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1 Developing a Federation David Pannell & Tim Reed May 2013.

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1 1 Developing a Federation David Pannell & Tim Reed May 2013

2 2 Welcome to Suffolk

3 3 Who we are?  40 practice Federation covering 360,000 patients in East Suffolk – not for profit  Started April 2013 – long process of discussion  Practices stay independent  Designed to overcome the weaknesses of the cottage industry structure  Mix of rural/dispensing & urban – mean practice size 9,000 – 1 single hander

4 4 Objectives 1.Maintain the independent contractor model - build on strengths and develop 2.Help practices address local issues e.g. workload & recruitment 3.Ensure primary care can compete for contracts

5 5 Our business model  Provide patient services e.g. ultrasound etc – generate a surplus  Use management infrastructure to provide services to practices  Bidding on behalf of practices  Reducing costs  GP development programme  Commercial research offering  Recruitment package  Retain local feel for members e.g. locality groups

6 6 Five issues 1.Getting quick decisions – can we compete with the integrated model? 2.What if a practice does not deliver? 3.Extracting cash savings e.g. from back office centralisation 4.Financing the significant start-up costs 5.Need for scale v desire for localness

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