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Closing Opportunity and Achievement Gaps: Aligning Systems to Target Supports and Interventions for Students Most in Need September 16 th -17 th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing Opportunity and Achievement Gaps: Aligning Systems to Target Supports and Interventions for Students Most in Need September 16 th -17 th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing Opportunity and Achievement Gaps: Aligning Systems to Target Supports and Interventions for Students Most in Need September 16 th -17 th, 2015 Hosted By

2 Welcome Chris Minnich Executive Director, Council of Chief State School Officers

3 4 th grade reading

4 4 th grade mathematics

5 Welcome Rorie Fitzpatrick Co-Director, National Center for Systemic Improvement

6 NAEP Reading, Percentage of Fourth- Grade Students at or Above “Proficient” (1998 – 2013) Students w/ no identified disability Students w/ disabilities ( 6

7 Results for Students with Disabilities Do Improve with Effective Interventions Student OutcomeEarly Elementary K–3Upper Grades 4–9 Mean Effect Size No. of Effects Mean ES No. of Effects Comprehension.4625.0937 Reading Fluency.3411.128 Word Reading.5653.2022 Spelling.4024.205 (Wanzek et al., 2013) 7

8 Thinking Systemically to Improve Outcomes  Data Use  Knowing what data to look at…accessing those data…root cause analysis to make sense of the data  Knowledge Utilization  Selecting coherent/aligned evidence-based practices…implementing them with fidelity…scaling up and sustaining them  Systems Change  Infrastructure considerations…resource mapping and alignment…policies that support the goals  Communication & Collaboration  Problem solving and planning with diverse stakeholders, in the right settings, at the right time…and working together for implementation to achieve results 8

9 Welcome Carlas McCauley Director, Center on School Turnaround

10 Logistical Information  WiFi Information  Network: Hhonors  Promo: ccsso91415  Access Code: CCSSO  Materials Website  achievement-gaps/ achievement-gaps/  Summaries of the group and breakout sessions will be available on the website after the conference.  Caitlin Scott – Feedback Form  Breakouts  Please attend breakout sessions with a team member from your state so that you can discuss learnings together.

11 Un-conference Breakouts  An un-conference breakout is a participant-driven session designed, organized and led by attendees.  Un-conference breakouts will occur today from 4:15 – 5:00 p.m.  On the index cards provided at each table please write down any topic that you would like to discuss that is not covered by the agenda.  Turn in any index cards to the registration desk prior to lunch.  After lunch, un-conference breakouts and locations will be announced during Breakout Session One.

12 Un-conference Rules  Rule 1: Whoever shows up are the right people.  Rule 2: Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.  Rule 3: Whenever it starts is the right time.  Rule 4: It’s over when it’s over.  Notes:  If you suggest an un-conference session, please plan to attend that session and help to facilitate the conversation (you don’t need to be an expert!).

13 The Need for Systemic Alignment September 16 th 9:20 – 10:30 a.m

14 Moderator and Panelists  Moderator:  Carlas McCauley, Center for School Turnaround  Panelists:  Monique Chism – U.S. Department of Education  Ruth Ryder – U.S. Department of Education  Pedro Rivera – Secretary of Education, Pennsylvania

15 Multi-Tier Systems of Support for Closing Opportunity and Achievement Gaps September 16 th 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

16 Moderator and Panelists  Moderator:  Rorie Fitzpatrick, National Center for Systemic Improvement  Panelists:  Todd Wiedemann – Kansas Department of Education  John Allison – Wichita Public Schools  George Sugai – University of Connecticut

17 Working Lunch – State Team Engagement and Problem-Solving September 16 th 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

18 Workbook Questions  Questions can be found in the workbook on page 15  Has your organization undertaken intentional alignment efforts with regard to supports like people, programs, funding, etc. to address low performing students' needs?  How are the intentional alignment efforts, and/or key leadership approaches in your organization yielding the greatest benefits for your state's school turnaround work? Why?  What changes in national policy are you leveraging - or trying to leverage - to move your school reform agendas forward, and how are these efforts working (pro and con)?  How do you view and operationalize any associated differences between Priority and Focus schools (or those schools with comprehensive needs vs those with more targeted concerns, if not an ESEA flex state)?  How should or is a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) being incorporated into your state’s ethos? How does MTSS align with increases in rigor and higher standards?

19 Un-conference Breakouts  Please turn your suggestions into the registration desk prior to lunch  Un-conference topics and locations will be posted in the first breakout session  Un-conferences will be from 4:15 – 5:00 p.m.

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