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Danube - Black Sea Task Force for cooperation on water protection in the wider Black Sea Region 1 Philip Weller ICPDR Executive Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "Danube - Black Sea Task Force for cooperation on water protection in the wider Black Sea Region 1 Philip Weller ICPDR Executive Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danube - Black Sea Task Force for cooperation on water protection in the wider Black Sea Region 1 Philip Weller ICPDR Executive Secretary

2 Platform for cooperation for the protection of water and water related ecosystems of the wider Black Sea Region through developing: Project database and indicators for prioritisation of investment projects Financing mechanisms and facilitating cooperation between IFIs, bilateral donors and recipient countries 2 Purpose of the DABLAS Task Force

3 Prioritisation of Water Sector Investment Projects in the Danube River Basin

4 © MicpLFU Investments: 3.6138 billion EUR 4 Results: 197 municipal wastewater treatment plants in operation


6 Emission reduction in municipal wastewater treatment plants CountryTotal Projects Total Investments (Mio. EUR) Reduction BOD (t/a) Reduction COD (t/a) Reduction Tot-N (t/a) Reduction Tot-P (t/a) Czech Republic 14156.017010685647 Hungary9142.39,23120,1261,802442 Slovak Republic 741.61,1431,65029561 Slovenia15282.725,26542,4614,293709 Sum45622.635,80964,3437,2461,259

7 7 DABLAS II Project Evaluation of Policies, Regulations, and Investment Projects implemented in the last five years in Danube River Basin Countries in line with EU Directives and Regulations

8 Project Objective Assist the ICPDR in evaluating the accomplishments realised in the DRB, in terms of policies, legislation, regulations, and investment projects, implemented in line with the ICPDR JAP and taking into account EU water related directives, in particular the EU WFD.

9 Expected project results 1. Provide clear picture on: -the policy and legal reforms under preparation, -the gaps to be filled, and -the investment projects, which need further technical and financial support. 2. Represent the baseline for evaluating subsequent progress, the costs and the benefits at the national and regional levels in implementing EU Directives.

10 Scope of the project (1) 1)Developing methodology, guidelines and formats for the collection and analysis of data and information on: –implementation of policies, legal reforms and measures in line with EU water related directives and the ICPDR JAP –implementation of investment projects taking into account the operations performed under the DABLAS Prioritisation Project

11 Scope of the project (2) 2)Developing/revising formats of questionnaires to include municipal, industrial, agro-industrial, wetland restoration, and agricultural & land use projects) 3)Analysing and preparing summary reports and tables 4)Developing indicators 5)Revising ICPDR DABLAS Project Database 6)Test-running of database and presenting of results

12 Implementation steps (1) Analyse progress, identify gaps and propose priority actions to reinforce national capacities to facilitate the development of policies, legal and institutional mechanisms Revision of project list at national level (JAP):analyse results, identify bottle necks in technical and financial terms and propose necessary measures to facilitate implementation of investment projects

13 Implementation steps (2) Participation of national consultant in a one-day workshop instructions on the use of project fact sheets and templates Completion of templates for policy component Completion of a project fact sheet for each of the project by national consultant Compilation of all completed project fact sheets and templates by the international consultant Drafting of final report

14 Policy Component (JAP tasks) Reduction of pollution from point and diffuse sources Wetland and floodplain restoration Monitoring water quality and water quality standards Reduction and control of priority substances Prevention of accidental pollution events Product control, i.e. phosphate free detergents Minimising the impacts of floods Performing the domestic national water balance River Basin Management

15 National report on policy component Monitoring/enforcement of the JAP tasks Barriers to water-related policy and legal reform Schedule and implementation steps for the approximation of national water policies and legislation to relevant EU Directives Cost estimates concerning institutional and legal measures and direct investments that have been carried out to respond to new water related regulations

16 Investments Component projects implemented in the past 5 years taking into account type of project (technical description), investment cost, financing modalities and achieved results in terms of compliance with EU directives and pollution reduction (BOD, COD, N and P) projects under implementation or in pipeline, which are well prepared and do not need any further technical or financial support, indicating expected results projects in preparation, which need further technical and financial support

17 Project Fact Sheets Recommended Editions to the Municipal Sector 17 Preconditions, Preparedness, Financeability Feasibility study ready Guarantee provided for investment Share of household and industrial tariffs and expected Cost recovery from household/industrial tariffs Financing secured (Y/N): If No, Financing Gap % Sustainability Affordability of tariffs Achieve environmental targets: EU, Local

18 Project Fact Sheets Industrial Sector: selected fields Project Identification and Setting: Location Name, Recipient Body, TNMN Station, Downstream Users Industry Profile Ownership: Public, Private, Public-Private (%/%) Industry Viability Project Description Project Effects and Interactions Estimated Project Procurement and Cost Funding Scheme Summary of Project Financing Preconditions, Preparedness Sustainability: BAT, Achieve Environmental Targets

19 WWF Further information

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