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1/ 14 30.01.08 United Cities and Local Governments EC Project Supporting Decentralization in Developing Countries.

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1 1/ 14 30.01.08 United Cities and Local Governments EC Project Supporting Decentralization in Developing Countries

2 2/ 14 30.01.08 United Cities and Local Governments o Timeframe of the project: 30 months, 1/6/2010 – 31/11/2012 o Objective: To have strengthened local governments associations to analyze and dialogue with States and regional institutions in support of the decentralization process in three regions of the world (Africa, Latin America, South East Asia) Partners:  United Cities and Local Governments (World Secretariat)  UCLG ASPAC (UCLG Asia Pacific Section)  FLACMA (UCLG Latin American Section)  EALGA (East African Local Government Association)  West African Local Government Associations (ANCB, AMBF, AMM, AMN, AMS)

3 3/ 14 30.01.08 United Cities and Local Governments Target groups:  Regional Local Government Associations: FLACMA and ASPAC  Sub-regional Local Government Associations: EALGA, UCLG West Africa  30 LGAs in the regions of Africa, Latin America and South East Asia and their local government members. In Africa, the project focuses notably on the LGA of the LDC (Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Tanzania).

4 4/ 14 30.01.08 United Cities and Local Governments Activities undertaken to date:  Regional Chapters of Global Observatory on Decentralisation: web portal in final development stage  Prepare and hold Regional Workshops on Decentralisaiton priorities and Aid Effectiveness  Prepare Regional Reports and Action Plans for Decentralisation and validate them with 30 LGAs and Regional sections  Develope a System of Indicators of Decentralisation & Workshop to finalise a first trial version

5 5/ 14 30.01.08 United Cities and Local Governments Activities for the 2nd year:  Regional Chapters of Global Observatory on decentralisation: Bringing the new web portal on-line Building a network of political and academic experts (leadership)  Regional Reports on State of Decentralisation: Finalising draft reports and prodcution of 2 lobby documents (sumary brochure and full report)  Debate of the Reports and Action Plans on Decentralisation to 30 LGAs + Regional Associations: Actions Plans and reports debated, amended and aproved in annual Congress or Assembies

6 6/ 14 30.01.08 United Cities and Local Governments Activities for the 2nd year (cont…):  Prepare Preparation and Holding of High level Conference Ongoing lobby effort towards regional institutions of integration (EAC, UEMOA, ASEAN, SEGIB for Latin America) Holding High level Conference with Mayors, Ministers and High-level representatives from the regional integration organisations  Indicators of Decentralization and Local Democracy 2 set of 3 x 3 in country pilot trials

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