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Electronic Journal of Biotechnology Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Journal of Biotechnology Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries

2 the nature of science

3 Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries Original scientific problem scientific method Results explanation Publication SCIENTITSSCIENTITS SCIENCESCIENCE Scientists Educators Society Librarians ADVANCEMENTADVANCEMENT Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B KNOWLEDGE

4 general trends in science

5 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries The contribution of goverments to science advancement Why English is the official language in science? Why ISI gives international standards in science communication? Why the USA is universally recognized for its science? Why the USA is considered a leader in science, although scientific activity began 150 years before in Europe?

6 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries Access to scientific information for all International Council for Science (ICSU) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Conference on Science, Budapest 2000 USA National Academy of Sciences

7 electronic communication

8 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries Source: Global Reach

9 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries Advantages of the electronic format Distribution of information is instantaneous Times are shortened E-journals are searchable Hypertext and hypermedia Color graphics and photographs are not so costly to include

10 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries Threats to scientific electronic communication Low visibility of journals from developing countries Distrust of authors from the North to publish in journals from less developed countries Limited accessibility of the scientific literature Low communication with the broader public Financial constraints on widespread use of Internet

11 electronic journal of biotechnology


13 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries

14 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries

15 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries

16 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries

17 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries

18 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries

19 Nature of science Scholarly publications E-journals E J B Evolving a new paradigm for science communication in developing countries In order to reach countries without Internet facilities Electronic Journal of Biotechnology is recording CD-ROMs after each edition of the journal, which includes not only the new issue but also past issues. The browser Internet Explorer, with permission from Microsoft, and the program Adobe Acrobat are also included in the CD. In this way,only a computer with a CD driver is required to browse and read articles in HTML and PDF formats. These CD-ROMs are distributed to the least developed countries by UNESCO

20 F i n a l W o r d s

21 Thank you for your attention

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