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Anders Gjøen European Commission eContent European Digital Content on the Global Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Anders Gjøen European Commission eContent European Digital Content on the Global Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anders Gjøen European Commission eContent European Digital Content on the Global Networks

2 The rationale and scope of the eContent programmeThe rationale and scope of the eContent programme The Action lines and examplesThe Action lines and examples The Work programme 2003 - 2004The Work programme 2003 - 2004 The 3 rd Call for ProposalsThe 3 rd Call for Proposals TipsTipsAgenda

3 More and more people are connecting to the global networks According to 580.780 million people have internet access ( Q2 2002) 185.000 million of those live in Europe, and the number is growing

4 More and more people are going online …..and connecting to the Internet through their mobile devices

5 Ability to handle rich content is increasing (Moores Law):

6 The ability to deliver rich content over the networks is increasing...

7 Europe has Rich content base Long publishing tradition Assets in linguistic and cultural customisation World ranking players...but it is Lagging in e-publishing

8 eEurope 2002 Action Plan · A cheaper, faster, secure Internet · Investing in people and skills · Stimulate the use of the Internet eContent political background eEurope 2005 Action Plan · Stimulating services, applications and content · Addressing underlying broadband infrastructure eEurope+ · The way to involve candidate countries

9 EU Actions for digital content è Regulatory framework: Copyrights in the Information Society Access and exploitation of public sector information è Research: IST Programme, FP 6 (Call closing 17 April) è Audio-visual and Culture: Media Plus programme Framework programme for Culture è eContent: Digital content and language diversity on the global networks

10 improving access for all to high-quality digital content on the global networksimproving access for all to high-quality digital content on the global networks in a multiplicity of languagesin a multiplicity of languages supports the increased availability, use and distribution of European digital contentsupports the increased availability, use and distribution of European digital content The objectives of the eContent programme Market oriented programme

11 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How will the eContent programme reach these ambitions?

12 Improving access to and expanding the use of public sector information Enhancing content production in a multilingual and multicultural environment Increasing dynamism of the digital content market Action Line 1 Action Line 2 Action Line 3 100 million Euro Call 3 Call 1Call 2 Call 4 29 million 2001200220032004 2005 40%-45% 10%-15%

13 19, 5 MEURO24 MEURO Definition phase Demonstration projects Accompanying measures Grants 430 proposals submitted 2300 Companies involved 50 projects have received funding Call 1Call 2

14 Action line 1 Improving access to and expanding use of public sector information

15 What is public sector information? –Legal/administrative data. –Financial/economical data, –Culture, archives, entertainment, information material –Geographical data including land and property information, traffic information, environmental data –Services at local level such at education, health etc. –Science and technical information –And more…………………………….. Action line 1Public sector information

16 Important for citizens: Bringing citizens closer to administrations Important in the democratic process Important for business: Essential to make business strategies Crucial for taking advantage of the internal market rights And in particular for the content industries: Source for new information products (aggregation) Action line 1Public sector information

17 (1.1) Cross-border information services based on Public sector information. What are we looking for? - The cross-border nature of the information service - The added-value nature of the information service - The business case, - Re-use aspect Public-private partnerships

18 Action line 1Public sector information (1.2) Establishment of European digital data collections based on public sector information What are we looking for? – Coverage of a considerable part of Europe - Scalability – Impact of the action on the digital content market; – Involvement of Candidate Countries where appropriate

19 Action Line 1.2 Creation of a European data collection Market/Users Health care institutions, biological, chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories and industries. Objective Creation of a scientific and medical data collection (dangerous agents, risk factors, assessed effects), technical information (safety protective measures, equipment and devices), regulatory and legal information

20 Partners Public Health Institutions Private Sector I I F E S FI

21 Science-I Action Line 1 Feasibility project (Definition phase project ) The idea Educational tools based on geographical information held by the public sector. Objective Market analysis, partnership creation and development of a business plan. Market/Users Schools which will buy the tools for their pupils and or students accessing the service from the web

