A maximum of 40 calculated entries can be overridden per form.  If a calculation is overridden you will receive a validation error for the overridden field if math validation is performed on the schedule. You can choose to ignore the validation error.  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 5 - Editing Forms

68 Classically Under-utilized Features Print to PDF

69  You can print your forms and planbooks to PDF files without owning Adobe ® Acrobat ® saving you hundreds of dollars  These files can be printed by your clients using free software to file their 5500 forms  You can use the PDF files to go “paperless” in your office  This is a standard, no-additional-cost feature of RGF 5500

70 Print to PDF How to print a form to a PDF file:  Open the form you wish to print  If you wish to print a paper copy as well as the PDF file, click on the File menu and select Print

71 Print to PDF  Select the print range desired on the right, plus any other options and then click on the checkbox labeled Print to PDF and then click on the OK button

72 Print to PDF  A dialog box will appear to enable you to name and save the PDF file in a location that is convenient for you  After saving the file you complete the printing process just as you normally do

73 Print to PDF  If you do not want a paper copy and only want to create the PDF file, click on the File menu and select Print to PDF

74 Print to PDF  Select the print range desired on the right, plus any other options and then click on the OK button. Note: You have the option to print paper forms.

75 Print to PDF  When the PDF file is opened, this cover page precedes the forms:

76 Print to PDF Notes:  Select Suppress PDF Warning Page on the Print dialog box to leave off the cover page.  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 7 - Printing

77 Classically Under-utilized Features Digitized Signatures

78  Digitized signatures are image files containing a person’s legal signature  RGF 5500 supports.jpeg (.jpg) and.bmp file formats  The Form 5558, Form 8905, and the 2005 Schedule P support digital signatures

79 Digitized Signatures How to use digital signatures  Scan or obtain a.jpeg or.bmp file of the required signature  The image file should be a black signature over a white background with dimensions no greater than 23 pixels high and 282 pixels wide  Modify the RGF5500.ini file per the instructions in the User’s Guide  Check the Use Digital Signatures checkbox in the Print dialog box  Print forms as you normally would

80 Digitized Signatures Example:  Digitized signature (need to shrink to < 282 x 23 pixels

81 Digitized Signatures Example:  Digitized signature (need to shrink to < 282 x 23 pixels)

82 Digitized Signatures Example:  Digitized signature (need to shrink to < 282 x 23 pixels)

83 Digitized Signatures Example:  Modify RGF5500.ini

84 Digitized Signatures Example:  Modify RGF5500.ini

85 Digitized Signatures Example:  Check the Use Digital Signatures checkbox

86 Digitized Signatures Example:  Print

87 Digitized Signatures Notes:  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 8 - Utilities

88 Classically Under-utilized Features Print EIN / PN on Form

89  This option allows you to print the EIN and Plan Number in the form header of each form.  This setting prints the employer identification number (EIN) and plan number (PN) at the top of each page of a form. Use of this option is helpful in collating the printed pages of multiple forms.

90 Print EIN / PN on Form  Click on the File menu and select Print Options

91 Print EIN / PN on Form  Select the first checkbox and click the OK button.

92 Print EIN / PN on Form

93 Notes:  On certain forms (e.g., PBGC forms), the EIN / PN will not print if it already appears as an entry on the page.  This option is currently unavailable for the 2004, 2005 and 2006 1-D Barcode (Hand Print) and Manual Feed Form 5500 Series.  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 7 - Printing

94 Classically Under-utilized Features File List (Search)

95 File List  Use File List to find planbooks by:  File Name  Form Year  Form Type  Date Saved (range of two dates)  Location of the file (drive/directory)

96 File List To use File List:  Click on the File menu  Select File List

97 File List  Enter the criteria you want to search for…

98 File List  Enter the criteria you want to search for…

99 File List You can:  Open a form from the list  Print a report  Send the output to the clipboard to paste into another application

100 File List Notes:  The use of wildcards (*, ?) are permitted in the File Name text box  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 4 - Managing Form Files

101 Classically Under-utilized Features Data Import from Relius Administration

102 Data Import from Relius Administration To import data into RGF 5500 from Relius Administration:  Carry forward your previous year’s data in RGF 5500 just like always  In Relius Administration use the Compute Government Forms utility in the Processing menu to export the plan data in Admin to an XML file  You can export data from one plan, all plans or selected plans

103 Data Import from Relius Administration  Open RGF 5500 and you will be prompted to import the data from the XML file.

104 Data Import from Relius Administration  Be sure to save the import log file to the directory that you carry forwarded your RGF 5500 files to

105 Data Import from Relius Administration  Save the log file

106 Data Import from Relius Administration Notes:  You can import the data from the XML file into an open form using the Utilities → XML Import feature  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 8 - Utilities

107 Classically Under-utilized Features Batch Create 5558s

108  Problem: You have 100 plans that need to have extensions filed but you only have an hour to do it.  Answer: Use Batch Create 5558s and take a 15 minute break.

109 Batch Create 5558s  Click on the Utilities menu and select Batch Create 5558s

110 Batch Create 5558s  Select the options you want

111 Batch Create 5558s  Select the plans that you want to file extensions for

112 Batch Create 5558s  Save the batch log file

113 Batch Create 5558s  The 5558s are created  Do you want to print them?

114 Batch Create 5558s  Select the printing options you want  Do you remember Digitized Signatures?

115 Batch Create 5558s Notes:  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 8 - Utilities

116 Classically Under-utilized Features Generate SAR

117 Did you know you can generate SARs without leaving RGF 5500?

118 Generate SAR  Open the Form 5500 for the plan you want to generate the SAR for  Click on the Utilities menu and select Generate SAR

119 Generate SAR  SAR will open with the Data Form open for the plan you selected

120 Generate SAR Notes:  For more information see the User’s Guide: Chapter 8 - Utilities

121 For additional information or support… Relius Government Forms Support 1-800-326-7235 Option 1

122 RELIUS GOVERNMENT FORMS Relius Government Forms 5500 Classically Under-Utilized Features Tom Hunsinger

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