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Services for enterprises in Austria Prof. Dr. Reinhard Posch IDA Pan-European e-Government Conference Brussels 19-20 September.

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Presentation on theme: "Services for enterprises in Austria Prof. Dr. Reinhard Posch IDA Pan-European e-Government Conference Brussels 19-20 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Services for enterprises in Austria Prof. Dr. Reinhard Posch IDA Pan-European e-Government Conference Brussels 19-20 September

2 Enterprises and citizen deserve a coordinated view of e-Government at all levels Trust and security are most important building blocks Technology independence is key for change management both for e-government and enterprises Openly published and freely available interfaces can foster interoperability and are a first step towards vendor independence XML, XMLdsig, SOAP, SAML and similar standards offer a basis for automation both for government and enterprises e-Government Gütesiegel: quality declarations help to gain and keep the conformity needed. Basic building blocks are offered and avoid unnecessary duplication On this basis government services are offered in the various fields. Tax services, enterprise registries and legal services, community and location of enterprises, import export etc. in electronic form.

3 c o o r d i n a t e d v i e w Enterprises and citizen deserve a coordinated view of e-Government at all levels

4 T r u s t a n d s e c u r i t y Trust and security are most important building blocks Private businesses and appropriate frameworks can create appropriate trust

5 T e c h n o l o g y i n d e p e n d e n c e Technology independence is key for change management both for e-Govenment and enterprises Bank

6 Openly published and freely availble interfaces Openly published and freely availble interfaces can foster interoperability and are a first step towards vendor independence

7 XML, XMLdsig, SOAP, SAML XML, XMLdsig, SOAP, SAML and similar standards offer a basis for automation both for government and enterprises

8 G ü t e s i e g e l " e-Government Gütesiegel: quality declarations help to gain and keep the conformity needed. bürgerkartentauglich sichere Signatur bestätigtes Voting geprüfter Datensafe... A-SIT partner for security e-Government Gütesiegel: ensure conformity businesses have a long term assurance for developping the right product

9 B a s i c b u i l d i n g b l o c k s Basic building blocks are offered and avoid unnecessary duplication

10 E x a m p l e s On the basis of strategic coordinated services government services are offered in the various fields. Services to ease business operation are in a preferred state. Tax services, enterprise registries and legal services, community and location of enterprises, import export licences in electronic form, etc.

11 S t r a t e t g i c g o a l s

12 O r g a n i s a t o r i a l p r e r e q u i s i t e s Chief Information Officer CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort CIO Ressort ICT BOARD Monitoring/Reporting Quality Assurance Operative Unit Chancellor Vicechancellor

13 T h e s u c c e s s c y c l e

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