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City of Niš, ALDA and LDA Niš A decade long partnership.

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1 City of Niš, ALDA and LDA Niš A decade long partnership

2 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. Framework Actors Methodology Cooperation

3 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. Program supported by the Council of Europe within the activities of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities since 1993. Initiative to make step forward from the humanitarian aid on the territory of former Yugoslavia towards establishing decentralized forms of cooperation between European and Balkan towns and regions. LDA – Local Democracy Agencies, since 1993. Main objective: Assist the region in a stable transition towards democracy and European integration Framework

4 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. 12 Local Democracy Agencies acting as local NGOs to foster local democracy, respect for human rights and sustainable development

5 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. Essential aspects of the LDAs : international network of partners Host city and Lead partner the indication of a Delegate (responsible of the field operation and representing the partnership) focus on local communities programme of activities included in the general mandate of the LDAs : local governance, human rights and interethnic dialogue, local economic development and civil society empowerment decentralized cooperation LDA Niš City of Aarhus Lead partner City of Niš Host city City of Kragujevac City of Kraljevo local CSOs local institutions Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo City of Saltdal City of Suresnes

6 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. Programme needed clear identity and common vision... ALDA - The Association of Local Democracy Agencies: a) established in 1999 at the initiative of partners of the Local Democracy Agencies, with a special political support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. b) European NGO registered with the local law in Strasbourg c) the mandate: coordination and support to LDAs pillars of activities were added to ALDA's mission: Strengthening European integration and implementation of European values Active citizenship and citizens' participation Fostering equal opportunities and youth policies Sustainable economic development Within this global objectives and priorities every Local Democracy Agency responds to its specific local needs and has therefore its own concrete programmes and identity.

7 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. Actors / Partners City of Niš ALDA LDA Niš Host cityLocal NGOEuropean NGO

8 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. City of Niš Third largest city in Serbia Population of 300.000 inhabitants (Serbs, Roma, Montenegrins, Bulgarians, Croats, Macedonians...) 5 municipalities, 74 suburban and rural settlements Administrative centre of the Nišava district and the focal point of South-Eastern Serbia (economical, educational, cultural, political...) Situated at an intersection of Balkan and European roads Meeting point of different cultures throughout history Role in partnership: 1.supporting the work of LDA on a local level 2.participating in the activities of the LDA and ALDA 3.developing new ideas for projects and making sure that those are focused on local needs

9 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. ALDA Network: 300 Partners and Members 29 European Countries (local authorities, associations, universities, research groups...) Working method is based on: Decentralized and multilateral cooperation: cooperation between local, national and international partners Fostering of partnerships: partners exchange best practices and create common projects to reach common benefits Assistance, support and training/Capacity building addressed to local authorities, associations and NGOs Role in partnership: 1.Assisting/supporting LDA Niš and City of Niš on international level 2.Developing and implementing joint projects 3.Fundraising

10 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. LDA Niš Official beginning: International network of partners signing Partnership Agreement in Niš, November 2001, 2003. local NGO 10 years of activities: from supporting implementation of different capacity building programes to designing and implementing tailor made projects Role in partnership: 1.Facilitating and providing constant communication between partners 2.Implementing researches and analysis of the needs of local community 3.Elaborating project ideas based on these studies 4.Facilitating project management or managing joint projects 5.Fundraising 6.Networking

11 Methodology Model of trilateral cooperation Active involvement of all sides Brussels, 12th of October 2011. ActivityEngaged partners Research of needsLDA Niš – local target groups, local community City of Niš – local administration ALDA - international Elaboration of the project ideasCity of Niš, LDA Niš, ALDA Submitting the project proposalLeading partner is chosen according to the rules of specific call for proposal Realization of the projectLDA Niš, ALDA, City of Niš

12 Cooperation Brussels, 12th of October 2011. Office for EU affairs Representative Office in Brussels Project Centre Departments X, Y, Z... LED Office LDA Niš

13 Strengthening capacities of local authorities and civil society Local economic development Youth empowerment Brussels, 12th of October 2011.

14 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. Good practice example Project: Youth – the right direction EU funded, YIA programme December 2006 – December 2009. Aim: enhancing the promotion and visibility of the Youth In Action programme in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and the Southern Caucasus (Georgia). Overall objective: to allow young people to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies to realize youth programs, focusing on the training of multipliers and on the development of networks and partnerships. The main direct target groups: Young people, aged 15-25 Youth leaders and youth workers Youth organisations, NGOs Local and Regional Authorities Implemented actions: information seminars, setting-up of specialized info-points, newsletters, forming youth ambassadors groups, trainings of peer educators (multipliers), job shadowing, training on the European Voluntary Service, crossing youth fair and the setting-up of 4 different networks of stakeholders (networks of info-points, of youth ambassadors, of EVS organizations and network of peer educators-multipliers) International network of partners (20 partners from 11 countries) lead by ALDA.

15 Nis, 11. septembar 2008. How we did it/ Process of cooperation: Consultations ALDA - LDA Niš – City of Niš. ALDA drafts project proposal based on the feedback from the field. Project proposal presented to LDA Niš. LDA Niš presents proposal to City of Niš (Project centre). Consultations within local govenment (Project centre – Mayor – City Assembly). City of Niš officially agrees to participate and cofinance project. Signing partnership agreement ALDA – City of Niš. City of Niš and LDA Niš form local team for implementation of the project. Joint implementation on a local level Evaluation and planning joint follow up activities on a local level (resulted in 2 LDA-City of Nis joint projects supported by Serbian Ministry for Youth and Sports, EVS programme and 2 youth exchanges)

16 Tirana, 15th – 16th July 2010. Using the benefits and opportunities arising from the fact that LDA Nis represents international ALDA network on a local level, numerous opportunities are becoming available for continuing cooperation between the City of Nis and ALDA on international projects that bring benefits to the local community.

17 Local Democracy Agency Niš Sasa Marinkov, Delegate Obrenoviceva 28 18000 Nis, Serbia Tel: +381 18 523 853 Fax: +381 18 523 853

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