22 No-eContent-AL1 NO Action Line 1 Objective Creation of a “Citizen Relationship Management” tool for European Municipalities. The tool will allow Municipalities to improve their services to the citizens making available on-line their administrative information. Market/Users Municipalities of Europe which will buy the tool. Citizens which will have better services Too Technical => Development of a tool eGovernment => Service to the citizen No commercial exploitation of digital content

23 Action Line 2 Producing Content in a multilingual and multicultural environment

24 Objective To ease access to and ensure a wider availability of high quality networked content across markets and communities, by encouraging co-operation between the European content and language industries. Action line 2Multilingual and multicultural environment

25 What do we mean by localization? Adapting, maintaining information products and services to local markets Not just translation of words or internationalisation of software > translating different cultures Identifying and showcasing best practice Action line 2Multilingual and multicultural environment

26 localisation of applications and services addressing multimedia content accessible through various platforms and devices Action line 2Multilingual and multicultural environment What are we looking for? (2.1) Partnerships between content and language industries:

27 Action line 1Public sector information Networking of existing regional and national resources and their access and use by content actors Development of new multilingual resources for less widely spoken languages Covering an adequate number of languages Action line 2Multilingual and multicultural environment What are we looking for? (2.2) Projects strengthening the linguistic infrastructure in Europe:

28 Cross Lingual 2 Objective Provide news, policy positions, discussion forums and contacts on selected EU affairs topics. Content adaptation by other policy portals: decentralised method for seven other languages. Action Line 2.1 Partnerships for multilingual and multicultural content Market/Users Industry and civil society organisations which take part in EU policy making.

29 Cross Lingual 2 Partners Content Providers and Publishers Language Translation and Localisation International Federation of Journalists Nouvelles communautaires, Positions et Acteurs Européens Software Platform

30 No-eContent-AL2 NO Action Line 2 Objective Creation and translation in three languages of a catalogue of medical products. The catalogue will be made available on the web. Market/Users Health Care Industry. No static translation of web sites or catalogues No expandability to other languages No easy way of keeping up to date the catalogue

31 Action Line 3 Increasing dynamism of the digital content market

32 Action line 3 Increasing dynamism of the digital content market Objective To support the European content market by horizontal actions that increase the effectiveness of the main action lines of the programme.

33 (3.1)Exchange of good practices To stimulate the exchange of best-practices throughout Europe on the re-use of public sector information and the linguistic customisation of content. What are we looking for? -case studies,print and electronic publications, and presentations at major public event. -Thematic networks to improve the learning processes and the exchange of good practices on the re-use of public sector information at European level Action line 3 Increasing dynamism of the digital content market

34 (3.2)Strategic outlook of the content market To contribute to an understanding of the opportunities, changes and trends in the digital content industries. What are we looking for? - A baseline measurement (zero-measurement) of the present use of public sector information throughout Europe. - Establishing directories of main public sector data collections covering all Member States and the Candidate Countries - Study benchmarking the use and economic models of PSI between the EU Member States in specific sectors, with a view of comparing the situation with the US Action line 3 Increasing dynamism of the digital content market

35 (3.3) Management of rights for digital content Stimulate an environment for the acceptance of right clearance solutions for digital content, with a special attention given to material originating from the public sector. What we are looking for? Actions aiming at creating a dialogue between: - content creators, - collecting societies, - content industry players and - consumer organisations. Identification of emerging business models and pricing schemes. Action line 3 Increasing dynamism of the digital content market

36 Accompanying Measures Accompanying Measures are: “measures aimed at facilitating participation in the (eContent) programme as well as facilitating access to the results produced under the (eContent) programme;... and support activities such as spreading the use of digital content standards, and encouraging skills development at European Level” Council decision (2001/48/EC Annex III point 8) Actions done by Market Players for the Market Players

37 EPSINET Action Line 1 Accompanying Measure Objective Provide a knowledge-sharing, alerting and advisory service targeted to the needs of all stakeholders in Public Sector Information in Europe, including public administrators, commercial users and end-user representatives.

