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Eastern Partnership dimension: view from a transit country Andriy Chubyk, April 29 h, Pecs.

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Presentation on theme: "Eastern Partnership dimension: view from a transit country Andriy Chubyk, April 29 h, Pecs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eastern Partnership dimension: view from a transit country Andriy Chubyk, April 29 h, Pecs

2 Energy security in the EaP 8. The Eastern Partnership aims to strengthen energy security through cooperation with regard to long- term stable and secure energy supply and transit, including through better regulation, energy efficiency and more use of renewable energy sources. Provisions on energy interdependence could be included in the new Association Agreements or other bilateral arrangements between the EU and the partner countries. Energy cooperation should take into account the EU's Second Strategic Energy Review and each partner country's energy policy. 1: Enhancing framework conditions and solidarity (early warning mechanisms and joint security actions); 2: Support for infrastructure development, interconnection and diversification of supply; 3: Promotion of increased energy efficiency and use of renewable resources; 4: Regulatory framework and approximation of energy policies. UNDER EU ENERGY LEGISLATION UMBRELLA Participation of third countries (Russia, Turkey)

3 Priorities by core objectives European Union: -Energy efficiency -Regulatory approximation Partner States: -Mutual energy support and security mechanisms -Infrastructure development Little progress in all the four directions

4 COUNTRYCOUNTRY GDP 2010 (estimated) $ bln. Total annual Energy Consum ption, Mtoe Total annual Gas Consum ption, bcma Specific Energy Consum ption, toe/$1 mln. Specific Gas Consum ption, tcm/$1mln. CZ195,232 46,2 8,182218 41,9 SK 86,262 18,8 6,493237 75,3 HU132,276 27,811,320210 85,6 PL438,884 98,313,700224 31,2 UA136,561 96,357,650705422,1 Comparison of specific energy and gas consumption in V4 countries and Ukraine

5 Mutual energy support and security mechanisms What should be done?What is done? Bilateral mechanism EU- Russia: On November 16, 2009 "Memorandum on an Early Warning Mechanism in the Energy Sector within the Framework of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue" Multilateral mechanisms for early warning and joint actions on the trilateral basis (supplying countries – transit countries – consuming countries) Agenda for EaP thematic platform 3 meetings in years 2012-2014

6 Recommendation within Civil Society Forum of the EaP Development of a confidence building system based on information exchange to prevent interruptions in energy supplies - Energy Transparency Regime (ETR) covering the whole technological chain from production to consumption; online system for telemetric data; by mutual agreement of the Parties; open to third parties; no commercial or financial figures. ETR-Oil ETR-Gas ETR- Electricity

7 Producer (RU) Transmitter (UA, BY, MD) Consumer (EU) APPROXIMATED SCHEME OF THE ON-LINE DATA INTERCHANGE SYSTEM AS A BASE OF ETR-gas on-line verification


9 Support for infrastructure development, interconnection and diversification of supply What should be done?What is done? Regulation (EU) No 994/2010 concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply Unified gas supply system of the EU involving Partner States North-South energy corridor

10 The 3 rd and the 4 th core objectives long-term to be implemented dependent from the good will of the relevant Partner States governments Little impact on common energy security improvement Nuclear energy security Chernobyl | Fukushima-1

11 PostChornobyl and PostFukusima Europe: does it mean End of Nuclear Age?

12 EU-27 electricity demand (without Fukusima effect) EC DG TREN 2008

13 Thank you for your attention!

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