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1 Graduate Student Association Northwestern University Fall Quarterly Meeting October 9 th, 2013

2 Introduction Graduate Student Association We advocate on behalf of graduate students and organize social and service events to promote relationships between grad students, the university and the community. Officers, 2013-2014 President – Stephanie Brehm Secretary – Nancy Auyeng Advocacy Chair – Pritha Ghosh Communications Officer – Xi Chen Treasurer – Zafir Zaman Service Chairs – Janet Bourne and Roman Kazantsev Social Chairs – Jeremy Needle and Jia Wu

3 GSA Advocacy Chair Responsibilities Primary Role: Serve as the voice of the TGS graduate departments to TGS Facilitated By: Organization of and communication with department representatives Project/initiative development based on student feedback and concerns

4 Nominations for Advocacy Chair Want to be on Exec Board? –Nominations at the end of the meeting!

5 GSA Secretary The Secretary will: Take down the minutes of each meeting of the Executive Board. Take down the minutes of the meetings of the Graduate Student Quarterly Meeting (by forwarding to the webmaster). Maintain the records of the Graduate Student Association. Reserve rooms for the spring quarterly meeting and coordinate the schedule for bi-monthly executive board meetings. The Secretary will also help other board members when needed.

6 Communications Officer Description Checks and Responds to GSA E-mail every day. Gathers information about events for graduate students happening on campus. Writes the bi-weekly newsletter detailing different events and notifications for graduate students and sends it out to the graduate student population. Sends announcement on the day of GSA event. --Email --Twitter

7 Communications Officer Description The newsletter is sent every other Monday. The deadline for entries is the Friday before the newsletter. can add flier

8 Communications Officer Description Runs the Twitter account and update the day of GSA event. Updates Plan-it Purple Calendar with GSA Events. Manage people on the listserv--subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter. Updates the website with the most recent information. Has the option of revamping the website if necessary. Helps other board members with GSA events.

9 GSA Treasurer Treasurer Responsibilities: Preparing the annual budget request and submitting it to TGS Maintaining the budget and making adjustments as necessary Completing reimbursements in a timely manner Planning financial seminars

10 GSA Treasurer Initiatives Financial planning seminars Kenneth Brown (TBD) Student loan management Dress for Success In partnership with UCS IT related seminars Research site/webspace management High performance computing resources

11 GSA Service Events Fairy Tale Trails (Oct. 25 th ) Harvest Toy Drive/Gift Wrap (TBD) USPS Letters to Santa (TBD)

12 Service Initiatives An inspirational quote project aimed at improving the lives of NU students Goal: Increase awareness of NU for their surrounding and themselves

13 Service Initiatives Quote Picture of author Biographical info about author Funny / goofy cartoon

14 Service Initiatives

15 Fall Social Events IM Sports (Co-rec) –Volleyball, Sun 4pm –Football, Mon 7pm –Dodgeball, Tue 7:30pm Football Tailgate: 10/19 –With Material Science Student Association –vs. Minnesota

16 Social Events Recent Events! Welcome BBQ TGS Night Out Upcoming Events! Camping trip Happy Hours Game Nights Movie Nights

17 University Career Services

18 QPR Suicide Prevention Training Oct 22, 2013 12-2p Seabury Graduate Student Commons

19 Nominations for Advocacy Chair Want to be on Exec Board? –Nominations : Deniz Alpay –Deniz is our new Advocacy chair! Thank you, Deniz!

20 Contact Information Interested in getting involved in GSA? Want to know more?

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