38 Excellence in European eContent Localisation Action Line 2 Accompanying Measure Objective The EEEL project will improve knowledge and awareness of best practice for e-content localisation. The project will document Best Practice through 15 to 20 in-depth case studies, developed in collaboration between leading practitioners and their customers.

39 No-eContent-AM No Accompanying Measure Objective Spread and develop the method of computer assisted reporting. The approach of the project is to describe best practices and set standards in four areas: 1) Training, 2) Journalistic methods, 3) Collection, processing and publishing of public data, and 4) Co- operation within the media sector and between media and the public sector.

40 Ideal eContent project eContent co-funded project = available technology + right partnerships + innovative idea with a business model Based on: Re-use of public sector information Linguistically&culturally customised content

41 Cost shared projects Accompanying measures Type of action Demonstration project Feasibility projects Best practice, guides and standards, SME measures, Consensus Programme level awareness and dissemination Type of call Fixed deadline Continuous submission Fixed deadline Typical duration Up to 30 months (typically 18-24) Up to 12 months Up to 24 months (typically 18-24) Up to 24 months Number of partners 3-8 2-4 1-4 1-2 Typical EU contribution Up to 2.5 M € 50% funding Up to 200 € 50% funding Up to 1 M € up to 100% fund Up to 1 M € up to 100% fund Call 3 Project types and typical project characteristics

42 Call 3 Demonstration projects: AL 1.2 Establishment of European digital data collections AL 2.1 Partnerships for multilingual and multicultural content Accompanying measures: AL 3.1 Exchange of good practices AL 3.3 Management of rights for digital content AL 3.4 Dissemination of results Open sub-lines Fixed deadline : 21 st of March 2003

43 Call 3 Open sub-lines Continuous submission feasibility projects : 28 st of May 2004 AL 1.1 Cross-border information services based on public sector information AL 1.2 Establishment of European digital data collections AL 2.1 Partnerships for multilingual and multicultural content AL 2.2 Strenghtening the linguistic infrastructure

44 Who can participate? Call 3 Year 2003 Countries –15 EU Member states –EFTA Countries: Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland –Candidate countries (update on homepage): Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia (as of today) Turkey, Lithuania, Czech Republic (Being finalised) Romania (pending) without –Other countries and international organisations can participate without funding –Pay attention to eligibility rules = min. 2 participating countries! Organisations –Public, Private, Non-Profit

45 Good proposal formula WHAT ? – Clear objectives (commercial, technical...) baseline, proposed approach and methods, existing barriers and bottlenecks, risks and competing approaches innovative aspects and expected (market) impact WHY ? – Clear motivations “business” case HOW ? –Detailed workplan broken down into workpackages monitorable goals and performance indicators professional management & communication plan

46 By WHOM ? –Consortium description details of each partner’s competencies and contributions balance between partners For WHOM ? –Description of the targets of the action in connection with the project’s “business” case Results –to be achieved within the project with intermediate and final results with assessment and validation of results with details on exploitation & dissemination plans Good proposal formula

47 Lessons from previous programs Content –Unbalanced consortium –Lack of innovation –Objectives too general, baseline missing –Weak business plan Planning/management –Weak management plan –No breakdown into phases and milestones –Missing links between objectives and workplan –Unclear responsibilities –Insufficient risk analysis and fallback strategy –Vague exploitation and dissemination plans

48 Realities Up to now high oversubscription rate – current economic situation –Only excellent proposals will receive funding –Formally non-eligible (consortium + signatures + timely submission) and out of scope proposals consistently rejected New financial rules of the Commission –Joint liability – select your partners carefully!

49 — Study the documentation and the evaluation criteria thoroughly — Know the context of the eContent program — Follow the guidelines and use the forms provided — Focus on your idea and find the Action Line it fits best - not vice versa — Consult the eContent info desk in case of doubt, — use of the pre-proposal facility Remember to

50 Contact points & info Help desk Pre-proposals

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