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Tracy Settoon Fall 2012. Tree Campus USA is a part of the Arbor Day Foundation that recognizes campuses who meet criteria set forth in an effort to standardize.

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1 Tracy Settoon Fall 2012

2 Tree Campus USA is a part of the Arbor Day Foundation that recognizes campuses who meet criteria set forth in an effort to standardize the care plans for campus trees around the country. It enables exploration of broad-based ideas, processes, procedures, and manners of implementation between separate entities (students, faculty, facility services, and the community), which allows the exchange of information and open communication.






8 Attachment 1 Tree Campus Committee for 2012: Dr. Carl Motsenbocker, LSU Extension Service Professor, (225)578-1036, Mr. Reeve Legendre, LSU Student, (225)202-5612, Ms. Catherine Perino, LSU Student, (985)778-8602, Mrs. Tracy Settoon, LSU Student, (225)715-7506, Mrs. Denise Newell, LSU Facility Services; Office of Sustainability, (225)578-2630, Dr. Hallie Dozier, Ag Center Agent and Member of BR Tree & Landscape Commission, (225)578- 7219, Ms. Peggy Coates, Hilltop Arboretum Executive Director, (225)767-6916, Mr. Steve Shurtz, Baton Rouge Dept of Public Works, Landscape Architect for Baton Rouge, (225)389-3205, *Mr. Steve Shurtz is also the administrator for Tree City USA (for Baton Rouge, Louisiana) Dr. Fred Fellner, LSU Facility Services; Landscape Services Assistant Director, (225)578-8857, Mr. Dennis Mitchell, LSU Facility Services; Landscape Architect, (225)806-3178, Mr. Edward Bush, LSU Professor of S.P.E.S.S., (225)247-3184,

9 Attachment 2 The purpose of the Campus Tree Care Plan is to consolidate information regarding the proper care and the perpetuation of LSU's campus trees (such as: disaster mitigation, tree management, and recognition of importance). With our historic and majestic oak trees, Louisiana State University students take pride in having one of the most beautiful campuses in America. Under guidance from the National Arbor Day Foundation, LSU aspires to obtain membership in Tree Campus USA, a prestigious program that recognizes excellence in campus tree management and includes involvement from students, faculty, the Office of Facility Services, and the community. The responsible authority is Dr. Fred Fellner, Assistant Director of LSU Landscape Services, who will oversee the enforcement and management of the Campus Tree Care Plan. The advisory committee is assembled of diverse experience and knowledge, being comprised of students (who shall serve by semester and may offer an objective opinion), of faculty, facility management, and community representatives (who shall serve by calendar year, with option for renewal, and may offer subjective and insightful views and advice). The LSU Campus Tree Care Master Plan (over 30 pages) will provide detailed information concerning making appropriate tree and site selections, installation procedures, plans for fertilization, staking, pruning, mulching, and landscaping. It will also entail steps for irrigation, integrated pest management, best management practices, and divulging the aesthetic and environmental value of trees. LSU is committed to protecting our trees by utilizing and enforcing the Campus Tree Care Plan, which includes step-by-step preservation policies on construction, trenching, hanging limb removal, restriction of parking on or molesting of tree roots in any way by students, workers, or the general public. Our goal is to increase our canopy coverage by 1% or more in the next calendar year by planting and pruning judiciously. We have begun GIS mapping, and will work to further that initiative to have concrete, documented data with which progress can be measured. We will combine our campus Arbor Day observance with Spring Greening Day to capitalize on exposure and involvement. Whenever there is tree damage, it is handled with due diligence, expertise, and addressed in a timely fashion ( 001a4bcf6878.html). Steps are in place to deal with wind damage ( 3cda-11e2-a550-001a4bcf6878.html) also. Prohibited practices are detailed within the Campus Tree Care Plan, but summarily include the prohibition of any activity which would cause harm, directly or otherwise, to any tree on the LSU campus. The terminology contained within the Tree Campus Care Plan is primarily jargon used within the realm of arborists and landscape architects, and any special definitions or elaboration will be conveyed as used. Our communication strategy includes coverage for our campus newspaper, the Reveille, from University Relations, from the Sustainability Office's website, and on the LSU Sustainability Facebook page. Note: The Tree Campus USA application will be posted as well on the LSU Office of Sustainability website @ We plan to communicate activities that will raise awareness of trees value to individuals, the campus, and community.

10 Attachment 3 2012 Arbor Service (itemized sheet totaling $12,978.07) 2012 Arbor Supplies (itemized sheet totaling $37,356.72)

11 Attachment 4 Arbor Day was observed at the LSU Burden Center on January 7th this year, however, it will be combined with Spring Greening Day in April henceforth to bolster exposure and involvement. The information on the year's Arbor Day activity can be found at: aton+Rouge/Features/lawn_garden/Arbor-Day-Celebration- at-Burden-Center.htm. Additionally, it was observed at the Louisiana State Arboretum on 01/21/12 ( day-2012/).

12 Attachment 5 Just as we are applying for Tree Campus USA to consolidate tree-related information and directives, service learning at LSU is also being revamped for uniformity ( At Spring Greening Day in April, students not only learned about campus care and beautification, but also helped plant trees, mulch, and revitalize the campus (,, and At Campus Sustainability Day in October, students learned about spacing, planting, and watering-in while getting some hands-on experience (,, and e=1#!/photo.php?fbid=501108246574023&set=a.501108236574024.124117.282410278443822&ty pe=1&theater). There is a project going on at the LSU Hilltop Arboretum where students (through service learning) are GIS mapping trees and it it due to be finished in a few weeks. Pictures and media coverage will be available when it is completed (information forthcoming from committee member Ms. Peggy Coates).

13 Attachment 6 In an effort to encourage involvement and communication, Dr. Hallie Dozier (committee member) hosts a social media page:!/LouisianaArborist/info. She has also done seminars previously that would be great to revisit ( 1.html). There are other community outreach efforts as well ( ative+Tree+Growing+Guide+for+Louisiana.htm and borist-Workshops-2012.htm). From Dr. Dozier's email 12/05/12, "I conduct 8-9 professional arborist training sessions a year around the state for 750 state licensed arborists, landscapers and others. My annual budget for that is roughly $65,000." From Dr. Fellner on 12/05/12, "My crew's payroll is roughly $129,000."

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